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Fen woke up on the hard ground. Her limbs were stiff. Groaning as she stretched her arms out, she realised she was alone. Panicking, she scrambled to her feet and headed towards the Hun camp.

It didn’t take long to spot Shan Yu tending to one of the horses; she was relieved he hadn’t left her behind or something along those lines. Slowly, Fen approached them, she had never been too close to a horse before.
“We lost all of our horses too,” he said quietly without looking away from the black horse. It’s hoof was pawing at the ground and its tail was swishing back and forth. “Some of the men would have known them all of their lives and they’re all gone. We all learn how to ride a horse before we can even walk, some men might have learned that on their horses and now… now they’re all gone.”

Nervously, she looked at the horse and was reminded of just how many soldiers there were and from what she remembered, they all had horses. That was a lot more lives lost.
“He can tell you’re nervous,” he said, finally looking at Fen.
“He can?” she said with wide eyes.
“Yes,” said Shan Yu. “Offer your hand out to him.” She looked at him for a moment before holding her hand out. The stallion sniffed her hand and the pawing stopped. Shan Yu watched with curiosity.

“I was worried,” she said to Shan Yu as she stepped away from the horse. She definitely felt a lot less nervous around him. “When you weren’t there, I thought maybe you’d left or something. I… I don’t know, it feels stupid now.” Fen looked down at the floor. She was scared he had left her now he was with the other Huns.
“I have no reason to leave you behind.” He said it simply and bluntly as he looked at her.

“I doubt the others are fond of me,” she muttered. “Maybe that would be a reason.”
“A very stupid reason,” said Shan Yu as he took a step away from the stallion. “If Odsar, the stubborn woman that she is, can accept you, the others will too with time. They are all still grieving too, they are more concerned with the deaths in their family than the little Chinese girl their leader came here with.” She knew he was right, most of them were more concerned with mourning than paying any attention to her.

“Besides, I have spent far too much effort in keeping you alive to leave you here to fend for yourself, it would be a waste,” he said with a smirk as Hayabusa flew down and perched on his hand. She could tell that he was saying it to irritate her but it didn’t irritate her any less.
“I saved your life as well,” she pointed out in retaliation. He just laughed and Fen shook her head.

Hearing a shriek not too far away, the two of them exchanged a look before silently agreeing to see what was happening.

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