The Ice Skater

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Bella always wanted (Y/N) to go out of her room cause she says "That you need to socialize more, rather than play some video games all day." Her exact words, but the truth is, she always want her to be a damn third wheel with her date with Adam. (A/N: Fucking triggered. Fuck, don't think about Adam Taurus, don't think about Adam Taurus.)

Currently, just like what the (H/C) haired female expected to be, she's with her cousin who is on a date with the brunette male and enjoying their time on a public mall. Being all sweet and do clinche couple stuff like stuffy themselves with cake. Chocolate cake.

Not to the chocolate cake part.

In an uncomfortable place with full of unknown people, (Y/N) has this frown look in her face which makes her want to puke over the table. Don't get her wrong, though, she's happy that her cousin found someone to be with, but she's not a fan of romantic shit, and if ever she's gonna have a relationship like this, she'll swore upon herself (and probably her will) not to be like her cousin's clinche love-shit. Good thing they are in the food court of the mall, and unfortunately, people are giving them weird looks too. (Y/N) sigh and roll her eyes at them, and looked at the people who are looking at the weird couple like it was there wedding reception or something, and is asking for help, but only to be received by apologetic glance.

This is something would (Y/N) calls as Belle's favorite tradition to make her be the person who is into dates, but you see, the (H/C) haired female isn't all like that. She's like this nerdy girl who loves to play video games, watch CW shows all day, and fangirls about Marvel movies, and on top of that a cosplayer, you could say she's an introvert. Especially on what is in between her legs, which are... Well big things too. She just loves to stay indoors not outdoors as always. As Adam and Belle make all lovey-dovey in the public, (Y/N) roll her eyes in annoyance and leaves without her cousin noticing.

She walks for a minute, but what caught her attention the most is that there is an ice skating rink beside the game zone of the Mall, and the only person who is there is the blonde haired girl who is around her age, her ears has been covered by the wireless headphones, her hair is tied into messy french braid, and she's wearing this lightblue sweater that say, Just Let It Go in it with a snowflake in it and ordinary jeans, also she has this sparkly blue skaters. She taps on her phone a few seconds and gets in her position afterwards.

The (H/C) haired girl was so interest in her that her eyes grew wide when she noticed this familiar steps along the way too, unknown to her, the blonde is also aware of her (E/C) eyes lingering to her moves in the rink.

(A/N: Oh shit)

When she was done in her final turn, she extend her arms gracefully and points her forefingers at (Y/N)'s direction making her blushed. For she knows this step, (Y/N) knows what the blonde just did. It was the step from Yuri!!! On Ice, and unknown to her the blonde already knew her from the very start.

She's well-known as Elsa Arendelle, eldest sister of Anna Arendelle, she's a senior like (Y/N) and like her an introvert, but the only thing she wants the most are sketching, reading books and studying. She is well known for having the brains and beauty aside from (Y/N)'s brunette cousin. And mostly, she is the representer of their school's ice skating competition, always on top prize.

Elsa breathlessly looked at the (H/C) haired beauty and smiles at her and glides towards the girl who is completely frozen in her state. (A/N: Did ya see what I did there?) the time (Y/N) notice the blonde girl skating her way to her immediately panic, obviously she has a crush on her and it's making her giddy to see her practice in a public skating rink. She began to walk away but—

"Hey," Yeah, she's already there to stop her in her place. "Your (Y/N) right?" She says with a gentle smile on her face. (Y/N) chuckles slightly and scratch the back of her neck, "Uh, yeah," She nervously said.

"H-how did you know my name?" She asked Elsa which made the blonde haired girl giggles slightly because she stuttered while (Y/N) just blushed in embarrassment.

"Oh, uh, Belle, she's one of Anna's group of Friends." She answered and point out the red head on one of the bleachers with a certain Blonde boy beside her. Kristoff Bjorgman, Anna's birthday. "So, are you alone or something?" Elsa asked.

"Unfortunately, not. I'm with Belle, she forced me to go out of my room to socialize but the truth is she's making me a damn third wheel with her date with Adam." She answered which a frown and a gross reaction along the way too, which made Elsa giggles at her reaction.

"Same as for me, Anna said I should go out more, but fortunately for her she brings Kristoff along too." She says.

"I hate being a third wheel." They both said in sync which made them both laugh at each other, as both of them blushed in embarrassment. Elsa giggles at the said coincidence, cause it just boost her confidence to the highest level, she has this crush to the (E/C) eyed female ever since she has been transferred a year ago. Although, they are some speculation about the (H/C) haired female gay and some extra part along too, her view towards her never change. For her she's still the same person she has a crush on, and for sure Elsa never had the guts to ask her out. "So..." She started nervously and taps her forefinger to the wooden half wall of the rink. (A/N: I have no idea what that thing is called, but if you watch the video fully did you see that wall between the rink to the actual mall exterior itself? It has glass right? Just imagine that it has no glass just the white half wall and there is a metal thing guide inside the rink itself. Trust me I've been into an ice skating rink before and those things are a big help.) and nibbles her lips nervously while checking out at the (H/C) haired female in front of her.

Of course, (Y/N) notice this kind of behavior from Elsa and can't help but to smile at the blonde female. Without farther ado, she build up all of her confidence and smiles warmly at the skater. "So, you wanna go out there in the ice skating rink to go around the mall, or I could join you there?" She asked the blonde which cause her icy blue eyes to widen in shock. She never expect her to be this straight forward, but whom is she kidding? She loves a person who is always getting to the point, and doesn't want to sugar coat anything.

Elsa raise her eyebrow and smirks at her, "I don't know, do you know how to skate?" She asked. (Y/N) chuckles nervously at her and scratch the back of her neck, "Unfortunately, no. I fell on my butt plenty of times, and it hurts though." She says making the blonde giggles at her.

"I could teach you sometimes." She says. "And trust me, I'm a good teacher." Elsa said.

"I know you are, I just don't want you to fall in your butt as well." She says making Elsa laugh so hard on her stomach. "Please, they call me Snow Queen for nothing. You don't have to pay me." She says.

"How 'bout a date instead?" (Y/N) said confidently which cause Elsa to slightly slips on her skaters and blush at the sudden confidence. Truly this question caught her off guard. "I... Uh- Y-yeah! Sure!" Elsa says with a clear hint of happiness in her voice, but the way she said it makes her sound so Desperate. She cleared her throat, "Yeah, sure why not?" She says as she tries to compose herself.

(Y/N) smile at her with a clear excitement in her face, but she needs to be much more mature, and contain her emotion unlike Elsa, although, the way the blonde said her answer towards the (H/C) haired female made her inside feel funny. It's a good feeling though. "Great, how about we go around the mall now and go to a date." She says making Elsa blush harder again. Elsa was beyond shock but she can't help it anyways, besides, someone has been on her Tail ever since she step into Senior High School and let me tell you that guy that has been chasing her is none other than her sister's Ex-boyfriend, Hans Westerguard and his friend Jack Frost Overland. Those two are the most biggest idiots ever in the school and she wonders if those two ever use there brains at all and doesn't take any hint that she isn't interested in them both or isn't interested at there playful thing they have with other girls.

"Sure. Just let me pack this up and tell Anna." She says. (Y/N) agrees and walk towards the red head with Elsa on the other side.

This just got better!

(A/N: I suck at this. fuck. I hate myself. Hope y'all enjoy this.

~Not-so-Everlark2K18 signing out)

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