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(A/N: Alright, first one-shot for this year 2020. Hope you all enjoy!)

Elsa's breath hitch again when her nightmares are becoming much more worst than it should be, but before it could get to that point her eyes opens seeing a dark environment, in a few more adjustment, her vision became not to vivid but just enough to her conclusion that she is indeed in her room. It was only 4 in the morning, and for sure everyone is still asleep since the sun hasn't risen yet.

She felt an arm on her waist, soothing her back to make her much more relax than she should be, the young monarch looked up just to see her lover sleeping peacefully with a smile on her face, and her reactor seems to be glowing in a lighter shade against her black pyjamas. The platinum blonde woman grip her consort's clothing like it's her life line to everything, and she can't help but to remember what just happened that made her cry in her dreams. The damn nightmares that she always have is getting worst and sometimes it worries her to what if something happens again to her family or her kingdom. Things are getting better after what just happened with the help of the brunette woman beside her. And she wouldn't dare to lose her in an instant, since she couldn't live with that, as a precaution, the queen of Arendelle has her eyes on (Y/N) Stark's reactor to make sure she is alive and well and she always look up to examine her facial features, her beautiful brown locks, fair skin that is so smooth but covered with scars from all of her works, her small brown mole beside her eye, also her nose and plump lips which are quite addictive to kiss accordingly to the Queen herself.

"You know it's rude to stare, Milady." She heard the inventor said making her slightly jolt in surprise and buries her face in the crook of her neck. She heard her chuckle deeply and felt a small kiss on her forehead, the Queen blushed when she felt the young Stark's lips pressed against her head  and she slowly looks up to her with her bright blue eyes and giddily smile at her.

"Mornin'." The queen greets her. (Y/N) warmly smile at the monarch and slide her palm on the fair skin of the younger queen and caress her cheeks with the pad of her thumb, she sigh contently and glaze into her baby blue.eyes. "Morning, Elsa. Why are you up so early?" (Y/N) asked.

"Nothing." She answered. (Y/N)'s face crunches when she heard her typical respond, she knows that she dreamt about that again. It was obviously present in the platinum blonde's face.

"Hey, Look at me." She said, as she continue to caress her skin and give off a kiss on her forehead to sooth the Queen of Arendelle. She gently holds the monarch's face with her calloused hands (but to the Queen's side, it's so soft.) and made her look at her hazel eyes. Elsa was hesitated to look at her, "Elsa look at me." She says once again in a stern voice. The queen looks at her and trap her lips between her teeth. "I'm fine. Anna and Kristoff is fine, even Olaf is fine. The kingdom is fine, in fact it is safe." She reassure to her. "I'm not going any where, My Snow Queen. I'm staying right over here." Elsa leans in to her touch and place her hand to her right hand and grip it tightly.

"What if this is all a dream? And--" (Y/N) didn't let her continue her blabbing and kiss her plump lips gently, once they both need air the young Stark kiss her forehead and takes her time with it. "Shhhh...." She hushed her.

"I'm still here." She says, "See, the reactor is still glowing. Nothing will happen to me, Love. Now let's go back to sleep, alright?" She says and kiss her forehead one more time, as Elsa sigh quietly and place her head on her lover's chest. Elsa can't help but to trace her palm on (Y/N)'s shoulder, of course, the brunette wouldn't mind at all since it's the only thing to make the young queen to calm herself off, as she press her arms around her waist and holds her tighter than before, and her other hand sooth her expose shoulder as (Y/N) keeps on saying to her, "It's okay." Once again, with the help of her Lover's hoarse yet smooth voice the young monarch fell asleep comfortably with a smile on her face as so the young Stark did the same.

Both of them fell asleep and hold eachother so tight like each of them doesn't want to let each other go. For Elsa this is a perfect day for her to start a lazy sunday with only her lover beside her, in their bed, cuddling like this, and doing completely nothing but to spend their time with each other. She could've ask for more.

(A/N: A fluff one shot that is related to "the Snow Queen and the Iron Heart", I'll consider this on the near chapter but for now let's just remain it like that. A mystery to what is Elsa's nightmare about? I wonder... Hmm...? Anyhow, you guys heard what happened her in the Philippines, Taal Volcano and for sure it's affecting to where I am—In Metro Manila— and yes, my shitty attitude once kick in by making this on Instagram.

Yep, I'm the worst. Anyhow don't @ me for my unwanted sarcastic remarks. I hope you all enjoy this one shot, and stay safe y'all to my readers in the near area of Batangas if there's any.

~Not-So-Everlark2K18 signing out!)

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