The Snow Queen and The Iron Heart

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2 weeks earlier...

"Ms. Stark,"

"Ms. Stark!"

"We would like to have a few more question with you." Said the guy on the left. Weeks before the actual test of the multi-jump device held a press conference to the Stark Industry. It was the first time to be held by Tony's daughter (Y/N) Stark and with the permission of her mother she did what she has to do. The press conference turned out great with media here and there, flashes of camera's snapping the Billionaire's daughter and also the same time recording it her answers.

"Right." She says and looked at the interviewer as he step up to the mic. It seems like a normal person with Normal attire, blonde hair tied into a ponytail, and glasses as he held his recorder. "Ms. Stark, it's been years since your Mother, Mrs. Pepper Potts-Stark held a press conference why would you held some huge events like this after your father's death anniversary?" He asked.

(Y/N) sigh, "I wouldn't say that this is a huge event in Stark Industry, but I would say that this is a belated Press conference to my late father, Tony Stark." She said as she looked at Happy who is smiling at her with a proud glint in his eyes. Truly he sees something to this young lass, and it was Iron Man himself. "It's somewhat a celebration and I formally would like to welcome you all for the ribbon cutting of the statue of Iron Man in the central as his tribute." She adds.

"Ms. Stark, as a daughter of Tony Stark, what are your plans to continue his legacy as for today?" The other interviewer asked. Legacy? Truth be told, (Y/N) doesn't have any idea what kind of Legacy will she bring to uphold her father's name, and hers as well. It was big to compete with her father's vision but what will happen if she continues to live under the success of his shadows? "First of, this isn't about my father anymore. This is about me continuing what's has to be done. My father's legacy leaves a eventual shape to the world today and it will continue to be that way." She said with enough pride in herself, you see, just like Tony, (Y/N) has this rare heart disease when she was just a child, Pepper had no idea where did she get it from but the only decisions to should have is to have a heart transplant or her own daughter would have an arc reactor in her chest to regulate her heart properly. In other words, the Arc reactor in her chest is somewhat like her own heart and it keeps her alive.

"I have a different story and this story isn't about me behind my father's shadow. It's about me stepping up as me not replacing him."

Arendelle, Norway

Waking up in a cold cell isn't the best welcoming to (Y/N) Stark in fact its far more worst. She has been kidnapoed before, but to where the place is warm not cold and her hands tied with chains. How does this happens?
After she rescued the sisters of Arendelle, who are in a state of shock, most of the guards thought that she was the one who is gonna hurt them.

She wouldn't taken down those guards with her armor. And how the hell would she even hurt them both if she's— Oh... Stupid.

So in able to convince herself and the other's to say at least she's not here to hurt the Arendelle sisters, who she learned as the Queen of Arendelle and her Sister which is the Princess. It's been 2 days since she has been imprison, good thing her hands aren't locked like any other have. "Jarvis." She called and tap the communicator that is place on her right ear. "Jarvis."

"Ms. Stark," The A.I. answered.

"You said we were in Arendelle, and you also send that its a small town in Norway. What else information do you have?" She asked.

"Aside from the monarchy republic, Ms. Stark. Arendelle is known for export of ice, silver, gold, and copper." Said JARVIS. "Mostly, the kingdom of Arendelle is known for the Queen's powers." JARVIS informed the young Stark which makes her wonder what kind of powers that the Queen's have anyway?

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