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There was a moment of weightlessness before Fen landed in Shan Yu’s arms. He quickly put her down and handed her the sword she had dropped down.
“Thank you,” she said, watching as Hayabusa flew up and pulled the rope off the wall with its talons. Shan Yu gathered the rope together and tied it to his belt.

“We have to hurry,” he said. Fen nodded and started to walk away from the wall. “You'll have to be quicker than that and don't run in a straight line.”
“Why not?”
“Archers can hit you if they know where you're running.” Fen hummed and nodded, it made sense.

Both of them ran, zig zagging across the open terrain and hoping to make it to cover before too many Archers could fire at them. Hayabusa screeched as he flew above them. The falcon was seemingly making the most of being able to fly again.

They were about one hundred yards from cover when arrows began to fall down on them. Hayabusa screeched and Fen dared not to look up from the ground in case she tripped while distracted.

There was a burst of pain in her left leg as she stumbled and hit the ground hard. Everything was spinning and she felt herself being picked up off of the ground. The world kept spinning and she felt a small amount of blood running down her leg.

“What did I tell you about running in a straight line?” Shan Yu snapped. He grunted as he set Fen down on the hard dirt.
“I can’t help being shot!” she protested as she blinked and tried to gather herself together.
“You’re hopeless,” he muttered before walking off and greeting Hayabusa who was unhurt. None of them had shot the falcon out of the sky.

Cautiously, she looked down at her leg. It wasn’t bleeding too much and there wasn’t an arrow stuck in it like she thought there might be. At least that was a positive. Using her clothes, she tried to clean the blood up. It stung but thankfully the arrow only grazed her leg; it could have been much worse. At least it couldn’t get infected. Well, Fen was pretty sure it couldn’t.

“Get up, we need to keep moving. If they send soldiers after us, we might not wake up tomorrow.”

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