Spending Time Together

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*You are walking out of the elevator on top of the base and looked to see Optimus at the edge

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*You are walking out of the elevator on top of the base and looked to see Optimus at the edge. You slowly walk toward him and stopped and looked up at him.* 

You: "Optimus? Sorry for interrupting you, I...was wondering...if I could...talk to you?"

*Optimus looks towards you and smile at you as he sits down at the edge still looking into your eyes*

Optimus: "Come sit here."

*Optimus motion you to come and sit with him, as you slowly walk near the edge and sit ten feet away from him.*

Optimus: "Come, sit closer."

*You start sitting closer till you were leaning against him.*

Optimus: "Right by my side."

*Optimus started to move you gently away from the edge*

Optimus: "Don't go to close to the edge."

As Optimus said this you started to snuggle up against his leg once more as you slowly closed your eyes.*

Optimus: "That's right, right by my side."

*With that, you fell asleep forgetting what you were going to talk to Optimus about as Optimus watch you fall asleep with a small smile on his face.*

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