Chp 32 ~ The Formal Part 3

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Fun Fact: Levi is always the submissive one.

I'm surprised though... he seems like the dominant one... 


Your POV

I clenched my jaw and turned, feeling Levi stiffen beside me. "Get out, Jarrod. No one wants to see your bleached, ugly face."

The platinum-haired boy laughed. Truly laughed. "That's the first time I've heard you insult me, (Y/N)," he drawled, taking a step closer. "Any more compliments you want to give me?"

"Shut the fuck up, bastard," Levi snarled, voice near guttural.

Jarrod glared at him, playful arrogance fading beneath a cold mask. One that attempted to resemble Levi's. "Was I talking to you?"

With that, he dared another step toward me, smirking hideously. One more step—

My heart knew it. One second, he was there with his cocky grin. The next, Levi had surged forward, a hand subtly gripping the lapel of Jarrod's suit.

Teachers would've barely caught the movement, mistaking it for two boys sharing fun, little secrets. The raven-haired male bent into his ear—must I say, he only did so by tiptoeing—and said something that made him blanch. Actually blanch.

Whatever he said... it very much toyed with Jarrod's self-confidence.

Levi released his grip on him, that humourless mouth whispering a few more unsettling words before he turned to me. "Let's leave him alone," he muttered, gesturing to an area vacant of any disco lights.

As he left the refreshments table, I whirled back to a blank-looking Jarrod. Without warning, I stabbed the back of my high heels into his shins, dress slightly hitched up.

The blonde-haired boy immediately barked a loud curse, drawing the attention of nearby students and teachers. Someone stalked over; being none other than Mr Quin. Again.

"What's this?" he demanded, right as I smoothed out my gown discreetly. Jarrod clutched his shins in soundless pain, face blooming red.

I hoisted on an innocent face, eyes round. "Oh, Jarrod's really clumsy... he just hit his leg against the table." Nothing you should concern yourself about, Mr Quin.

Feeling the glare of a certain shorty, I strode away from the scene, catching the last of the teacher's words. "Well then, Jarrod, since you're slowly recovering, let me continue to tell you about my career as a teacher of law..."

As soon as I broke free of the attention, I sidled up beside Levi who took a small step in the other direction. "Don't do that. It's weird."

I bit my lip to reign in my laugh. He surely was adorable. As badass as he seems, he had a habit of landing in awkward moments. Especially with me. Rarely anyone would see this side of him.

"What did you say to make him pale like that?" I asked curiously, eyeing his stiff posture. Did I unsettle him? Or was it the dancing earlier? Whatever it was, if he kept up his unreadable mask, I wouldn't find out.

"I said...," he began, making me lean towards him, "mind your own business."

I blinked. "Did you actually say that?"

"Of course not, idiot. I didn't say anything."

He really was sticking to his resolve. Adamant as the ice in his glare. But—recalling the frequent blushing during the times he spent with me—there was one way to break the unbreakable.

And that was a featherlight peck on his cheek. I observed him as a teensy bit of pink burgeoned into a sweeping blush across his face.

"W-what was that for?" he faltered, trying excruciatingly hard to maintain his composure, his ground. But it was my ground now.

"I want to know what you said to Jarrod."

Levi managed to roll his eyes at that. "Fine. I'll tell you on the way to the bathroom." I kept up with his pace as we weaved through crowds of people, a mass of fabric and jewels surging and twisting to the sound of the music.

I caught the gazes of Jean and Mikasa, the former who eyed me suspiciously. I shook my head, using hand puppets to show two people talking. Except I think Horseface saw it as something else. I huffed out an exasperated breath, marching on behind Levi.

Without looking back, I felt a pair of amber eyes pierce the space between my shoulder blades. Probably imagining a knife slicing through me.


"One day, I'll find him in his bed, cut off his limbs and his tongue, then shove everything back inside his throat. That's what I said to him."

I slowed to a stop as we reached the boys bathroom, opening and closing my mouth in horror. "Y-you said that to him?" I furrowed my brows. "Look, I always knew there was something... dark about you, but I never thought you'd be quite sadistic."

Levi's glacial stare turned deadly. "Just to clear things for you, I don't enjoy maiming others. I see pain as a tool to use—if only to instil discipline."

My eyes widened an inch at his words.

I had to admit, there was something very earthly about him... something that restricted him to see the cruelty of the world and nothing more. Being cold and withdrawn, having a blunt manner of speaking, seeing pain as something to be utilised. It sculpted the way he was now.

Despite everything, I loved him for it. And so, I closed the distance between us.

Our lips met in a tentative kiss. An exploration of taste, of unfamiliarity, of love. I traced every contour of his mouth with my own, craving his surprisingly soft lips. He answered back with the flick of his tongue, a bit more uncertain than I was. But his desire was there.

I parted my lips to let him in, teeth clashing with tongues. Our search quickly developed into something passionate, my hands sliding from his torso to his neck. Levi wound an arm around my waist, bringing me close as our mouths connected with each sweeping movement.

He pulled away first.

"I need to go," he explained. Like it was any explanation at all.

"Go where?" I frowned as he turned his heel, stalking away. He chucked three words over his shoulder before disappearing through a door.

"The toilet, brat." It hit me the moment he said it. I puffed up my cheeks, feeling somewhat guilty that I chose to kiss him then. Right when he needed to pee. Probably wasn't his best kissing experience...

Unspoken Norms | Levi Ackerman ✔️Where stories live. Discover now