[P&F|Monty Monogram x Reader] Coffee Shop Cuties

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[Dedicated to the lovely @Multi-FandomWriter! I hope this is up to scratch and thank you so much for requesting!] 

Written: Thursday, April 2nd 2020

"Welcome to Cryptid Coffees, what can I get started for ya?" Y/n smiled absentmindedly at whoever was behind the counter, continuing to scribble on a napkin.

"Y/n? I didn't know you worked here." A familiar voice reached her ears and she perked up immediately.

"Monty? I didn't know you drank here." She echoed back, grinning at the brown-haired man she knew from school. He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, well, Steam Noir kinda went under, so I figured, why not here? It's closer to my place anyway."

"Just the usual then?" Y/n asked, already writing out his order. "Cappuccino with chocolate powder on top and a ginger scone?" At his surprised silence, she blushed. "You, uh, don't really drink anything else. Hell, I haven't seen you since high school and you still drink the same old."

"I... can't believe you remembered." Monty flushed red, the only thing betraying his cool demeanour.

"Yea, well... You were pretty popular. How's Nessa?" She asked.

Monty sighed, not exactly regretful, but with something nostalgic tinting his eyes. "We had a good run, but it didn't last, you know? We just weren't right, I guess." He shrugged, leaning against the coffee machine.

"Never was there a tale of more woe than that of Juliet and her Romeo." Y/n lamented, shaking out the chocolate powder over the piping hot drink.

"What?" Monty laughed. Y/n giggled, handing him his drink.

"At least you didn't die at the end."

"Yeah, I guess so." He carefully took his drink, thanking her as he hesitated. "Don't suppose you wanna sit with me?"

"Sure! I mean, I'd love to!" Y/n stuttered, quickly realizing how she'd sounded. "I mean, yeah, cool, whatever. Just give me a second to close up for the night." Monty raised an eyebrow but smiled anyway.

"Sure thing, Y/n."

A few minutes later and they were cozied up in a booth near the back. Y/n giggled, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear. "No, yeah, I had a massive crush on you in senior year." She sighed, flushing pink. "That's the reason I still remember your coffee order. I wanted to know everything about you. Which sounds... really creepy now that I say it out loud." Monty laughed, deep blue eyes never leaving her.

"You do a girl one favour and suddenly she knows your coffee order 5 years later."
"Oh, god, don't say it like that!" Y/n cringed, reaching over to punching him lightly on the arm. Their laughter began to die down, both parties blushing and looking down into their coffee.

"Nah, I think it's cute you wanted to know me better."

A ghost of a silence passed over the table before Y/n spoke up again, not meeting Monty's eyes. "So, you're single now, huh?" She asked quietly, stirring the drink in front of her.

"Why, are you interested?" Monty replied, chuckling softly as he put a gentle hand on hers, causing her to snap upright, red as a summer tomato.

"I, uh... You're kidding, right?" His face fell, just the slightest bit as he went to withdraw from her warmth. Y/n saw this, quickly looping her fingers with his. "That's not a no, it's definitely not a no! It's just... are you sure you want... me? I mean that's got to be a pretty big step down from Vanessa-" Her deprecating rant was cut short by Monty's lips on hers in a short kiss as he leaned across the table.

"You don't have to compare yourself to her, or anyone. I like you for you, and I hope you like me too." Y/n got up from her seat, Monty's hand slipping from her grasp. For a moment, he thought she would leave, but instead, she sat down on his side of the booth, slipping a hand up to cradle his cheek. He carefully put his hands on her hips, cautious of any adverse reaction she would give, but nothing. Blood rushed to her cheeks, mirroring him as she moved in, pulling him into a proper kiss as he melted against her.

When they finally pulled away, hair messy and lips swollen, she uttered the words he had always hoped to hear from her; "I love you, Monty Monogram."

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