Part 12: Old Friends (or Foes) pt. 2

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When I came to conciousness the first thing I felt was pain. Pain in places in my body that should not hurt. 'This can't be happening' I cried out in my mind. Opening my eyes I realized my mask had been discarded along with my other clothing. I looked over at the door we had come in, the only exit, directly to my right. I could feel his hands on me, him grabbing my chest as he....I snapped out of it. I summoned a strength I didn't know I had and found myself breaking through the chains. Rage and anguish powered me as I kicked the man back. He landed in a crumpled heap against the wall as I stumbled to my feet as my vision faded in and out. 'How could I let this happen?' I asked myself but I knew that this had been orchestrated. Someone was behind the scenes, pulling all the strings and setting this up. Making me think my team was there to protect so I let myself get captured. I spent a questionable amount of time pulling my clothes back on. Everything hurt. Bruises filled my body giving me the impression the man had beaten me before deciding to..... I had my hand on the door knob, ready to escape when a blinding pain shot through my abdomen. I looked down to find the tip of a blade sticking out of my stomach. Turning, I saw that my captor had awoken and taken advantage of my still drugged state to make an attempt on my life. I fought the numbness threatening to take over my body.

With a motion too fast for any human eye to percieve I took his head in my hands. Before he could even fight back I snapped his neck and turned back to the door. Opening it, I stumbled out of the house, using the path I had memorized on my way in. Soon I found myself back at the barn I had first woken up in. The blade in my stomach had luckily managed to not hit anything vital but I knew pulling it out would more than likely end in me bleeding out. I couldn't help but snort unhumurously a the memory of the kunai in my ribs from my first mission in the war. I found my weapons in the barn and rested for just a moment before looking to see if any of the weapons I had hidden on myself were here. The outfit I had worn when I got captured was a pleated lavender skirt and a black off the shoulder top. I had paired it with some mid calf length boots and opaque black stockings. I had hidden weapons under my skirt, in my boots, and strapped to my chest. All were gone when I woke up. After finding nothing in the barn I stepped out of it. I tried not to look at the corpses staring at me and instead headed in the direction I knew Konoha to be in. With so many seals in such a small area, I always knew where Konoha is in relation to where I am. I may not have enough chakra in my drugged state to actually use the jutsu but The Flying Thunder God Technique had saved my life again.

It was morning when I set off towards home and approaching dark now. 'I guess I'll have to stop' I thought to myself drousily. "Asa?" I heard a familiar voice asked and smiled. 'Or maybe not'. Kakashi appeared in front of me. I noticed he had been in battle, his mask was slightly off center and he was covered in a light sheen of sweat, not to mention the few scratched on his fore arms. "Are you alright?" He asked looking at me. I had eventually pulled the blade out of myself and used the little chakra I had to perform some basic medical ninjutsu to keep myselfing from instantly bleeding out. I was still not in good shape. "Home." I croaked and suddenly fell forwardds in his arms. Everything after that is just a blur of images. Kakashi and Tenzo looking down at me, both dressed in full gear. Muffled words coming from Tenzo's mouth as he showed Kakashi his hand that was covered in blood. Someone holding me to their chest as we moved, my head lolling slightly at the movement. Someone shouting outside my door as I found myself in a room in what is no doubt the hospital. The Hokage looking down at me with anger as he observed me. Kakashi sitting beside me, book in hand, looking absolutely exhausted.

When I opened my eyes, I was glad to find the only light in the room was the moonlight peaking through the curtains. I knew instantly I was in the hospital, having spent several days here after my first mission in the war. The next thing I noticed was the figure sitting in the chair beside me. Kakashi was holding my right hand in his left, using his own right hand to hold his book as he read it, using his ninja training to read his book in the dark. "How long have you been awake?" I asked, my voice cracking. He quickly put down his book and turned his full attention to me. "How do you feel?" He asked and I sighed. "Sore. Tired. Like I want to go home." I said and he sighed in relief. "How long have I been out?" I asked as he rubbed his hand over his hair. "Almost a week. There were a lot of sedatives in your blood when I brought you in. They weren't sure you would wake up, especially when your stab wound ruptured." He said and I felt a pang in my chest seeing how worried he is. "I'm okay though." I murmured and he looked up at me in relief. "You're okay."

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