[AHWM|Yancy x Reader] Until We Meet Again

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Part 2 of I Just Wanna Be Free, requested by @SoullessPotato1. I do plan on writing a third part to this at some point, so stay tuned!

Written: Friday, 5th November 2019

By the time Yancy arrived back, Y/n was half asleep on her bunk, eyes starting to drift close as he suddenly took a running leap and hoisted himself onto the top bunk, legs hanging over the edge. Y/n jolted upright, scrambling out from the bed to face Yancy, who legs were swinging merrily like he was a kid at the park. "Hey, buddy. How you doin'?" She dragged an exaggerated hand down her face, properly waking herself up as she glared into the moonlight shining through her small window.

"Eh, I'm existing. Haven't decided whether that's good or bad yet." Yancy shrugged.

"Looks like, uh," He glanced around, listening for footsteps. "Looks like it might be time to get yous out of here. But before we do..." He pulled a black cloth from his back pocket, holding it towards her. "I need you to put this on."

"You gonna chloroform me or somethin'? And here I thought we were friends." She asked innocently, batting her eye lashes at him. His face reddened slightly, and he fidgeted at the word "friend" but shook his head firmly.

"I know every nook and every cranny in this joint. But if I'm gonna help you break out, you sure as hell ain't knowin' no nooks, nor no crannies." He jumped down from the bunk, landing gracefully on his feet as he continued to rant slightly. "'Cause if you know, then youse gonna tell others, and then theyse gonna tell others, and then suddenly everyone's breakin' out when no one should be breakin' out!" Y/n grinned slightly, moving forwards so she was closer to Yancy, who breathing promptly picked up.

"Calm yourself, Greaser. I'll take it." She smiled up at him. "I trust you." His eyes sparkled slightly, but he quickly coughed, moving to clumsily secure the blindfold behind her head.

"G-Good move." He finished, his hand brushing her cheek slightly as he moved away.

"Now, let's get going. But, uh, watch your head." These words sent a slight spiral of panic through Y/n's gut, but she moved forward, nonetheless. Yancy gingerly took her soft hands in his, leading her carefully through what looked like an endless void to Y/n but who knows? He shouted instructions, she followed them and neither lost their heads. Y/n felt safe with her hand in Yancy's calloused ones, like nothing could ever touch her as they jumped and ducked.

Suddenly, the blindfold was being removed and moonlight flooded her vision. She blinked a few times, grabbing the bars to steady herself before looking up at Yancy, who smiled at her, the cloth now hanging at his side. "And there you have it! Free as a boid." Y/n chuckled slightly; she was actually out! She could go home! "Yeah, oh, and I think this is youse's?" He carefully handed her the box. She stared down at it, she had forgotten it had even existed, she had to be honest. Yancy grinned smugly, hands around the bars. "Yeah, I stopped by the warden's office to have a little chat and I saw that thing youse walked in with, so, I don't know, I thought youse want it." Y/n held the troublesome thing to her chest with one hand, the other reaching through to grab and squeeze his.

"Thanks, Yance." She looked down at it fondly, before looking back at him. "H-Hey! Why don't you come with me? I promise I'm not nearly as aggressive outside of prison. Just... There's always a bed for you." He looked almost shocked, instinctively scratching his neck with his free hand. "Me, out there with you?"

"Yeah. Yeah, Elena would love you."

"I... I done a lot of bad things, and, uh, hey, this is home. For now, anyways." Y/n's chest squeezed, although she'd seen this coming. The musical number should have been enough to show her that but... "Maybe next time parole comes up; I'll give it a shot. For you." He looked at the ground sheepishly, going to withdraw his hand but Y/n squeezed it tight.

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