Elsa's Birthday surprise

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(A/N: Yes I know what your thinking, it's past December. And I'm going to find this hilarious.)

The Queen normally doesn't like to celebrate her birthday very much, it's because of force habit of being in her room, and the only thing that her parents has been giving her through out her birthdays are... Well, gloves. Just as mentioned she isn't into to Big or Grand celebrations, a simple dinner would suffice with her family and her soon-to-be-wife.

Her wife, (Y/N) (L/N) is the high duchess of the house of (L/N) and is also the right hand of the Queen of Arendelle. As description, she has soft, messy blonde hair, but not as platinum blonde like hers, that she love to run her fingers in those locks. (E/C) eyes that remind her of the paintings in her library that expresses all her deep emotions by just staring deeply into them, the bright stars when she hears her voice or even talks to her, and her world that she could just melt on a warm embrace.

They got engaged years ago when they are just 18 years old before King Agnarr and  Queen Iduna died, the King and Queen saw there interaction at first and secretly made a agreement to (Y/N)'s engagement with Elsa. Which the (L/N)'s are okay with it, so as years went by, they didn't know they are destined to be married to each other and to the fact that they are friends before all the engagement happens. Only their friendship and love grows within those time, and (Y/N) is the only one to help Elsa with controlling her powers that time.

When the eternal winter broke out the kingdom, (Y/N) went after Elsa and convince her to stay with her if she wants to be free from all the fears she has that time, Elsa was hesitant but she decides to let her be since she's the only person who is there for her when she shut out Anna. To say at least, (Y/N) protected Elsa from Hans and the Duke that time when she needs to be, she comfort her during those times and never leaves her side.

During those times, Elsa questioned her motives on why she is doing this to her. Being kind, loyal, and patience. That's when she confessed to her about her feelings towards the blonde Ice Queen, and to her surprise she also felt the same as her. They were just afraid to admit it at first. After the great thaw, the couple's love at each other only grew for one another, when they learned that they are engaged from the very start, they didn't mind it at all since they are really in love with each other. Although, Elsa decides to just wait for the right time to get married and (Y/N)'s okay with it, as long as she's happy than so is she.

It's been a year since the Great Thaw and Elsa's Coronation, and it's already December 22th, which means the Queen's birthday today, and the royal sisters planned to have dinner later as a celebration, as for (Y/N) she's surprising the Queen because she came who a month early to her voyage at Corona. But due to Elsa's busy schedule, she has to move the dinner later at 12 o'clock midnight. Ah, the perks of being the Queen, am I right? Currently, the platinum blonde woman is doing some paper work about the kingdom's exchanges and barter, and she has to deal to one of those suitors letters to her since they could not take a 'No'as an answer and she has to deal with it again by rejecting them triple times. The Queen release an audible groan and rub her forehead with her palm until her attention has been caught by a sudden knock on the door.

She frankly scribbles her paperworks away and push her glasses up, "Uh, Gerda, I said—" then her doors opens revealing her fiancee in a not so proper clothes, only a trench coat that is covering her body with a knot. "Well your not Gerda." She says. (Y/N) only smirks at her and closed the door and glance at her, "Perspective." She says.

Elsa's brows knitted, "And those aren't your usual clothes... What are you doing here?" She asked. "I thought you wouldn't be home till Christmas?" She says.

The blonde consort only chuckles seductively, which is sure the Queen herself heard it, "Oh don't play coil with me, I know it's your birthday." She says and puts an extra sway on her hips that made Elsa bites her lower lips, "So," She continue and untie the knot of the trench coat and show herself to Elsa. "Happy Birthday, Queen Elsa of Arendelle."

The Snow Queen's jaw drop wide open, and her icy blue eyes almost pop out of her eye socket when she saw (Y/N)'s figure. She's wearing black domatrix lingerie that clearly Elsa didn't know that she has, where the hell did she got that anyway? Her eyes wonder her fiancee's heavenly body as her breath hitch, "Oh, sweet God." she mutters and averts her eyes away from her body. Her sexy, hot body. Jesus.

"You know I don't normally like to celebrate my birthday and I really want to finish this paperworks too." She add. (Y/N) smirks only at her, "And I'm here to change that. So close your eyes." She says.

Elsa shyly chuckles, "What?" she said. (Y/N) walks towards the Queen's desk and sits on it and glides towards her side, "I said close your eyes." she says. Elsa gulp and close her eyes while she said a simple okay, she felt (Y/N) teasingly slide her fingers to her shoulder as she felt a sudden chill run up through her spine, she pull off the trench coat exposing her shoulders omly. She peeks at what her lover's doing and notice that signature smirk she has on her face,

"Oh my God." She mutters.

"Are you ready for your birthday present?" the blonde (Seductress) duchess said to her making Elsa bite her lips again. "Y-yes!" she stutters and tilts her head to give (Y/N) deeps her head down and leaves open kisses to the Queen's neck as she tilts her  head to gain access to her neck. "Oh God, are we doing this?" she asked but her sister suddenly barge in, making her jolt up and (Y/N) to hide under the table.

"Anna!" She groan. God, her sister has an impeccable timing! "W-what are you doing here?" She asked.

"I was just here to call you to dinner and I thought (Y/N) is here already too." She said.

"She, uh, she must have another month to do so, I-uh." Elsa stammers, the young princess raise her eyebrow at her sister, "Really? I mean I just heard from Gerda that she must have gone here. Kai also informed me that she's already here too." Said Anna. Unknown to her, (Y/N) is underneath Elsa's mahogany desk with her smirk and she trails up her fiancee's leg up with her finger. Elsa's cough and accidentally bumps her legs on the wooden desk, she nervously chukles "Here? I don't know Anna. She must have been walking around the castle, and you know Kai and Gerda are getting old they must have mistook someone as (Y/N)." Elsa says, Anna nods and hums suspiciously at her sister's behavior.

Something is definitely odd with her.

Anna clears her throat, "Okay!" She clasp her hand together, "I'll talk to you later, Els. I'll go find Kristoff and ask if they found (Y/N). She owns me 12 boxes of chocolates. And I'll see you later at dinner." She says and walks out of the room.

(Y/N) came out of her hiding spot and puff, "Well that birthday present went extravagant, don't you think love?" she teased the young queen, Elsa gave her a glare. "You really need to lock the damn door this time, (Y/N)." She says. (Y/N) just laugh and went to the door and lock it this time.

And let me just say, things escalated quickly after that.

(A/N: If you guys are watching Legends of Tomorrow good job on you know guessing the theme. I just really find it funny on how Ava is perfectly turned on when she saw Sara in... A lingerie like that. Sweet Jesus, I also drop my bloody jaw on the floor, that is Ava Sharpe being all of us. And I was like, so why not make a one shot about it, and I'm perfectly late for it. I was suppose to post this on Elsa's birthday special but fudge I was too lazy to continue, sorry y'all! Anyway hope you love the one shot! See ya later!

-Not-so-Everlark2K18 signing out!)

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