Part 2: Konohagakure

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The gates came into sight as I stepped out of the trees and into the path. Several shinobi stood guard as expected. I looked them over as I came into view. "State your name and reason for entering the village." One of them called as she came to the gate. "I am Hisakawa Asa. I am here with permission of your Hokage." I answered with an authority that surprised the Ninja before me. Two of them were men, both with dark hair and dark eyes, likely Uchihas, I note. The other was a blonde man, blue eyes tilted up at the corners and a shinobi headband covering his mess of hair. Judging by his attire and the back pack he was carrying he was likely a jonin, possibly a scout, heading out of the village. I pulled out a folded document from the pocket of my black trench style coat. "Here." He unfolded it and looked it over as a grim look over took the shock on his face. "I see. I would take you to him myself but I am about to leave." He said handing me back the paper and nodding to the two ninja who were actually on gate duty, watching the exchange. I nodded and began to pass him and head into the village when a thought came to mind. 

I turned around glad the man had not left my sight just yet. "Are you headed to the border with the Land of Iron?" I called and he turned quickly. He hesitated before giving me a stiff nod. "You better come with me afterall then." I said passing a glance at the other two ninja watching our exchange with curiousity. His eyes hardened and I knew he figured out why. He turned around and quicker than a blink of an eye he was by my side. I couldn't help but be impressed. He must be the Yellow Flash. We said nothing as we walked to the Hokage's tower, choosing to wait for explinations once we were in a more secluded area. The walk didn't take long, especially at the pace we were going. It was early morning, two days since I had come across the massacre on the border. Few people were moving about this early, vendors opening shop and a handful of shinobi walking around as well as leaping across building tops. I watched with curiousity until we entered the building. 

"Enter." A voice called before my companion even knocked on the door. "Minato, I thought you had already left for the border." The old man stated. I eyed the Hokage as he spoke. His long white beard and wrinkled face did nothing to hide his age but the power radiating off him was more than enough to prove his strength. "Actually, I have some knowledge to share." I answered for him as the Hokage looked over at me. I felt him examining me. I knew what he was thinking. I am a child after all, only just turned six. "Hisakawa Asa, I see you have made it. Where are the escorts I sent for you?" He asked puffing on his pipe. "Dead." I answered and watched as his eyes hardened and the air grew tense. "Along with the scout teams that Minato-san was sent to search for. I came across them two days ago on the border. There were no survivors that I could see." I stated in monotone voice. The tension turned to dread as I spoke and I heard a some muttered words come from Minato, most likely foul language not meant for my ears. "I see." The Hokage answered. 

After a brief pause to absorb the information the Hokage sighed and decided to move on in the conversation. "I have not yet recieved your file, only the letter sent by your master. If you could please introduce yourself and state your reason for entering the village." I sent a not so subtle glance at the man beside me but the Hokage only gave me a faint nod. "Minato is a loyal shinobi, someone I trust with not only my lives but the lives of those in my village." I nodded accepting the words of absolute trust. Pulling off my jacket I allowed them to see my true appearance for the first time, well kinda. My dark trench coat had previously covered me from head to toe, the ends dragging the ground as I walked, the hood covering any view of my face. By removing it I allowed them to see my normal attire. A simple long sleeve black kimiono style shirt with a white belt wrapped around my waist, black stretchy shorts, bandages on both legs leading to my standard black ninja sandals, and most importantly the mask that covers my face. It's a simple mask really, it's very similar to an ANBU mask, shaped like a cat with the only markings being thick black lines around the eye holes and a single red tear drop under my left eye. 

"How old are you?" Minato asked taking in my appearance. "Seven." I answered curtly. I get this question often, as well as the 'Is that really your natural hair color?' seeing as my hair is startling shade of pastel blue, falling in thick ringlets that get lighter and lighter until becoming white at the ends. The answer is of course yes. "I was under the impression that your master would be accompanying you as well only on a later date. When should we be expecting him?" The Hokage asked, drawing my attention from Minato. "Originally Hitoshi-sensei planned to arrive next week but decided it would be safer to escort me himself when my escort never arrived. Before reaching the border we were attacked by mist shinobi. Hitoshi-sensei was injured badly by one of them so we agreed he would go ahead of me and wait on the other side of the border where we would be safe from such enemies. When I came across the remains of the battle by the border, I gathered some medical supplies and several weapons, seeing as I gave my own to Hitoshi-sensei when his sword was lost during battle. When I reached our rendezvous point I found signs of a struggle and a large amount of blood. I followed the trail for several miles before it was lost, I was hoping he had escaped and made his way here but, I see he has not." The great thing about a mask is you dont have to worry about concealing your emotions on your face. It is easy to speak of my journey with an emotionless voice but keeping the worry and concern from my face was impossible as I realized Hitoshi-sensei had not made it here. 'Where are you, Hitoshi-sensei? I hope your okay, your all I have left.'

"I see." Hokage-sama responded and I noted a flicker of worry cross his face. My sensei studdied under Hiruzen-sensei (as he called him) for many years as a child, alongside the team now known as the legendary sannin for some of those years before he left to travel abroad. After meating me in an tiny outlying village in the Land of Hot Water he found I had no one left to take care of me and a knack for doing things that only shinobi children do, like jumping from tree to tree or on top of buildings, climbing small cliffs that the other village children could never climb, being stronger, faster, and overall much more tough than the other children. He took me under his wing and became my sensei when I was only three years old. He became my family and I would be lost without him. Hokage-sama had kept up with him all these years and this news troubled him. "Well, as you know Hitoshi-san was bringing you here to take the Jounin exam and seeing as he is currently missing I will sponsor and enter you myself, just come back tomorrow after you've settled in and we will finish your entry forms together. Minato, your student Kakashi is taking the exam this year as well correct?" I looked up at the yellow haired man beside me in surprise at this information. "Yes, I was going to give you his paperwork when I returned from my mission." "Would you be willing to train with Asa as well in preperation?" Hokage-sama asked and I felt my cheeks burn. "There will be no reason to add that burden to your normal work load, I can train by myself." I said quickly to the man beside me but to my surprise he looked down at me with a closed eye smile. "Of course, I will train with you." The hokage smiled and clapped his hands. "Now that's settled, I have found an empty apartment near the training grounds for you to stay in. Here is your key, why don't you settle in and explore the village a bit before we meet tomorrow morning." Hokage-sama suggested though it was more of an order. "Hai." I bowed and exited. 

"Asa wait!" I turned to see Minato, 'I guess it's Minato-sensei now', following me as I exited the hokage building. "Hello, Minato-sensei is there something I could help you with?" I asked politely but he just smiled. "Actually, I was going to ask if you would like to get something to eat with me and my team? I'm planning on going to find them and let them know I am not going on a mission so we can train later this afternoon and I am sure you are hungry from your journey." He explained and I was temporarily struck by how thoughtful he seemed. Only Hitoshi-sensei had ever made an effort to care for me so having this stranger do so was a complete shock to my system. Realizing I had not responded I smiled under my mask and nodded. "That would be great. I do not have any money though, Hitoshi-sensei sadly had most of our luggage when he crossed the border ahead of me and it has gone missing as well." I said not bothering to hide the saddness in my voice now that I am no longer in the presence of the Hokage. Minato-sensei, who had begun leading me away from the Hokage building surprised me again by putting a comforting hand on my shoulder. "That's okay, I was gonna make it my treat anyway." He said and squezzed my shoulder before releasing it. I smiled up at him, even though he didn't seem to notice. 'The leaf village is even better than you said it was Hitoshi-sensei. I hope you can make it home soon.' 

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