Chp 10 ~ English Essay?

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Fun Fact: Levi's greatest pet peeve is seeing pens lying around open. 

Just look at the picture... the anger on Levi's face is absolutely hilarious. That's probably his mental reaction when he receives an English assessment. 

Anyway, on with the story! Long chapter ahead!


Your POV

For two weeks of the five weeks I've been here, I was constantly teased and bullied by the group of popular boys. I thought I had put it behind me when I dragged Issac away from the gang, that they would reconsider their actions. Unfortunately I was wrong.

Whenever I was alone, they would conveniently be in the same place as I, to poke and stab at my self-esteem. Call me names, damage my books, purposefully spill water on the floor so I would slip. Most of the time it was just annoying, but gradually my self-confidence has begun to dissipate.

So now, I tried to stick with my friends as much as possible, hanging around one or two people when my group wasn't around. I started making more friends this way. In fact, from the first bully encounter, I even became friends with Issac, the antisocial freak.

Turned out he wasn't that much of a freak after all. Yes, he was very introverted, but he was a good person with good intentions. That was all that mattered anyway.

Someone bumped into me as I made my way towards my morning class, almost making me drop my books. "Whoa! Watch it!" I sniped.

The person spun his head around lazily, revealing a face I all too hated. Dusted bangs of blonde hair framed a freckled face, brows that were undiscernible sliding towards brown eyes. "What did you say, dolt?"

I regained my grip on my books and continued ahead, trying to dislodge the feeling from his gaze. He kept trailing behind me, a persistent reminder in the back of my vision. That was until Saviour Jean came over and shoved past him, earning a place beside me.

"Hey look, it's (Y/N)," he said, giving me one of his usual smirks. "Ready for today?"

I sighed as Jarrod turned away from us, heading in the opposite direction. "Since when am I ready for school?"

Jean watched the platinum-haired boy retreat, eyes conflicted with wary and disgust. "True. Does he still bully you?"

I mumble an unenthusiastic 'yes', quickening my pace ever so slightly to get Jarrod out of my head. He always had a room in my thoughts. At least by having him as my main concern, it cast me away from someone else. Someone who no longer mattered—well, I told myself that.

We headed towards Room 27 for English. I truly hoped Levi suffered in this subject; he deserved it.


Levi's POV

Rays of coruscating sunlight flitted through the long windows of the classroom, reflecting off Hange's thick-rimmed glasses as she stared at me. I glared back, annoyance already swirling in my veins. First period, first day of the week... 

"What. Do. You. Want."

Hange ignored my irritation; she continued leaning towards me from her seat, eyes gleaming. Her lips pulled into a grin. "Those eye bags look as big as ever. Did you even sleep last night?"

Two hours like always, idiot.

Instead of saying that, I gripped the back of Hange's ponytail, forcing her to stay where she was. "Those glasses look as ugly as shit," I retorted.

Four-Eyes blinked at me twice, being either she couldn't process the insult or she was simply surprised I said anything at all. Releasing her hair, I tsked and went back to the stationery on my desk, organised in meticulous rows. With all pens closed.

My fingers fought the urge to grip the two-seated table as I beheld a lidless pen; lying on Hange's side of the desk. She remained oblivious to the situation, somehow engaging in conversation with Erwin who sat behind. I clenched my teeth in frustration, still eyeing the pen as if it'd magically close itself.

"Hange," I bit out. She shrieked at something Eyebrows said. "Hange."

The crazy brat finally turned to me, dragging Erwin's attention with her. "What Levi?"

Do I have to fucking point it out? I thought to myself. Words squeezed out from my mouth, struggling to ease through teeth. "Pen. Lidless."

She covered her lower face with two hands, eyes unnecessarily wide. "Oh no!" 

Hange hastily shoved the lid onto the pen, before wrapping her fists in front of her in a prayerful gesture. "I beg you, Levi! I beg you! Please forgive me!"

Her overdramatic manner spiked up my irritation, and inwardly I wanted to punch the expression right off her face. Instead, I looked to the other side, in time to see (Y/N) enter the room with Jean, chatting and smiling. Now that was a sight I hated.

Not that I could do anything about it. There were boundaries I couldn't cross—boundaries I didn't want to cross. It could mean the end of whatever I am now, whatever the grade has formed me to be.

So I just opened my exercise book to a new page, waiting for the teacher to begin the class. But Miss Munroe only stood at the front of the room, her slender form concealed by layers of peachy, floral silk. Clasped in her arms was a stack of white paper, double-sided.

I sucked in a breath, eyes widening the very slightest as I thought the worst.

Once all students settled at their desks, the dark-haired woman smiled, cheekbones rising. "Welcome back, class. I have your assessment notifications today."

My heart plummeted to the bottom of my stomach, but my demeanor betrayed nothing. I had expected it would be today, however the fact still haunted me. English was the one subject I suffered at, and what I did bad in, I hated.

Miss Munroe began handing out the sheets, the clipping of her high heels the only sound save for the groaning of every student. I merely sat there and stared at the board.

In my periphery, the paper slid under my nose, black ink branding my weaknesses. Beside me, Hange whined the loudest, blocking out a whoop of excitement from Jean. Of course he'd be happy. The only person in our class who enjoyed English.

Our teacher clapped her hands together when she finished handing them out, face bright. "Okay! This term's assessment is... an essay! You'll all do very well—we've practiced this in class. It will be based on Shakespeare's play..."

I dropped my gaze to the notification, eyeing information at the top. Assessment format: Essay. Assessment date: 2 weeks from today. Assessment weighting: 25%.

Assessment here, assessment there. And I was going to fail. 

Unspoken Norms | Levi Ackerman ✔️Where stories live. Discover now