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When Fen woke in the morning, she was greeted with the sweet smell of breakfast. Shan Yu was not beside her and part of her was glad. She needed to think about the information she had been told the night before. It was a lot.

She smiled as Lian handed her breakfast. Fen thanked her and sat beside her. Shan Yu was nowhere inside of the home and neither was Lian's husband. She assumed that Shan Yu was helping with something outside.

"Thank you," said Fen, once she had finished breakfast. "You are a very good cook. I want to thank you for letting us stay here too. The rest is greatly appreciated."
"It's not a problem," she said with a smile. "Shan Yu helped Jin with the wolves that keep coming for our chickens and our other animals, it's only fair we help you in return."
"I guess," said Fen. She smiled at Lian as she picked up her child. "But you didn't have to so I'll thank you anyway." Lian smiled back.

She still had her doll. The one Shan Yu had given back to her multiple times. She had sort of forgotten about it lately, she didn't feel attached to it anymore, not like how she once had. Pulling it out, she held it in her hands and hugged it tight for a moment.

"Lian, this might not seem like much but I have a doll. It's kind of dirty but it means a lot to me," said Fen. "I want... I want your child to have it. I know it's not much but it was a family thing, I had it from my mother who had it from her mother. With everything I've been through, part of me wants to just leave everything behind and run from it all and this... I guess this ties me back."

She held out the doll to Lian. Lian smiled as she carefully took the doll from her hands. Despite everything, it was still in fairly good condition. It was just dirty.
"I'm sure they'll love it once I clean it up a bit," she said as she looked at the doll. "I don't know what's happened to you, it doesn't sound good, but I hope you can find some sort of peace and happiness in the future. You seem nice and I really wish you the best."
"I hope the same for you and your family," said Fen, smiling back at the kind woman.

She took a step back. "I'm going to see if I can find Shan Yu. In case I don't see you again before we leave, thank you, again. I hope you and your family stay safe." Lian nodded and watched as Fen left.

The air outside was cold compared to their house but Fen didn't mind. She could see Shan Yu walking towards them with Jin. She walked towards them and they met in the middle.
"Are you ready to leave?" he asked.
Fen glanced back at the house, where Jin had carried on walking to, and nodded. "Yes, I am."

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