The Snow Queen and the Iron Heart

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"Yes, Ms. Stark?"

"Is the multi-jump dimensional device ready for the test?" The voice asked. There you could see a young female with covering halfly with metal of red and blue color scheme with some sort of light in her chest. The young woman is called by many others as Iron Heart, but well known for (Y/N) Stark. Daughter of the famous Anthony Edward Stark aka Tony Stark, Iron Man. It is clear as light that the young woman has the color of his dad's eyes, and had his brown thick hair and his intelligent that's why she is well known for being the successor of his father's legacy, aside from Peter Parker. Like her father, (Y/N) Stark is pretty well-known for being a Genius, Billionaire, Playgirl, Philanthropist, and her personality is like the exact photocopy of her late father.

"I wouldn't say that is ready, Ms. Stark. But if my calculations are right the device is 98.9% ready in your own will." The A.I said to her. "Would you like me to transfer JASON as your guide for the Multi-Jump?" JARVIS asked.

"No." She says. "Where's the other 1.2% of it, JARVIS?" She asked.

"I'm not quite sure if the exact time will be suffice ma'am and the exact place and earth. If you got in the exact venue, that would mean my calculations are right." JARVIS answered.

"Exact? What does that even mean JARVIS?" She asked.

"1.2% is not that bad ma'am. I mean, if you landed on the wrong timeline that means you could create an alternate right?" Said JARVIS as he shows the time loop. (Y/N) chuckles, and shakes her head in entertainment, "You know, JARVIS I have no idea why my dad created you in the first place." She says in a joking manner.

"I would also ask the same thing, ma'am." JARVIS answered back making the black haired female chuckled. "It's probably because of my dry sense of humor, Ms. Stark." She laugh loudly and wipes her tears with her finger.

"Ah, JARVIS, you never failed to amuse me... Now fire it up." She says.

"Alright ma'am." She heard the A.I. said, "Initiating, starting of the Multi-Jump Dimension. Starting off with 10% of power."

Well that's a bit slower, she thought and double tap her chest as the red and blue color of her armor change into (F/C) and (2nd/F/C). "Don't you think that's a bit of slow, JARVIS?" She asked.

"The Machine is warming up, Ma'am." Said JARVIS. "20% of power." Her arc reactor glows brightly as aderaline pumps into her cell. "JARVIS, please upload yourself in my soft ware. I would like you to bring a few holograms with you as well." she says.


"On second thought, JARVIS leave JUDITH for a while so I could get an update on mom before I go." She said. "Of course, Ms. Stark." JARVIS replied. The A.I. installed itself to the suit as the nanotech slowly covers her face, the only thing that she could see is the small hologram that captures what's in her lab.


"Uh, Ma'am, you never mention to me nor your mother why would you build an Multi-jump dimensional device. If I may ask why?" the A.I. asked. (Y/N) frown, and searched an answer to that. "Probably I'm just curious JARVIS, and probably is one of my lil o' science project." She says.


"Where too, Ms. Stark?" JARVIS asked. The female Stark taps her chin and think for a while, "I'm feeling a bit, historical, and loyal. It's a device that could travel time and dimension after all... So, JARVIS our first destination is 1756, the place is up to you." She said.

"100%" then (Y/N) pressed the button on her armour's.

1846, Arendelle Norway.

It was a dark and shady at this kind of time, and due to this everyone thought that is not that dangerour right? Wrong. The platinum blonde female knew this all along and when her sister insisted to have a family picnic she never had an argument with herself but to agree about it. Despise of the meetings she has for the betterment of her kingdom.

"Well, well, well... It isn't the famous Snow Queen of Arendelle." A male voice said as he glares at the female who has her hand up as a defense and another to cover another female with red hair and the same as features as her but with noticeable freckles. Her name is Elsa or commonly known as Queen Elsa of Arendelle and beside her is her sister, the Princess of Arendelle, Anna. The Queen has her eyes glaring at the guy with his goons beside him, he has this color pattern of black and midnight blue of his clothing with a crest of Southern Isles shoulder and a black leather cape.

"What do you want?" The Queen asked.

The male snickers, "Prince Hans sends his regards about what happened to him, so I would like to return the favor." He says and withdraw his sword and took a step forward, "And I can tell this gonna be fun." The Queen protectively steps back with her sister, and she knew it was a bad idea not to bring her guards with her. A really bad idea.

"And— Aye! What's that!?" The other guys look up to see a loophole above them, and to their surprise, a person who is covered with full armor landed in front of the Queen in it's knees. The assassins as we called, cower back in fear and shock, but compose there aura. "Move who ever you are. You are in the way of killing that witch." The head of the group said.

"In the way?" She questioned, and look at her back to see the Queen. As for Elsa, she didn't expect that the person who is in front of her to have this skin tight like suit that seems to hug it's entire body with metal and to her surprise her eyes grew wide as she just discovered the voice inside the armor is a female. "uh, well, doths your mother know you wear her drapes?" She says in a joking manner making the girl behind the Queen chuckles and the leader growl.

"Why you!" The thug swing his sword at her which she dodge and grab his arm and push his force towards his goons as three of them fell to the ground with a thud. The leader seems to be pissed at her, glare at the woman behind the armor. "Don't you just stand there! Get her!"

"Uh, JARVIS. What should I do?" She asked. "I would say hand to hand but since you couldn't use your blaster, ma'am. Do it with there style." The A.I. replied. The other one tries to slice her up but her arm formed a red streak with blue sword and clashed with it. She kicks the male in the stomach which cause him to flew into the few trees, "Oops, My bad." the other one appears and tries to strike her but she blocks with her sword again as the other one tries to keep her distracted one of them slip to the Princess and the Queen.

"Ma'am, I believe some of them are—"

"I know, JARVIS." She said, and use her blaster to disarmed the following thugs who are going to hurt the blonde female and her sister, and lastly knocks out the last one. "Not on my watch, sweetheart." She said and aims her blaster at the leader.

Although he done despicably stupid decision by snatching the arm of the strawberry blonde female and made her as a hostile. "Stand back! You too, Snow Queen or else you don't want your sister dead!" He threatens and point the knife in her neck and to the Queen herself and to (Y/N). "You! Who the hell are you?!!" He asked.

"Yeah, no one." She said. "Jarvis."
"On it Ms. Stark." Apart of her suit product some sort of a small rocket and flew to the leader's hand and pierced his flesh as he drops the knife on the ground and letting his guard down on the princess and let's her go.
The suit yet again produce a net to tie him on the tree behind him.

She walks towards him, and stops in front of the male. "To answer your question earlier," her helmet desolves, revealing her brown (H/L) color, and brown eyes.

"Name's (Y/N) Stark, and I am Iron Heart." She says. "And I might as well throw you back to where you came from along with your friends." She says.

"JARVIS, wanna tell me where am I now?" She asked. "Arendelle, ma'am."

"Arendelle?" She says and looked at the awestruck sister who is looking at her with shock. Hoping in a good way. "Hi." She greets at them.


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