Part 4: Kakashi Hatake

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My first time training with Team Minato was eventful to say the least. I watched Kakashi show a new emotion, actual genuine anger instead of his normal mild annoyance at Obito when they got into an arguement about Obito being late. Then I was surprised when Minato-sensei decided to have me spar him instead of with Kakashi or one of the other like I thought he would. "Alright, don't hold back, here's a few standard weapons, I remembered you said your weapons pouch is missing so I grabbed the standard issue on my way here." Minato-sensei said and handed me a weapons pouch that I took gratefully and strapped to my own leg. With a nod we took our places while the others stepped a safe distance away before Minato-sensei gave him the sign we were both ready before Kakashi called, "Go." 

I instantly put some distance between me and my opponant. I know that someone like me, even a prodigy, would never be able to beat Minato-sensei, judging by his reputation he is far beyond Jonin rank easily Kage level. But that being said I refuse to give up easily and if I am to train under him, Minato-sensei needs to see my fighting style to my best ability. He made the first move, throwing out a handful of kunai, each marked with the seal for his Flying Thunder God jutsu that allows him to teleport, he also threw a handful of shuriken my way that I easily jumped to avoid, while in the air I pulled out some senbon from my new weapons pouch and threw them at him with deadly accuracy, however their target was gone before they made contact. I landed on my feet with ease and was on instant alert, my senses on high alert. The almost indestinguishable sound of rustling fabric was heard behind my left ear and I immediatley rolled to the side taking this opportunity to hit him with one of my more recently learned jutsus not worrrying about how strong it is based on the wind justsu he just tried to nail me with. "Water Style: Great Water Bullets!" I called and released a large spray of baseball sized water bullets. Minato-sensei managed to dodge all but one in a quick recovery of shock, but I wasn't concerned about the injury when gave me an approving smile. 

He sent another wind style jutsu at me but I quickly countered. "Earth Style: Mud Wall!" I called and finished my handsigns just in time for his jutsu to slam into it. In my moment of distraction I managed to lose sight of Minato-sensei and soon paid for the mistake as a kick hit my shoulder and sent me rolling. I decided to pull out my previously untouched katana's as I rose to my feet, 'I hope I can do this properly the first time' I thought to myself before closing my eyes briefly to focus. Step one: focus chakra in palms. Step Two: Slowly spin chakra. Step Three: Push chakra into blade. "Lighting Style: Lighting Blade Jutsu." I called and crossed my arms dramatically in as I brought my blades down. Instantly two blades of visible lightining chakra shot at an incredible speed towards my sensei who only managed to dodge using his Flying Thunder God technique. I jumped forward as he appeared behind me suddenly, then ensued an incredible taijutsu battle. We went blow for blow, me somehow maintaining his speed only just barely and matching it. Soon we seperated out of exhaustion and I frowned. 'If I don't end this soon I won't stand a chance' I thought and sighed. One last effort I suppose. Each time he used the technique I took note of where each sealed kunai layed on the battle field. Soon I discovered his pattern in fighting me in relation of where I am. Taking some kunai out of my pouch I happily discovered it also contained a stack of paper bombs and quickly stuck some to my weapons before sending them towards my enemy. As soon as he disappeared I turned to the marked kunai I suspected he would appear at and sent a jutsu his way. "Water Style: Twin Water Dragon Jutsu." I called and for a second I thought I was sucessful only to be dissapointed when I realized it was a substitution jutsu and the real Minato-sensei is behind me judging by the kunai being held to my neck. 

"Very impressive, Asa." Minato-sensei said stepping away when it was clear the match was over. I smilled lightly wiping a small trail of blood under my lip. "Thank you, sensei. I almost couldn't match your speed. Hitoshi-sensei and I never came across anyone who cound outrun me and he even at one time admitted he wasn't sure that anyone was faster than me at all. I was very surprised by your speed." I commented and he smilled proudly. "I would be interested in seeing your speed beside the Raikage's. I believe with some proper speed training you would be able to use the Flying Thunder God Technique with ease and probably surpass me." He responded and I felt my cheeks burn under my mask. "Thank you, sensei. Would you allow me to take a break before the next step in training, my chakra levels are a little low at the moment." 'Only because I'm starving and don't want to admit I can afford food' I thought internally. "Of course, rest for the remainder of training, just observe us and get accostumed to my training styles and the abilities of your teammates." I nodded. "Hai." For the rest of training I rested against a tree and observed the others. I was impressed to find Kakashi's abilities beyond what I already expected of him and Obito also showed some rather clumsy but very powerful jutsus as well. Rin was noticably behind the others but with her determination I don't think that will be for long. 

After we broke up from training Kakashi and I fell into step with each other started walking home together. We talked about what I had observed about them on the journey but said goodbye as soon as we reached our doors. This morning I woke early and went to finish the paperwork with the hokage during which he provided me with a konoha headband and declared me an official member of the Leaf Village shinobi. Afterwards I returned home only to bump into my new neighbor and team mate. "Oh, Good Morning Kakashi." I greeted and he glanced over at me almost lazily, 'not a morning person hmm', and said." Morning, Asa. Where are you coming from so early this morning?" He asked with a yawn. I couldn't help but giggle at him, which made him frown a little. I pointed to my forehead where my headband was now play. He raised an eyebrow and nodded in understanding. "What about you, Kakashi?" I asked and he told me about some crazy guy from his class that broke into his apartment and demanded a race before dawn this morning, not releasing him until he agreed. I laughed at his explanation and we talked more about some of the other our age as we approached our doors, when we got to our doors I was surprised when Kakashi held his door open for me and gestured me to enter as we continued our conversation. I ended spending all day with Kakashi as we didn't have training today. We just talked and ate, me cooking with the seemingly random groceries I found in his kitchen. I found out he had quite the book collection and found myself and him spread out in front of the couch on a blanket surrounded by books and scrolls. I also managed to fall asleep sometime later and woke up in the early morning hours to find us stiIll sprawled out across the floor, our legs tangled together as our head were on opposite ends. I soon dozed back off with a smile on my face. I can tell Kakashi Hatake is gonna be in my life for a long time. 

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