Part 14: Bounty

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I laughed lightly, letting him inside. "Well, that's what you get when I haven't seen you in two years. Come in, do you want some lunch? I just made ramen." I said and he nodded eagerly. "I knew it was a good idea to visit you before I met with Sarutobi-sensei. You always have something good for me." We walked into the kitchen where Kakashi was already pouring him a bowl and setting the table. Jiraiya greeted Kakashi like an old friend, which I guess we pretty much are, yet our relationship is a lot more complicated than that. I have actually known Jiraiya my whole life. Even when I didn't live in the village he would meet with Hitoshi-sensei and they would eat lunch or just catch up. If Hitoshi-sensei was my father figure than Jiraiya was like an uncle. Then with him being Minato-sensei's own sensei we began to run into each other quite often at home and on the front lines and became closer than ever. Since the war though I haven't seen him much. Only twice before the Nine-tails attacked the village and once more a year later when he had come to town to speak with the Hokage about some troubling news he heard outside the village. He wouldn't tell me what it was but, I knew it was bad.

"So I heard you had an...interesting mission while back." Jiraiya said after we finished our meal and made our way out back to enjoy the cool winds coming in. 'It's gonna rain soon' I noted looking up at the cloudy sky. "Yes. I suppose interesting is one word for it." I said, taking a seat on a little round circle of benches in the yard. In the center was an old fire pit that had seen better days. Jiraiya took a seat across from me and Kakashi joined me on my bench, lacing his hand into mine. Soon I had recounted the tale of what actually happened during the mission and for the first time I heard Kakashi's side of the story. "It looked like Asa had blown her cover. We saw her go down outside of the village and waited to see where the went. Then suddenly we were being confronted by a group of enemies. They informed us that they knew who we were all along, even calling me and another member by our actual names." I frowned. When an ANBU is identified by their real name on a mission that makes the mission much more serious. If a target knows your real identity that cannot be left alive or your life will be in great danger. "So we engaged the enemy. We were outnumbered 8-5 with Asa gone. The one who had identified us and one of his companions left while we were fighting the others. This gave them a head start as we were delayed by our battle. It took us almost a whole other day before we caught up and eliminated them. We were about to turn back towards the village when my ninja hounds caught Asa's scent headed towards Konoha. When we found her she didn't even see us until I was right in front of her. If anyone else had found her first she would've been dead." He explained and I felt his hand tighten it's grasp on mine. I looked down with a worried frown before using my free hand to squeeze his thigh comfortingly.

"Her stomach wound opened the second she fell towards me. Tenzo and I took turns carrying her as we were the fastest on the squad while the rest did their best to keep up and also protect us. Our medic did their best but she did not understand the damage happening to Asa's system the longer the drugs were in her system. She looked like a corpse when I brought her into the hospital. Hokage-sama actually sent someone out to search for Tsunade-sama but they couldn't find her in time. They performed a very risky procedure on Asa's spine and it's a miracle she's even walking now." He finished and I laid my head on his shoulder as leaned against me, as if the memories had somehow exhausted him to the point he couldn't sit alone. "I see." Jiraiya-sensei said looking down at his hands. When Jiraiya is serious you know that something bad is happening. "I've been hearing rumors. One of the reasons I came to visit today is that someone out there is looking for you. At first, it was a different name. Someone was offering a heafty sum for any information about a child, blue hair, green eyes, named Otsutsuki Koharu." the Otsutsuki clan is renowned as the oldest clan. Their raw power was beyond measure, the ability to control all chakra types is not unheard of but, the stamina and chakra reserves of the Otsutsuki clan was. "I was interested for obvious reasons and kept my ears open. Soon the name changed and so did the award. That's when I first heard your name as well as your title in the bingo book." I shivered unconsciously. The bingo book is a book of all formidable ninjas, rouge and villagers alike depending on where the book originated from. All three of us sitting here are in it. Our alias's, Blue Bolt for me, Copy Cat Ninja for Kakashi, and The Toad Sage for Jiraiya, along with our ranks and a vague list of abilities were listed. In some books a bounty is even listed for the amount a ninja's head is worth.

"At first I was unconcerned but then came the news that I dreaded the most. The person asking for information suddenly started asking for you. Dead or alive, though the bounty was almost tripled if you were alive. After that you became the main topic of conversation in shady bars everywhere. Finally, just before coming to warn you I heard a name. Onjin, or benefactor. A different person entirely so it seems. This one is offering a cut of the pay if someone did the dirty work of capturing you for him. He pulls the strings and makes the plan, all you have to do is agree to be his puppet. By the sounds of it, he's more than likely the one who orchestrated your last mission." He said and I felt a mixture of emotions swirling inside me. Most of all though, I was angry. Angry that I am finally happy and something has to come along and ruin it. "Let's go see the Hokage." I said suddenly, standing up. Kakashi and Jiraiya both stood as well. "I'll go ahead while you two change. When you get there we will discuss this." Jiraiya patted me on the shoulder before flashing away.

Kakashi and I quickly got dressed in our ninja attire. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you." Kakashi said as I looked over at him. I noticed that both of us had instinctively dressed in our ANBU attire, masks at our hips. "I know." I responded and we shared a nervous look before linking arms. I flashed us to the Hokage's office in record time. I found Jiraiya and Hokage-sama speaking in hushed whispers, a tense atmosphere letting me know they weren't just catching up. Kakashi and I had a seat and we explained what happened on the mission, both of our full accounts and then Jiraiya started to speak of what he told us earlier. "I think it is understood that this topic does not leave this room." Hokage-sama started as we all finished our stories. "How soon do you think you will be able to return to duty?" The Hokage asked me and I thought for just a moment. "The doctors said it would be at least another month before my vascular system recovers completely. However, if we were to encounter a certain sannin I would likely be fully healed in the next week." I answered and he nodded. "We cannot risk you being attacked while injured but sending you after Tsunade might be for the best." He muttered under his breath. "Are you suggesting she leave the village in her current state after what I just said?" Jiraiya asked in shock.

"Think about it, it makes sense." I responded, catching onto the Hokage's thought process. "The longer I am in the village the more at risk everyone else is. Especially with it being known that I am recovering from major injuries, I am putting a target not only on my back but on the entire village as well. It's in everyone's best interest if I leave immediately, find Tsunade then stay gone until I can find whoever is pulling all the strings." I said lost in thought. "No. Absolutely not." I looked over to see Kakashi shaking his head defiantly. I was in shock that he would act like this in front of the Hokage. "If you leave the village right now you would be giving yourself over to your captors." He said and I sighed. He has a point. "That's exactly why I am expecting the two of you to go with her." The Hokage amended and I sighed. "I won't ask you to risk your lives for me." I said directed at Jiraiya and Kakashi both. I was only met with determination as a response. "I have always considered you family, Asa and I will not let you do this alone." Jiraiya said in a tone that somehow made me feel like I was being scolded. I just shook my head in defeat before turning to my best friend and the love of my life. "I'll follow you to the ends of the earth." Is all he said and I just sighed. "Looks like we are going on a trip. I need a vacation from this place anyways." I muttered bitterly under my breath. 

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