Breakfast On Bed (G!P) SMUT

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(A/N: Might have an adult scene. Sorry y'all. I can't help it. This Goddamn Quarantine is messing me up! Bitch let me die!)

Waking up on the sound of something cooking on (Y/N)'s apartment definitely made her wonder who's cooking at this time. As she begins to stir from her slumber, she taps the remaining space of her bed noticing a cold empty lot on it. She sigh, and slightly opens her eyes before standing up on her bed, put her boxers on and making her way down the kitchen.

Only to see her blonde girlfriend's naked butt and she's appears to be wearing a orange apron up front. She bites her lips before wrapping her arms around her slender waist. "No, you're not suppose to wake up yet." She groan making the (H/C) haired female laugh at her comment, she kissed her cheeks and rest her chin on the blonde's shoulder.

"Morning to you too." She said.

Elsa grins, "Morning." She says. "How's your sleep, darling?" She asked the (H/C) haired woman. In response, her girlfriend continues to pepper her shoulder and neck with kisses earning a light moan from the blonde. "It was good, but you weren't there when I opened my eyes." (Y/N) answered.

"Sorry, love. I got hungry and I need to cook you and I some breakfast in bed." Elsa explains while tilting her head to the side which gain more access to the (E/C) eyed woman's assault, when Elsa release a moan, (Y/N) could've sworn she has a morning wood coming.

"Well you don't need to do that. Your already breakfast on Bed, love." She husk and nibbles her earlobe. Elsa puts down the spatula that she has and face (Y/N) and grab both of cheeks with her hand and pulls her face closer to hers and kiss her lips. Elsa gasp when she felt (Y/N)'s hands travel from her waist to her ass as she gives it a slight squeeze making the blonde whimper.

Her lover cut off the kissing and travels her lips to her neck, Elsa whimpers when she felt something hard in between her girlfriend's leg which cause her to shiver. She's definitely enjoy this small make out session that she's having with her, but until she smell something.

Something burning, "Oh shit." she broke off her pleasure and glance at to the now burnt eggs. "shit, shit, shit!" She mutters and turns off the stove. She heard her girlfriend groan and pouts at her making the blonde giggles. She continues to what she's doing until she felt her (H/C) haired female's arms around her waist again.

"(Y/N)." Elsa groan. "Stop." She giggles as she felt her lips kissing her neck again and assaulting her neck. "It tickles!" She said.

(Y/N) giggles and stop of what she's doing and just rest her head on the blonde's nape. While enjoying Elsa's cooking for her, she smirks and kisses her neck one last time before letting go of Elsa's waist. "Hey!" She groan. "Who told you to let me go!" She said. The (E/C) eyed woman shrug, and smirk at the blonde. "Get back here!" She demands. (Y/N) being the whip she is to the blonde, she went back to her original place and hugs the blonde female as she hums in relief.

Elsa chuckles, "What are you chuckling about?" She asked. "Your such a whip for me." Elsa answered.

"Well, your a whipped too for me, Els." She countered.

Once Elsa's done with cooking, (Y/N) helps settling the plates for them to eat. Elsa waited for her girlfriend to finish preparing coffee when she saw her girlfriend approaching behind her butt. The blonde technically has her ass in air in a seductive manner, she smirks when she felt her (H/C) haired girlfriend behind her back, she nudge her butt at her feeling her dick whom my I add is completely hard because of Elsa's constant teasing by showing her naked body in front of hers. Elsa moan when she felt her lover's appandage, she seductively bites her bottom lip and looks at her.

(Y/N) clearly can't take the pressure she has on her lower region and needs pleasure, of course, she fucking grind at her girlfriend's ass and lean down just to place the plates on the table and held the blonde's hand with hers to pin her down. "Your really driving my patient out, Ms. Arendelle." She husk and whispers seductively and nibbles her earlobe.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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