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The wedding was going to happen rather soon and Fen found herself rather excited. While it would be difficult to have a Chinese wedding, Fen found herself not minding too much. A Chinese wedding would be out of place among the Huns, more so than a Chinese woman marrying the leader of a Hun tribe.

Shan Yu had mentioned that Odsar and her children were planning some sort of feast. Like at home, the wedding clothes were colourful and bright, and nothing like what either of them were used to wearing. Admittedly, Fen had missed the more colourful clothes she used to wear.

“Usually, there would be a lot of gifts given, airag is mixed and khadags given. White horses among furniture and utensils,” Shan Yu explained. Fen nodded, it was sort of similar to back at home with the gift giving and and he explained further, it had some similarities with a matchmaker, or in this case it would have been two, going back and forth. In this case, it should have been to make sure the bride’s family consented and supported the couple, rather than trying to convince the families that it was a good idea. “Usually you would ride a white horse from your family’s ger to ours, crying to show how you didn’t want to leave your family.”

Since it was hard for the families to give gifts in this case, gifts would be given by various members of the tribe as well as Odsar and her family. The traditions involving family were the hardest to stick to. There would be a feast and Fen would be officially able to live with Shan Yu. She was rather excited for it, even though she had slept in the same ger as him every night. For the night before the ceremony, she would be sleeping in a separate ger, alone, which was a strange thought to her.

Fen had never expected to be so excited over marrying the leader of the Huns, and yet she was. She smiled to herself as she lay next to han Yu. His arm wrapped around her and pulled her closer to him as she closed her eyes.

“You're freezing,” he muttered. Fen laughed as she rested her head on his chest.
“I'm still not that used to how cold it is here,” she mumbled.
“I’ve noticed.” It was true, she was colder at night now and she was glad for the warmth in the ger and the warmth from Shan Yu.

She shifted, trying to get more comfortable.
“When are we getting married?” she asked. Everyone seemed to be preparing for it but she couldn’t remember anyone saying a specific day.
“I’m not sure,” he said honestly. “It will be on a good day.”

“Is there a good day next week?” she asked.
“You sound eager.”
“Well,” she said, shrugged as well as she could. “I don’t really see the point in waiting if everyone is preparing for it.”
“You have a point,” he said. “I’ll see if we can have it as soon as possible then.”
“Thank you.”
“I want it to happen soon too,” he said quietly and Fen smiled.

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