Neurogay (Modern AU!)

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It was late, like right now. It's around 11pm and here is the platinum blonde woman drinking her nights away with a glass of wine within her fingertips. She took another sip from her wineglass and stares at the door once more, unfortunately for her, her wife (Y/N) (L/N) has a night shift at the hospital.

The (H/C) haired female was a Neurosurgeon and she completely understand her line of work, especially if she's one of the best doctors on the hospital she's working on. And there is Elsa Summers, current president of her parent's company after they both died on an air crash years ago, and her line of work is kinda stressful for her and the only thing that could calm her nerves are a couple of glasses of wine on the side. She sips again from her glass when she heard her doorknob shuffles, and been opened by a key that clearly belongs to the one and only (Y/N) (L/N). She sighs, and puts her white laboratory coat on the hanger beside the door and put her keys on the side tables near the pot of plants, she takes off her usual white sneakers and place it on the shoe shelf. She averted her eyes from her feet to her wife and she adopts a small frown.

She roll her eyes, "Hello, Love." She says and a usual calm voice. Obviously, along with her thick British accent too. "Elsa, why are you drinking again." She asked

Elsa who seems to be fazed in her words smile at her and smirk, well, clearly, she's sobber. "Hey, (Y/N)! You're home! I would technically greet you but my ass is glued to the seat." She says, making her wife facepalmed at her respond. Why am I married to this adoreable, dork, and beautiful idiot? The young Neurosurgeon thought to herself. She sigh once again, "Are you serious, Els? Drinking again." She asked and takes off her leather jacket and place it on the couch.

Elsa chuckles slightly, "I was waiting for you, baby." She says while slightly shaking the wine in her glass. (Y/N) smugly sigh and sat beside her wife and roll her eyes before she had enough of the blonde's drinking. "And that's enough, anyway I'm sleeping on the couch." She says.

Elsa who is clearly drunk or sobber as hell, only wearing her wife's sweater which is quite large for her and that covers up her legs. (Y/N) stands up from her seat and begins to walk to the kitchen to prepare herself something to eat and drink a glass of milk too, she was about to pull the carton of Milk from the refrigerator.

"I have nothing on underneath this sweater of yours." She said in a sultry voice making the (H/C) haired woman ears perks up and blush in process.

"What did you just say?" She asked while directly looking at her.

Elsa smirks, "NEUROSURGEON OF THE YEAR TURNS OUT TO BE NEUROGAY OF THE YEAR HA!" She said with a laugh making (Y/N) facepalm at her antics.

"Bloody hell, Elsa, your bloody drunk."

The blonde chuckles, "Neurogay." she laughed at her own jokes. Her wife sigh, and helps her to their room.

"Come on Elsa, let's go."

(A/N: Neurogay. Pfft. Hope you guys love this short one shot. I did my best. But yeah. Bye

~Not-So-Everlark2k18 signing out!)

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