Chp 13 ~ Is He Something More?

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Fun Fact: If Levi were to play an instrument, he would play the bass-guitar.

Personally I think the piano fits him better... just my opinion. Btw this is a shorter chapter than normal - I had to split it so it wouldn't be like 2,000 words long.

Your POV

Time has flown by. Two terms have passed. It went quicker than I would've liked.

As Term 3 began, hauling along its assessments, the grade's excitement for camp was an undeniable truth. I've only camped once at my old school, where we went to some remote place to play various outdoor activities.

This year was seemingly no different. But aside from the activities, there would be study programs strewn throughout; alternating between outdoor events. Many of our grade had grumbled at the mention of the word 'study' when this year's camp was first announced to us.

Even so, it would be a good—


I jolted from my position beside the human-sized harp, where Erwin was plucking at the delicate strings. He halted his song to follow the cause of the noise, where Connie was sprawled over a tangle of music stands and drum kits, face stunned.

Hange was holding a pair of cymbals near the mess, laughing her head off. Next to her, Jean suddenly decided that the keyboard needed a detailed inspection, fingers dancing over the black-and-white keys.

Around the music room, the rest of the class turned their attention to Connie. Mikasa and Armin paused to behold the scene, fingers removing from the necks of their guitars. Eren stopped clanging his metal beater to the triangle, bright green eyes shining with laughter—if it was even possible for eyes to laugh.

"What happened here?" 

The rich, lyrical voice of our music teacher, Mrs Klomen, echoed off the walls, declaring her presence as she stalked into the room. "I thought you were all meant to be practicing your music compositions?"

"We were, Mrs Klomen. Until Connie tripped," Mikasa stated calmly. Behind her, Sasha put down her violin, eyes ravenous as they found intricate patterns of bread and cheese on the teacher's skirt. I prayed she knew the difference between real and fake bread, but judging from the famished expression on her face... I began to doubt her sanity.

There was a clatter of noise, then a grunt, before Connie got up from his sprawl, face somewhat outraged. "Hey, who pushed me?!"

Jean was now leaning over the keyboard, fingers tapping a few keys here and there. "Mmm... these keys sound... off. Is there something wrong with it?"

I chewed the inside of my cheek, a smile attempting to hoist my lips.

Mrs Klomen clapped her hands together, side-swept hair leaping about her shoulders. "Okay class! Get back to work! We only have about fifteen minutes of this lesson—use your time wisely!"

With that, music cleaved through the air once again; a coalescence of piano chords, guitar strums, harp and violin strings, drumbeats and metallic sounds. As I pounded the conga in time to Erwin's picking, I found myself zoning in on the song of a bass guitar, deep and electrifying.

I halted my actions to see who played it. Turned out, it was the one and only Levi. Drawn to the way he plucked and pressed the strings, stance casual, I watched him perform his song with effortless perfection. How does he handle an instrument so well?

"(Y/N), you're staring," Erwin reminded. Instantly, I snapped my eyes away, witnessing the smirk plastered on the blonde boy's face.

I shot a glare in his direction. "I wasn't staring."

Erwin's striking blue eyes twinkled. "Sure you weren't." I rolled my eyes and continued beating the drum, feeling my face heat ever so slightly.

Stop it. He hangs out with the bullies. He watched Issac get bullied without doing anything. 

What makes you think he is something more?

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