Kata Wareji (GxG)

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(Y/N) was always fascinated to the girl across her building. She never got a chance to get out of her room because of reasons, and the people outside her room. They are not that bad, in fact they are the reasons why she is feeling better in any day. The day she got here seems worst to her condition but she doesn't care as long as she got to get out of here and see her sweet Dog again that she named Sparkle.

The dog's fur is just black with white on it's chest and she has no idea why would she name the dog Sparkle. The name just came through her mind actually when she receive him. Probably the only thing that was on her mind is the song from "Your Name" that's why she named him that. (a/n: actually, I have a dog that is black and has white on his chest and I didn't name him Sparkle.) it just she loves that dog dearly, and she never want it dead unlike the last one.

Anyhow, she met the girl on the other side when she decided to play some songs when her father went down to get a few things. It was 3 day before she got discharged, and the song choice that she has is 'Kata Wareji', she has nothing to do but to open one window sill next to her and almost got blinded by the sun light, but what almost lost her sight is the girl on the other side of the building.

She has white like colored hair, or was it platinum blonde, that tied into a side ponytail and her piercing blue eyes, button nose that scrunch up when her eyes read a certain word from the novel she has, and pale smooth skin. she was pretty, no scratch that. That word is an understatement to her beauty right now. She gulped when she saw her and it made her envious, cause you never got to see someone like this. Then the blonde felt and uncomfortable gaze on her side profile and look at (Y/N)'s direction, the (H/C) haired female panic and close the window. Unknown to her, the blonde smiles warmly and shakes her head and continues to read her book. (Y/N) gathers up her courage to slightly open her sill. The blonde girl notice her again, and glance at her with a warm look in her face. The blonde smiled at her and wave at her as a greeting.

Slightly, (Y/N) smiles giddily and wave at her.

(A/N: That actually happened to me, when I was in the hospital for like 5 days. The girl was like on the other side of the building, and I was so entrailed by her. And yo, that's only that happened. She waved at me, I wave back then done and the music I was playing is Kata Wareji. Never got her name though.

But I have a dog that is black and has white on his chest, his name is Thunder not Sparkle.

~Not-so-Everlark2K18 signing out!)

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