Part 5: The Third Great Shinobi War

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It was four more years before war was officially declared. Kakashi and I did pass our Jonin exams togther the year I arrived. We became inseperable. Around the village people spoke of us with things like 'I never seen one without the other' or 'It makes sense if you think about, they're both such strange children' but we didn't care. We spent a lot of time together in silence but when we spoke we spoke with meaning. I also became close to Obito who always kept me on my toes, though Rin could never quite get over her jealousy over her feelings for Kakashi, but we did not dislike each other either. Two years afer I arrived the search for Hitoshi-sensei was called off due to the fact it was becoming unsafe for shinobi to be away from the village for extended periods of time. Minato-sensei was actually the one to comfort me through that. He also introduced me to his girlfriend, Uzumaki Kushina who I liked right away for her witty come backs and quirky enthusiasum. But today my life is changing forever. War was declared six weeks ago and I have been uneasy since and Kakashi new why. Though I am an official member I am not a part of the initial members of Team Minato. This means it would not be odd for me to be sent to war before even they were seeing as I am a Jonin with no real team. 

"It's going to happen today isn't it?" Kakashi asked as soon as he opened the front door to my apartment, over the years we had given each other keys so that we could let ourselves in as we pleased. "I've already received the summons." I responded staring out the window over my kitchen sink. "Hey. We can survive this." Kakashi said getting my attention. My stomach twisted anxiously but I forced my voice to become enthusiastic. "Of course! Just nervous to be out of the village for the first time." We didn't speak again and instead enjoyed our breakfast in silence. As I straightened my mask one last time, I shared a look with Kakashi and suddenly Kakashi wrapped his arms around me. I could count on one hand how many times Kakashi has hugged me and I knew instatnly he had the same feeling as me. "Be careful, Asa." He whispered against my shoulder and I hugged him back tightly before releasing him and flashing to the Hokage's office. Over these past few years I had perfected the Flying Thunder God Technique and though I had yet to surpass Minato-sensei's speed but more often than not I could match his speed with ease. 

"Asa. I think you know what this is." The Hokage greeted me and I sighed and gave a curt nod. "We have reports from an ANBU scout team that there is a scroll being carried across the border of the Land of Fire into the Land of Iron. I think you know the area. I instantly remembered the scene I had come across on my way to join the Leaf village. I nodded again. "The team has been called to retreat without reinforcements but, the team I sent out to reinforce them has been redirected to an area of more need on the front lines. Asa, to be frank, Team Minato has been nominated to join the war." I froze, not expecting this. No, I will not allow this. Kakashi, Obito, and Rin are too young to go now. They aren't ready yet. 'I'm not ready yet' the voice in the back of my mind spoke. "However, I have managed to convince the counsel that with your speed and fighting style you would be able to level the playing field and retrieve the scroll as sole reinforcemts." I sighed in relief. I am ready to do this. I can go instead of my team if that means that they get to stay here just a little while longer. Stay safe for just a little while longer. "You will leave within the next half hour." The Hokage finished and I gave him a short bow and started to walk out. "Asa?" Hokage-sama called and I froze, not looking back, "I'm sorry." 

Kakashi didn't leave my side the whole time I packed. It was silent but, exactly what I needed as I was lost in thought. He stayed just close enough for me to know he was there for me. "Asa." I paused mid step as I heard Minato-sensei approach us on our way to the gates. I turned and Minato-sensei surprised me by trapping me in a hug. I buried my face in his jacket and held him for dear life. "Be strong." He said as he pulled away and looked into my eyes. "I will. I'll see you soon." I said and just like that I was leaving them behind. I couldn't stop myself from sending one last longing but determined look at the two figures behind me. The journey went significantly faster considering my speed and the fact I only slept for two hours before returning to my journey, I made it around mid morning the day after I left. The ANBU squad was surprised to see me but did not show it when I arrived. Soon I was fed, rested and we had a plan in place. 

I marked each member with a seal and gave the two heading up the group each a marked kunai to throw on the opposite side of the river as far as they could. When the battle begin, it was just like I had expected. It was bloody, bodies were dropping instantly. As soon as the last of the enemy arrived into the clearing I received the signal from the ANBU captain. I appeared on the opposite treeline and unsheathed my katanas, these two weapons have become an extension of myself the past several years. I had killed half of the enemy who outnumbered us originally 30-15, literally eveninng the playing ground. 'Well Hokage at least you were right about leveling the playing field' soon though I was being corned and had to retreat more to my own side of the battle. "Lion." The ANBU captain called my code name and nodded to female ninja. I nodded understanding instantly that this was the ninja holding the scroll. I attacked her viciously. Sending a double wave of lightining towards her before adding a volley of senbon hidden within the attack. She managed to dodge the lighting but was injured by a handful of my senbon and instantly showed weakness from whoever she founght before. We went blow for blow, justu for jutsu for what seemed like hours before I realized that the battle was coming to an end and we were winning. I finally got a break when I managed to place a seal on her arm without her noticing. Then I waited and as she released a fire attack towards me I appeared behind her. 

I was prepared to decapitate the enemy but something made me freeze before I took her life. I don't know why she was different than all the others but for some reason, I paused for half a second and that changed everything. I did manage to cause some damage I knew would kill her soon but, she lasted just long enough to bury a kunai in my ribs before bleeding out. I fell to my knees as the last of the enemy shinobi fell. I placed one hand on the weapon jutting from my ribs and used the other to dig through the enemies weapons pouch and produce the scroll we were sent to recover. "Let me help you." I looked up to see the ANBU captain holding out a hand to me. He was taller and definitely older than me. "What's your name kid?" He asked, slinging an arm over my shoulder to help support my weight. "Asa." I gasped out, doing all I can not to verbalize the pain shooting through me. We quickly regrouped with the remaining members of our group. I couldn't help but notice we had lost four out of the fifteen we started with. We paused a good distance away to collect ourselves. "You made the right call in not removing the blade. Our medic has fallen in battle and if you start bleeding interanlly now you would never make it to the village." The captain stated and I bit my lip as he wrapped bandages around my ribs to hold the kunai in place. "You rest tonight and tomorrow use your technique and return to the village ahead of us." He suggested and I nodded before we returned to the group and soon found ourselves a cave to settle in for the night. I was left of the watch schedule due to my injury but did not sleep well regardless due to the pain. Before dawn the captain saw me off with the scroll. I gave him a short bow to show respect and was surprised when he gestured for me to stand. "It is I who should be respecting you. You were the only reason we survived that blood bath." I was glad my mask hid my blush and tried to make a quick exit but he stopped me by saying one last thing. "You know the others in the group have been calling you Konoha's Blue Bolt." I smiled a little before taking off as fast as I could to Konoha. 

I arrived at the gates just before mid day. I decided to drop the scroll off at with the Hokage before going to the hospital. Once I got in the village I found myself unable to use The Flying Thunder God Technique. My chakra being low and the slow and steady ooze of blood coming from my side. "Asa?" I heard and looked up ahead to see Minato-sensei and Kakashi walking in the direction of the training fields. "Hello." I greeted still clutching my side with one hand. "Are you okay?" Kakashi asked and I pulled my hand away from my side to show them it was covered in blood. Quickly Kakashi looped an arm around my shoulders to support my weight and slumped into him with a grateful sigh of relief. Minato-sensei pulled back the cloak I had donned to protect me against the chill in the air and noticed the kunai still logged in my ribs. "Oh, Asa." He frowned but I waved him off. Can you grab the scroll out of my weapons pouch and take it to the hokage please. Kakashi can you escort me to the hospital?" I asked and Minato and Kakashi both took their task very seriously and it wasn't long before I was being sedated so they could remove the blade. 

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