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I stepped into the festive room, hiding my contraption under my jacket. Right in the middle was the 3 layer anniversary cake with a big "97" written on the top. This was going to be the craziest thing I had ever done. 

I scooted past chairs, careful not to make noise, though that was easier said than done in the dark room. As I reached the pastry mountain, my heart began to race. I took the catapult stand I had designed out from under my jacket and opened the legs, ensuring they all clicked into place. This was going to be the craziest thing I had ever done in my life. 

I gently lifted the edge of the cardboard under the cake and began to slide it off the normal stand, keeping one hand underneath and one hand off to the side. I then placed the free edge onto my stand and scooted it into place, perfectly centered just as before. I lifted the cake and the stand from the table and repositioned it to match where it was before, and then folded up the old cake stand and hid it under my jacket. This was the craziest thing I had ever done. 

I navigated my way back through the chairs and quietly opened the door, checking down the hall for any of the guards. Once I was sure it was clear, I walked back to my cabin, dropping the stand in the trashcan on the way.


I watched in awe as Chancellor Jaha wiped cake from his face. It worked, and what a beautiful sight it was. I looked at the crowd around me, and their expressions we a mixture of shock and amusement. I turned my head back toward the sight and was met by Jaha's glare. Well, shit. 

"We put up with your misbehavior when it was harmless, Freya, but this is the last straw." He explained as he signaled to the guard. He began to move for me, and I grinned at Jaha. 

"Can I have a piece of cake first, or is there none left?" I snickered at him as I held my wrists out to the guard. "Make sure it's tight, you don't want me to slip them and kick your ass, Soldier." I turned my attention the the tall, dark haired man who was zip-tying my wrists. A small smirk formed at the corner of his mouth, matching mine, as he turned me toward the door and began to lead me to the skybox. He had hardly closed the door before he began to talk.

"So why'd you do it?" He questioned.

"Whatever do you mean?" I feigned innocence as he chuckled. "I did it because Jaha is a stuck up prick who he doesn't  give a damn about you or I... someone has to humble the bastard."

"Why does it matter if he cares about the little guy? The majority is safe, and this ship is all about survival." He challenged.

"Does it matter whether or not the ship survives if the people don't get to thrive? This mission was only partially about survival you know; it was about surviving long enough to get a fresh start, so we can live better lives. We can't live better lives on the ground if we're all dead inside when we get there." I explained to him as he visibly took in what I was saying. I chuckled to myself, " alright, I'll get off my soapbox now."

"Where does that saying even come from?" 

"No idea, my grandmother always used to say it." I replied as we approached my new quarters. 

"Well, home sweet home for you, huh." He said as he led me into the cell and snipped the zip-tie from my wrist.

"I suppose so." I responded casually. He closed the door and began locking it as I asked, "hey Soldier, what's your name anyway?" His eyes raised to meet mine as I approached the door.

"Maybe I'll tell you when you get let out of this shithole." He responded with almost...warmth as he turned and walked away from me and my new home sweet home. I admired his strong frame, as he walked away, wrapping my fingers around the cold, metal bars, and a smile forming on my lips. 

His body disappeared around the corner and I turned away from the bars, taking in my new enclosure. A bed, a toilet, and fuck-all else. Amazing. At least I only had a year to wait until my reevaluation. I just had to play nice for a year, so I could get out of this, well, shithole was the perfect word. 

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