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Hi! Thank you for reading this book and presumably the first one, Falcon's Wings. I hope you enjoyed them and I've loved reading the comments.

I'd like to give special thanks to JanetSara for all of their comments. You probably don't realise how encouraging they are and how much I look forward to reading what you think of the chapters so thank you. :)

I never meant to write a sequel to Falcon's Wings originally but I eventually did and I'm quite happy with what it turned out to be. Currently, I'm not too happy with the ending and it took far too long to write so the ending may change if you ever come back to reread this.

I'm also going to put this on Archive of Our Own now that I've completed both books. My username is LintheWriter so don't be alarmed if you see them on there too. :)

Again, thank you so much for reading this and I hope you've enjoyed it. :)

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