[BF:U|Ricky Goldsworth x Reader] Sugar

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Dedicated again to @vikachu444. Thank you so much for your continuing support (and for the title idea)!

Written: Thursday, 7th November 2019

Y/n carefully pushed open the hospital room door, expecting to find a still sleeping CC Tinsley, but was greeted with the wide brown eyes of her partner, staring at her from behind a notebook. "Hey, Tins. I snuck in some Chinese for you. How you feeling?" Y/n smiled, dragging a chair over to his side and clutching his trembling hand.

"I'm alright, thanks, Y/n. I just... I need to get back out there. There are criminals running rampant!" He whined as Y/n handed him a small box of Chinese takeout.

"You're bored. I can handle a few cases on my own you know."

"Yea, I know. I just miss the action." He sighed, staring up at her. Y/n patted his hand supportively, placing her box down in favor of taking his hands in hers.

"You'll be out soon, Tins. Then we'll go find a criminal to track down, I promise." She smiled sadly, running a thumb over his still healing knuckles. "I miss you, ya know. Every time I go to tell you I'm heading home, you just... aren't there. It isn't the same without your constant tapping. I want things to be normal again too."

They chatted for a while longer, before an alert sounded on both Y/n and Tinsley's phones. Y/n opened hers up, reading it aloud to Tinsley. "Famed criminal Ricky Goldsworth has been caught by Detective Perry Marello in a death-defying chase." Tinsley hissed through his teeth, clenching his fists.

"Marello. I should've known. Does it say where he's being held?" His eyes shone with newfound determination as he looked up at Y/n.

"He's being held just down the street. Do you want me to investigate and report back? Since you can't move and all." Tinsley deflated a small bit but nodded enthusiastically. Y/n smiled grimly, tipping her hat as she left for the police station.

Halfway there, her phone buzzed. She hastily picked it up, half-running down the busy street, boots clattering on the pavement. "Go for Y/n."

"Y/n, it's Ricky. Listen, I'm at-"

"Yeah, where you are is all over the news! I'm on my way down to the station, don't do anything stupid until I get there. Is the detective still there?"

"That dooshbag? Nah, he went to go brag about me to the press. Idiot."

"I'll be there in 5. Hang tight, Ricky."

"See you then, Sugar." Y/n took off like a rocket down the road, her hair flying away from her head as she tried to keep her hat on in the blustery autumn winds.

When she finally reached the police station, her skin was numb as she stepped into the warmth of the station. She practically melted as she was greeted by the young receptionist.

"Y/n L/n, Ricky's lawyer." She waved tiredly, tucking a spare strand of hair behind her ear.

"Right, of course, mam. Please, come on through." He led her through to the holding cells. "He's in the one on the end, left side of the corridor. Can I get you anything?" Y/n smiled endearingly down at the over-excited assistant.

"Yea, a tea, if you've got any? Two sugars."

"Roger that, miss." He sped off into the corridor, leaving Y/n to find Ricky, alone. Most of the cells were empty or holding drunks. She wrapped her arms around herself as the tunnel progressed and the chill caused the warmth to seep from her bones.

A stocky woman stood leaning against the last cell door, hot breath blowing steam through the air. Y/n pulled her coat further around her, pushing the hat away from her eyes as she politely greeted the woman. "Um, I'm here to see Richard Goldsworth, I'm his legal representative." The guard peered up, looking her over before sighing heavily, stepping aside to open the solid iron door.

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