Snowgies & Cold

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"So, how the hell did this happened again?" The young woman asked as she looked at the red headed princess in front of her while playing with the ring on her ring finger as she semi-glare at the princess in front.

The princess roll her eyes at playfully at her, "Listen, I know you are force to be with my sister but at least have a simple sympathy to know that she is sick." She says. The (H/C) haired female pretended to be offended by Anna's word and put her hand in her chest. "I am shock." She says in a mocking manner which cause Anna to laugh at her. "But seriously, what happened and what's all this?" She asked.

Anna side step to give the younger monarch the access to enter and walks along with her, "You see, Elsa's sick." She informs, "And whenever she sneezes the little guys appears." She says.

"I thought the cold never bothers her?"

"Well, unfortunately for her, it does." (Y/N) chuckles.

"Mama!" One of the snowgies notice the (H/C) haired female and run toward her and clung to her leg. "This one's actually cute." She says as she picks up the little guy from her feet. "Well, (Y/N) I hope you have bigger hands cause they are plenty of em'." She says.

"I ah— What?"

"Mama! Mama! Mama!" Her eyes widen when she saw more than 20 of the little guys run towards her in a wave like length. "Crap!" She was about to run when some of them cling themselves to her legs and some of them climb all the way to her shoulders. Anna chuckles lightly at the sight and she could've sworn she just saw the best thing ever, to her (Y/N) is that kind of Frienemy person. Because she's always deadbeat serious, sarcastic, a bit snobbish, sometimes rude but the only person who could bring out that big softie is her sister Elsa, she saw it herself with her very eyes. "Anna." She said in a stern voice like she's asking for help in her situation. The red head just shrug and laugh at her and her dismay.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. You're the mother of those little guys so good luck with that." Anna smirks.

"Mama! Mama! Mama!" They said in union. The (H/C) haired female produce her best smug face and glares at the princess. "To make you feel better the Snowgies—"

"Snowgies?" She asked.

"That's what we call them, but Olaf named them one by one, I don't even know which is which. Anyhow, to make you feel better the snowgies calls Elsa mommy." Anna informed which cause (Y/N) to blush and hides her reddish face. The young princess smirks at the younger monarch of the Vynle. "You said Elsa's sick? Where is she?" She said attempting to change the subject but just her luck when the snowgies begins to chant 'Mama' and 'Mommy' and it affects her dearly. Anna chuckles again at the little guys' reaction and her sister's lover. "I swear if they don't shut up, I'm gonna—"

"Hey don't be a bad mother, (Y/N)! There your and Elsa's babies!" Anna says as she hits the (H/C) haired female on her shoulder. "Alright, I'll guide you to Elsa's room." Anna said and glance at the Snowgies that are some of them on her shoulders while some of them still clings to her legs. "Guys... Get off." She says and tries to shake them off but the damn thing seems like to have the ability to stick. She gave up and pouts at Anna who is enjoying her state.

"Aside from this, what else happens?" She asked.

Anna snort, "You actually missed something really hilarious. Elsa sound so drunk after I force feed her that remedy and blow that horn and also the same time sneeze and she sent of this really huge snowball to some distant place. I don't know where." She said while chuckling to herself, (Y/N) glance at Anna and gave her that confuse face. When the both of them arrived at the Queen's room, (Y/N) glance at Anna who is about to knock.

"Hey, Anna, why don't you head downstairs. I'll handle her for a while." She says the young princess of Arendelle gave her that frowning look. "It's still your Birthday, go have fun." She chimes making the young monarch raise her eyebrow in a teasing manner.

"Are you sure you're (Y/N)? Or your an imposter?" She said in a joking manner. The Duchess of Vynle smugly glare at her and push her shoulder in a playful manner also. "Just go downstairs and enjoy yourself." She said. Anna cracks up and walks away without patting the Duchess' shoulder. "Be careful with her. You might caught her illness and she can be really stubborn like you." Said Anna, (Y/N) roll her eyes at the princess and nod her head as a signal for her to go on, the princess smiles and walks off again until she's gone to the plain sight of the (E/C) eyed girl. She focus on the blue carved door and knock couple of times, when she heard a fate "come in." She opens the door letting her present be known by the powerful Queen herself, she step inside the room and smiles as she saw the platinum blonde monarch in her bed and a few of snowgies.

"Hey," She greets, the Queen snap her attention towards the Duchess and smiles at her. She hasn't saw her for like months because she has to travel back to Vynle because of some crisis. "(Y/N)." the Queen said with a smile on her face, she was indeed proud to see her after all.

The Duchess can't help but to smile as well and approach the young queen and sat beside her bed and claim her hand to hers. "I heard your sick today." She says making the young queen nod. "Yeah, it's unfortunate. I just want to—Ah.. Achoo!" cue 3 more snowgies appears in the mid air and landed on (Y/N) and Elsa's lap. "I just want to have a perfect day with my sister." Elsa continued.

The Duchess chuckles, "You did what you have to do. Anna enjoy her time with you but you need to rest." She says and gently touch the queen's forehead to check her temperature. (Y/N) smirks at Elsa, "I thought the cold never bothers you?" She said in a teasing manner.

The blonde Queen roll her eyes at her sarcasm and lightly push her, "Shut up, and to answer your question, it still doesn't bother me. This is just one of the unfortunate events that has happen to me." She says with a pout. (Y/N) chuckles and kiss her Queen's forehead. "Well, luckily you have to stay with me." She says.

The Duchess shrug, "Like I have better things to do. I rather spend it up on you, My Snow Queen." she said sweetly at her which cause the young Queen to blush. "Scoot over." She says, Elsa smiles and moves a little to make a space for her lover to lay down, when she does the duchess lay herself next to the Queen and put her arms around her while Elsa lay her head in to the young duchess' chest and contently sigh.

"I thought you wouldn't be here for a week or two?" Elsa says as she looked up to her.

"I wasn't, but the problem in Vynle seems to be easy enough to solve within 2 months, Derek insist me to go here... To come running home to you. After all, I can't say no to the King of Vynle himself, and it gives me much more reason to stay with you." (Y/N) explains. "He's being serious about the alliances between our kingdom to yours." She said.

Elsa smiles, "I know." she said and kiss her lips, passionately and slowly, when air becomes a need they break it off. "I mean I wouldn't detest to his will." She said and shrug and put her head on her lover's shoulder. "He even asked me, how's the wedding planning of ours." She said.

"Great." Elsa informs. "But need a few more details to such." She says. (Y/N) hums in agreement, in a moment of silence, the Queen is happy to see her again but sometimes, she wasn't wrong about her lover's sarcasm. "You know, this little guys calls me, 'Mama'." She said with a chuckle. Elsa groans and facepalmed at her remark.

"Please stop. I get it." (Y/N) laugh. "And I would be honour to be called like that when we have our own kids." She says. Elsa blushed harder and snuggle herself to the Duchess' neck.

(A/N: So how was it? You could PM me for request you guys. Not lemon. But if ever I'm in the mood.

~Not-So-Everlark2K18 signing out)

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