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Dating Elsa would Include

-Not entirely base on my fanfiction The Snow Queen and The Iron Heart-

- Her being so concern about your well-being and your safety whenever she's around you. Much more when she accidentally froze your back when your giving her the time of her life.... If you know what I mean.

-When the two of you aren't together together, She would always feel jealous when you are talking to every girl and boy in the Kingdom and when they are being touchy towards you like for example, touching your shoulders or simple acts of being a friend.

-You give her a simple massage on the back which cause her to moan all the damn time because she said you have "Magic Fingers" You often massage her whenever she's stressing over a council meeting.

- When you two aren't together together, Elsa is so shy as hell when it comes to expressing her feelings towards you. She subtitle flirts with you often but you being so oblivion. You didn't recognize her feelings when she suddenly blunt out that she likes you (Not in the friendly way) in front of Anna. And Anna being herself, blurted it out in front of you which cause Elsa to throw a snowball in her sister's... body. (The Snowball is the size of Sven though, I really pity Anna though)

- Elsa on the first date is really awkward at first, but on her second date with you she begins to open up and some countless dates later, she reveals that she has this certain kink which you probably use later on. 

-When introducing to her cousin Rapunzel, Elsa joked about you having Magic fingers everytime. (Jesus this woman!)

-Her being a hopeless romantic when going out, and her teaching you how to skate. Now you can conclude you are a better Ice skater than Anna.

-You proposing early than Kristoff cause your not a pussy like him after 2 years. that guy literally waited another year when he propose to Anna.

- When she came out to her sister, Anna called it first and the people of Arendelle are quite happy about it because they only care about their Queen's happiness. When you two got married, you became Queen and ruled beside Elsa, when the day she was called you didn't care about the status she was in, so instead you stepped down along with her for being Queen of Arendelle and lived with Elsa on Atahollan. "I didn't married you because you're the Queen of Arendelle, love. I married you because I love the way you smile, the way you laugh, the way your nose crouch, the way you always make me feel and loved. I love you for being who you are. And I don't care that you are a ruler of a nation or something. I only care about is, I love you and you love me and I'm going with you." Yep those are your exact words to her.


- Her being Arrogant on the first date because that what all Stark are. I still don't know what that means though. What can I say, it's (Y/N) Morgan Stark where talking about

- Her being a huge flirt, she did told me those four things when I asked her about what is she if she takes off that armor of hers, Genius, Billionaire, Playgirl, Philanthropist. And I can see the playgirl side. Sometimes I don't get her

- Her being a romantic, you got that right. She's a damn romantic (Sorry for my choice of Language), she always tease me whenever we have those sexy moments and before I could jump her bones, she literally leaves me in the air. I really hate that to be honest.

- (Y/N) always loves to help me out of my council meetings. She always have this counter attacks whenever some problem occurs in my meetings like, suitors. She always scares the heck of my councilman and woman whenever she's there. But mostly, she suggest something that the council clearly agrees. The military forces.

- (Y/N) is great at many things; biology, mathematics, chemistry, bio-engineering, robotics and other stuffs that is related to science. She did said that she learned Judo, Krav Maga, wusho, and Taekwondo. Although that's all proven because she has nice abs than Kristoff and she's technically stronger than him (Sorry Krist)

- Travelling with (Y/N) is always fun. That's the only thing I have to say though.

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