Put Your Head On my Shoulders

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On a lazy Friday afternoon, Elsa was waiting for someone in her apartment. While looking at the window, she lazily leans her head on the window and watches the people passing by the street. She was patient with the waiting until she saw the skies turn grey and the people look up and pull out of their umbrella as rain begins to drop. She heard the sounds of keys and the door opens. She lifts her head and runs towards the said shuffling sound, she almost trips into one of the small sofas on the way and when she saw the person she's waiting for wearing a white shirt, plain blue jeans, on top of her shirt is her black leather jacket. Her (H/C) hair is covered with a brown beanie and her neck is covered with the red scarf that securely wrapped around her neck.

The platinum blonde woman let out a squeal and run towards her,  almost tripping again in-process and tightly hug the (H/C) haired woman. "(Y/N)..." She mutters while snuggles her head on her slightly wet jacket. "Elsa, I'm kinda wet right now." She said while chuckling at her lover's reaction. "I don't care," She said. Then she heard a loud bark and the sounds of paws running towards the two of them. 

A white Siberian Husky rushed toward the (E/C) eyed and hugs her legs as it wags its tail, "Hey, Olaf." She says and pats the dog's head tenderly. "Did ya miss me?" She asked. Elsa crosses her arms together and looks at her girlfriend's interaction with their dog. "Oh, he misses you alright. Olaf wouldn't leave me alone till he has his warm hug sessions." She explains.

"Well, couldn't blame him. I miss him too."

"Are you sure you only miss him?" Elsa asked as she raises her eyebrows at her. 

"And I miss you too, love!" She said. "I miss both you so much." She adds.

Elsa giggles, "I know. Did you brought any food?" She asked. (Y/N) let out a chuckle, "I brought some pizza and Chinese. Does that help satisfy your hunger, love?" She answered as she brings up the plastic bag in her hand. You see, (Y/N) is a very well-known author, and currently, she's on the peek of her career. Her books have been noticed by some of the well-known directors and actors and with that, the young (H/C) haired woman has to travel to LA for a month to meet some of the movie producers to settle and to begin the production of her book called, The woman with blue eyes. Clearly her inspiration in the book is her ever-loving girlfriend for almost 2 years now is Elsa Anders. Both of them met when they were in college, Elsa was taking business as a course and (Y/N) was taking Mass Communication Arts. Elsa and (Y/N) met when the (H/C) haired best Friend, Kristoff Bjorgman introduce his girlfriend to her, and with that Anna introduce her sister too (Y/N) and they both clicked for being friends to lovers. All thanks to the certain redhead.

 After there graduation, both (Y/N) and Elsa decides to move to Norway, Elsa inherits her family business and build a small coffee shop there while her lover became a popular author and professor in one of the local colleges in Norway. (Y/N) and Elsa walks to the living room with Olaf trailing on them, she places her red scarf in the coffee table and leaves her suitcase beside the door. "So, how was everything while I was gone?" She asked as she sat on the barstool and rest her head on her hand as it was laying on the table. 

"Oh, it's still the same," Elsa said. "Anna's pregnant by the way." She adds, (Y/N) eyes widen at the said news and smiles. "Are you serious?" She asked.

Elsa nods, "Yes, I'm serious, (Y/N)." she answered with a bright grin on her face. "For how long?" the (H/C) haired female asked.

"She's on her two weeks now." Elsa answered.

One more things that isn't there, is that (Y/N) hasn't propose to the platinum blonde woman because she was getting her plans ready. She plan that after the screening of her book, she will take Elsa with her to the block screening and after the movie ends she will propose to the blonde. For her it will be a perfect time to do so.

Elsa place the porcelain plates beside (Y/N) and take her seat next to her as her lover brought out the food she has  for tonight to eat. After they ate there dinner, (Y/N) made some food for Olaf while Elsa turned on the radio for her to listen to some music. Just in time, when she switch the station, she heard her and (Y/N)'s favorite song.
She felt (Y/N) tap her shoulders and ask her to dance with her in a slow tempo which the blonde agrees.

"Put your head on my shoulder
Hold me in your arms, baby
Squeeze me oh so tight
Show me that you love me too"

She settle both of her arms to her lover's shoulder while the (H/C) haired woman wrap her arms around her waist. Both of them begin to move on the slow beat of the music with there smile on.

"Put your lips next to mine, dear
Won't you kiss me once, baby
Just a kiss goodnight, maybe
You and I will fall in love
(You and I will fall in love)"

With there forehead touching, and the rain still pouring outside. Elsa would also conclude that this is far the most romantic that her and (Y/N) has.

"People say that love's a game
A game you just can't win
If there's a way
I'll find it someday
And then this fool will rush in"

Other than that, she decided that this will be there wedding song when they both got married. Besides, this is the song that made them official during the ball.

"Put your head on my shoulder
Whisper in my ear, baby
Words I want to hear
Tell me, tell me that you love me too
(Tell me that you love me too)"

As both of them dance, Elsa hugs the (H/C) haired woman and lay her head on her shoulder and hums in satisfactory. She place her lips on her girlfriend's cheek and stay still for a while to prolong this beautiful moment that she has, while (Y/N) smiles genuinely and kiss the platinum blonde's forehead.

"Put your head on my shoulder
Whisper in my ear, baby
Words I want to hear, baby
Put your head on my shoulder"

Elsa couldn't take it anymore, when the song ends she reach for the small velvet box that (Y/N) didn't notice that was laying there on the coffee table because she was so tired and so focus on the moment that she and Elsa has. "Love, what's that?" She asked. (Y/N) stopped talking when she reveal the ring in front of her, her hands clasp on her lips in a shocking motion and she remain silent.

"A commitment." Elsa answered. "I was suppose to wait for your screening but it seems like it's impossible for me to do so and—" (Y/N) walks towards her suitcase, as Elsa also frowns thinking that her girlfriend isn't that ready for commitment like Marriage, but what shock her is that the (H/C) haired woman pulls out a small light blue box and walks towards the platinum blonde woman.

Elsa let out a light chuckle and shakes her head, "You thought you were the only one who has a plan on the block screening, huh?" She asked with a daring look.

(Y/N) shrug her shoulders and chuckles, "Well..." She starts but she laughs in the process. "And here we are proposing to each other." she said.

"Way to spoil the fun, Elsa." She teased. "Your the one of spoiled it. You being so damn romantic." Elsa counters and cross her arms and pouts at her. (Y/N) laugh at her childish attics and kneel in front of her. "I'm suppose to do that not you." She said while looking down at the (H/C) haired woman. "And you still didn't answer my question." She continue.

"It's a yes, love." she said. Elsa smile down at her and kneel down to face her too, "And you already know what's mine too."

(A/N: Yeah, never thought I would be a hopeless romantic. I never had a Girl friend before or any other relationship.

~Not-So-Everlark2K18 signing out)

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