Chapter Twenty Three

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"So you have no idea what happened after the flash of light?" I ask Bo. After Atum vanished, I couldn't help but investigate about what actually happened here, since there was a possibility that he could be right. It's slim but it's feasible. And I'm no fool. I won't miss any plot holes. Even if it's coming from Bo. Though, I don't believe he would lie to me. I mean why would he? What's the point of it?
He hesitates to answer, thinking back over the past events, as if trying to set his story straight. I need to chill. I'm reading too far into this. Bo is not lying to me. Atum is crazy. And he needs to be killed.
Or does he?
If only he'd choose my side. Turn to the moon. He could join me and maybe....
I can't bear to finish that sentence. I shouldn't put hope where none should be. He's just like me. Set in our way. Unwilling to change for our loyalties lie with our birthright. Even if love got in the way, we wouldn't change. We can't turn against everything we've known just for some teenage love. I just need to trust that and move on, away from whatever I thought we had. That's foolish and I can't afford to to be foolish. It's time to kill him and finish this war once and for all. Starting with Bo's information.
"Well not really. I couldn't see much through the big flash of light. It was pretty blinding. If I hadn't closed my eyes I'm not sure if even be able to see you right now and what a waste that would be. I'm just glad-"
I hold up a hand, stopping him mid sentence. Now he's just rambling as if he's trying to cover up something. What if Atum was not wrong? What if he was correct and Bo isn't just a human? He could be some kind of soldier sent from the nature gods. But they usually stay out of these things, I can't fathom why they'd want to interfere now. Or why they'd send a warrior and not inform the Atum or myself. If he is here for ulterior motives then what does he want? I end my thinking there, and put a stop to whatever following thoughts are to come. I'm going to put an end to this right now.
"Bo, what I'm about to ask you isn't... great. Just for my own state of mind I have to do something and it's not going to be easy for you."
"Sure anything." Theres that eagerness again. Always there waiting to agree with me on anything and everything.
My arm slings around the back of my lime green lab chair, subconsciously. My legs shift too, crossing and uncrossing, trying to make this situation less uncomfortable than it is. I feel very uneasy, asking him of this. I know I won't like seeing him in pain but I also know I have to ask. For his sake I do.
"I have to cut you."
He stutters, cutting his words off before they begin. It doesn't help the awkwardness that he doesn't even know how to respond. How could anyone know what to say to that is beyond me.
"Why exactly?"
"To prove that you're human."
"You don't believe me?"
I sigh.
I wasn't expecting this conversation to turn this direction. I hate feelings talks and I have a suspicion it's about to head down that path.
"It's not about that Bo. I just have to be positive. I have to prove it. I can't be one hundred percent sure unless I see it with my own eyes."
He blinks in disbelief, as if I was already cutting him.
"You don't trust me."
"No, Cresta. Whatever. Do what you have to do. You'll see soon enough that you should've put faith in my words. I'm not a liar. Especially not to you." He mutters, avoiding my eye contact and staring at the floor like a scolded child. It's my turn to blink rapidly now. I can't believe I hurt him that much just by saying what I did. Still though, that won't stop me from doing what I have to do. It's not that I'm contradicting him. I just can't explain it. I have to know. It's necessary.
"Sorry." I mumble, before whipping out my obsidian knife from my combat boot. It slides right out of the strap in which it straddled, and right into my hand where it's supposed to be. The tiny action brings back memories from when Bo wasn't here. Before when the only thing I was worried about was defeating the sun warriors. And now, I have the human to look after and things to sort out with Atum. It's ironic really. This is the knife I planned to use to kill Atum. Relief comes with the thought of knowing that he won't have to see this dagger speared through his chest. The thought isn't even worth my time. It's dismissed before I can even ponder it. I've no intention of letting Atum die at my hands. It should feel good to finally admit to myself that I can't kill him, but it unsettles me instead.
Bo watches me intently, as I peer at him before glaring down at his open palm resting on my knee. I don't bother to remove the contact. I've hurt him enough for now. Besides it's not all bad.
The only bad thing is the sound of the sharp blade slicing through the layers of skin on his fleshy hand. They split individually, before giving way to the blood. Unfortunately before I can see any red human blood seep out, my knife clambers to the floor, which I immediately stoop to retrieve. When my head pops back up, Bo's hand is clamped over the one I cut.
"What are you doing? Give me your hand." I demand, holding my own out to grab his. He seems hesitant which only makes me more suspicious of what he's hiding. It's odd that he's trying to cover up the one thing that can prove to me that he's indeed what he says. "Bo. Let me see your hand."
His brown eyes stare back into mine, guarded. I can't tell if it's because he's still hurt from earlier or if there's another reason. Ever since Atum spoke of Bo being off before, I can't deny that I've noticed him acting strangely. If that's skepticism, or foolishness I'm not sure.
Nevertheless, he reveals his bleeding hand to show me the crimson liquid soaking the skin around the wound. I can't help but feel relieved.
He is human.
"Happy?" He asks rhetorically, clearly upset that I didn't trust him in the first place, thought I'd certainly had reason to. But despite that, I also had reason to trust him. He'd been nothing but kind to me since I'd met him and he was right to be hurt. But that's what I do. I hurt people. I'm like poison.
I hurt Atum, I hurt Moona, and I even hurt Bo.
For once in my life, a transparent tear trickles a wet path down my cheek. It's an odd feeling, crying. I can't exactly tell if it's from pain of injuring everyone I meet, or if it's pure relief of him being human. I know the answer but I don't want to confess.
Bo sees me out of the corner of his eye and Instantly drops his cold demeanor, enveloping me in a warm hug.
Two more unknown things that are completely foreign to me.
Warmth. I've never been warm before, since I don't go out in the sun and everything and I'm made from the moon which comes out at night and the night is cold. Just like me. I'm a creature of the night. I'm not meant to be cozy warm.
And the other, hugs.
I'm a villain.
I don't Hug.
I rarely have any sort of contact with any other beings, much less have any sort of affectionate touch.
In Bo's arms I feel different.
I feel... like a person. Not a warrior.
This is the thought that allows me not to pull away when Bo presses his lips to mine.

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