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While Fen was offered a separate place to sleep, she still ended up sleeping beside Shan Yu. She had gotten used to it and sleeping alone in a strangers house was scary enough without being alone.

“Are you still awake?” she heard.
“Yes,” Fen said quietly. “It feels strange sleeping inside again.” Fen had missed sleeping inside where it was warm. It wasn’t likely to get suddenly cold or start raining or snowing. “I’ve missed it.”
“I don’t miss it,” he said. “But I am grateful for somewhere warm.” She smiled to herself. For some reason, she hadn’t thought that would be how he felt.

The two of them lay there, both still awake during the late hours of the night.
“How is your leg?” Shan Yu asked. “Your hand is better, isn’t it?”
Fen hummed, she wasn’t expecting that either. “My hand has been better for quite a few days and my leg isn’t that bad now. I’m not worried about it getting infected either, it’s scabbed over.”
“That’s good.”

“Is your side better?” she asked. She had thought about it a lot, he had gotten a few fatal injuries and yet he was still alive. He had been covered in snow and had his side slashed open and Shan Yu was still alive.

“How did you even survive that?” she asked before yawning. Closing her eyes, she hoped she didn’t fall asleep on him. “No other human I know or knew could even survive half of that.”
“I’m good at surviving,” he said, chuckling a little. “And you’re right.”
“Right?” repeated Fen.
“No one completely human could survive all of that,” he said. “They would have lost too much blood.” Fen hummed as she heard what he said.

“Wait, what do you mean?” she asked, opening her eyes. She turned to look at him. “How are you not human?”
“One of my parents was a demon, the other was human,” he said slowly, laughing a little at the question.
“But…” Fen trailed off and tried to think. It did explain his eyes and how he kept surviving. He wondered if his odd and magical bond had anything to do with it.

This man kept giving her answers she was not prepared for.

“Are you going to hurt me?”
She could see him shaking his head. “No more than I already have.”
Fen stared at him. “You murdered my family and ruined my life.”
“From what I gather, you didn’t like your life,” he muttered.
“I did like my family.”
“I meant that I will not hurt you now,” he said, correcting himself. “Not on purpose.”

Fen yawned again. “I need to sleep on this,” she whispered to herself as she lay on her back and closed her eyes. She heard Shan Yu laughing.
“Sleeping sounds like a good idea.”
“Yes, it does,” she said. “Goodnight.”
He grinned. “Goodnight.”

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