Chp 28 ~ What A Package!

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Fun Fact: Levi tried wearing plateau shoes. It is also said that he once wished to be taller.


Your POV

Jarrod collapsed to the ground, a few others rushing to his side.

Behind that calculated gaze, behind that physique and all, I knew Levi had some sort of skill in the field of sport or martial arts. But actually being competent in combat...

What a package, came a thought. Smart, handsome, skilled... 

I winced. He could've been injured by Jarrod's fist, could've gotten a bloody nose, could've gone to hospital and this is what I thought about

"What's all this racket?" a strict voice demanded, belonging to a teacher pushing through the rabble. Levi, Isabel and Furlan proceeded toward the door in some wordless agreement, the exit still crammed by students.

"Let's go," Eren said, right as Mr Quin appeared out of the crowd. Mikasa and Armin began heading out, so did the rest of my friends, but I lingered.

The Year 10 bullies gave the senior teacher a wide berth, all looking away as if hesitant to expose either of their friends.

Jarrod pushed himself up onto his elbows, somewhat dazed. For now, the side of his face looked fine, but I knew—from firsthand experience—that Levi's blows weren't the friendly, playful type.

"This guy randomly came and kicked me in the face," Jarrod complained to Mr Quin, fibbing through that dirty mouth.

I stepped forward, fingers clenching into a fist. "That's not true."

The grey-haired man turned his attention to me. "Excuse me?"

Jarrod's glare pierced holes through my body, but I merely focussed on the teacher. "He's lying, sir. He started the fight—except he picked the wrong one. Levi just taught this cocky bastard a lesson, is all."

"Language, young woman," Mr Quin snapped, shock etched onto his face. "I see you're trying to defend your friend, but right now you're basically asking me to give you a detention." I fought the urge to roll my eyes as the teacher again looked down at Jarrod. "Do you agree with this?"

The platinum-haired boy continued drilling his gaze into me, tilting his head. "No."

"Then," Mr Quin concluded, "you'll both meet me on the oval at lunchtime. I'm on duty today."


Levi's POV

Why the fuck is Jarrod and (Y/N)...

I rose from the aluminium table, unclasping my chopsticks. "Do you guys see this?"

"Yep, we seeing it!" Isabel exclaimed, perking up on her bench. "Is that Mr Quin? Oh no... he's strict. Very strict."

"I see you speak from personal experience," Furlan said, earning a jab in the ribs from Isabel.

The teacher was conversing with (Y/N) and Jarrod, his fluorescent vest blinding in the late spring sun. Both students were furiously arguing with one another, occasionally turning back to Mr Quin.

I had a feeling this somehow tied back to the incident in the assembly hall. But what was (Y/N) doing in the thick of it?

My feet knew what to do.

"Levi! Wait up!" Furlan yelled, but I continued stalking over the grass, dodging a flying football and a stampede of running kids. The two of them eventually caught up, Isabel on my right, Furlan on my left.

At the sight of me, Jarrod and (Y/N) stopped arguing while Mr Quin opened his mouth—

"What's. Going. On." The three people blinked at my cold, blunt tone. A tone suggesting you maybe shouldn't meddle with the voice's owner.

Mr Quin squinted his baggy eyes at me. "Is this him?"

(Y/N) nodded.

"Well ah," the teacher stuttered, "I-I thought he'd be... taller since he could perform such a kick..."

I shifted my eyes to him, daring him to continue. "Do you have a problem with that, sir?" 

"O-oh, no... not at all," Mr Quin said, clearing his throat. "Going back to your question... one has been saying that you randomly kicked him in the face, the other said it was in defence because he started it first." The teacher slid his hands behind his back. "Which is the truth, Levi?"

"The second," I answered, glaring at Jarrod. 

He was an arrogant bastard all along, but a deceiving bastard? One who would turn on someone just because they were on a different side? For all those times he called his victims pathetic... he'd been talking about himself.

Mr Quin turned back to the platinum-haired boy. "Then that's detention for you."

"W-wait, wait, wait." Jarrod held out a hand as if to stop a physical blow, eyes wide. "Mr Quin... you're believing what he says? What if he's lying to get himself out of trouble?" He pointed at himself, face boiling red. "I'm the real victim here!"

That was the most ironic thing I'd ever heard. The bully who constantly victimised students for so many years, just to end up saying he's the target...

The teacher clucked his tongue in disapproval. "You can say it all you want, but don't think I don't know the truth when both the victim and the witness agree on the same thing, okay?"

"But the witness could have lied too!"

"Tell me, then, what would've she gained in this situation? There's nothing for her to lie about." Mr Quin smirked. Smirked. "See what this is? You should all do law next year as an elective."

I started leaving with Furlan and Isabel, while (Y/N) headed off to her own table. But before Jarrod could leave, Mr Quin held out an arm to stop him going.

"Boy, since I'm giving the detention, you can either leave now and receive your punishment, or you could stay and listen to me. In return you won't be punished."

Glancing back, I saw Jarrod nod.

"So, about law..." Mr Quin began.

I was glad this was his punishment. I would say listening to a strict teacher talk about law during the entire lunchbreak would be much more of a punishment than detention. 

Unspoken Norms | Levi Ackerman ✔️Where stories live. Discover now