[P&F|Phineas & Reader] Dimension Hopping

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Written: 8th October 2019

Y/n stretched, yawning as she wiped her tired eyes. Blinking, she startled into full consciousness. She wasn't in her house; she had no idea where she was. She glanced around, looking down at the device on her wrist and across the living room, clutching the blanket that had been placed over her. This house looked familiar, but she couldn't pick where she'd seen it, her memory holding it just out of reach.

The back door slid open as she stared openly at the two boys that walked in, chatting and smiling. The shorter boy laughed, turning to the couch. They made direct eye contact as Y/n jumped into a sitting position, keeping the blanket held tightly around her. Perching on the arm of the sofa, she dimly noted she was barefoot, and her usual jeans and hoodie had been swapped out for a t-shirt and denim shorts.

"Oh, you're awake!" The triangle-headed boy called, making his way over to the couch. Y/n jumped away as he stood in front of it.

"W-Who are you two? Where am I?" She stuttered out, her eyes refusing to leave the pair.

"Oh, you don't have to be scared, we aren't going to hurt you! Candace found you passed out on the front lawn and brought you inside. How are you feeling?" He held his palms out, speaking gently like he was dealing with a cornered animal and in some ways, he was. Y/n brought her knees away from her chest, sitting calmly as the boys sat down beside her.

"I'm ok. Who's Candace?" She asked, picking at a loose thread on the blanket, its soft fibers caressing her bare arms, reminding her of home.

"She's our older sister," Phineas smiled, turning to face the stairs. "CANDACE!" He yelled, causing Y/n to flinch, retracting into herself again, tugging the blanket around her knees so her entire body was hidden from the boys.

"Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to scare you. I'm Phineas and this is my brother, Ferb. What's your name?" He gestured to the green-haired boy on his left, who waved, his face unchanged.

"My name... I'm Y/n L/n. You're Phineas and Ferb? Your sisters name is Candace? Are your parents Linda and Lawrence, by any chance?" She asked carefully.

"Yes, yes they are. How did you know?" His smile was a bit less trusting now as he shifted in his place.

"Oh god, I know where I am." She jumped off the couch, the blanket flying out behind her like a cape as she pressed her nose against the back door, spotting the familiar oak tree of her childhood. She slid to the floor as Candace waltzed down the stairs.

"Oh, you're awake! How are you feeling?" She asked cheerfully. Y/n didn't reply, fiddling with her watch anxiously.

"Hey, are you ok?" Phineas and Ferb hopped off the couch, sitting with their backs against the back of the sofa, facing Y/n. She shook her head.

"No, not really. I'm not from around here, you see."

"Like, you're from out of town? We can always give you a lift home if you need it." Phineas offered kindly. Y/n shook her head.

"No, I need a few parts. You guys have travelled between dimensions before, right?" She looked up at them and back down at her watch, taking out a small screwdriver hidden in her hair and fiddling with the dial. They looked shocked, mouths gaping.

"You're from another dimension?" Phineas asked excitedly.

"Yeah, d'ya think you could get me home?" She shot them a crooked smile, running her fingers through her hair. Phineas' face lit up.

"Ferb, I know what we're going to do today!" He exclaimed as Candace marched over.

"Oh no you don't!" She jabbed a finger in Y/n's direction. "I'm not letting you put my brothers in danger! I'm telling mom." She yelled, running off into the house, yelling for Linda.

"Hey, where's Perry?" Y/n inquired, for the sake of normality.

The boys stood, helping Y/n to her feet as they all went out to the backyard. As they were about to begin the gate swung open, revealing the girl from across the street. Y/n stood away from the group as she came up with her usual, "Whatcha doing?" Phineas grinned.

"We're attempting interdimensional travel!" Isabella looked impressed and glanced at Y/n, as if noticing her for the first time. "Who's your friend, Phineas?" She asked, smiling at Y/n, who flashed a nervous grin at her.

"Oh, this is Y/n! We're helping her get home, she's from a different dimension." Phineas lead Y/n forward, introducing her to Isabella.

"You must be Isabella. It's a pleasure to meet you!" She said nervously. Isabella smiled good naturedly at her, taking her hand and sitting with her under the tree.

"Great to meet you too, Y/n. Now enjoy the show."

They sat in the summer shade, watching Phineas and Ferb work, occasionally helping them with some bits and pieces, while Isabella interrogated Y/n. "So, in your universe, our summer is a TV show?" Isabella asked, brows furrowed.

"Yeah, I've been a fan of the show since I was a kid, I was re-watching it recently actually. Hey, do you wanna hear a secret, Isabella?" She smiled awkwardly. Isabella nodded and leaned in. "Phineas likes you too. You end up with him eventually, I promise you. Also, you've canonically kissed him at least once and non-canonically a few more times." Isabella looked like she was going to explode, latching onto Y/n and squeezing her tight, squealing. Y/n giggled, patting Isabella's arm. "I ship it." They burst into excited laughter.

"We're done!" Phineas called as they recovered from their giggling fit. Y/n got up, helping Isabella from her position and they walked over to something covered in a large sheet. "Ladies, our interdimensional portal!" He cried, pulling the sheet off the machine. It was around as tall as a door, circular and shining in the midday sun. Y/n marveled over it, checking the wiring and programming, smiling softly. She turned, throwing her arms around the boys.

"Thank you! I wasn't sure how I'd ever get home otherwise. Thank you." She grinned, her smile reaching her eyes that were filled with tears of happiness.

She let go of the boys and walked to the lever, pulling it down. The portal spluttered to life, her own lounge room coming into view. She smiled warmly; her home was just beyond the door. She pulled the kids into a group hug, letting them go after a minute or so.

"Hey, I'll promise I'll visit for longer next time, once I fill up my fuel again. Promise me you'll keep creating amazing things." She beamed, feeling a presence near her leg, she looked down. "Oh, there you are, Perry."

Phineas hummed thoughtfully.

"If you see all that's going on, do you know where Perry goes every day?" He asked excitedly. Y/n glanced down at the platypus, who seemed to be sweating nervously. She bent down to scratch his head gently, smiling up at the kids.

"I haven't the foggiest, I'm afraid." The platypus seemed to relax under her hand now as Phineas deflated a bit.

"Well, I'd better be off then. Ferb, say hi to Vanessa for me. I'll see you all at their wedding in 20 years." She stood, her knees cracking as Perry scuttled to Phineas' side. "Also, Phineas, kiss Isabella like we all know you want to." She turned to Ferb. "I'll see you at their wedding as well." Ferb gave her a thumbs up and a small smile as she went to step into the portal. She waved and jumped through, catching a glimpse of her friends waving back before the portal closed with a snap.

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