[GF|Bill Cipher x Reader] Growing

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Dedicated to CaringAnimeGirl, thank you for requesting! I hope I did it justice!

Written: Friday, 12th July 2019

"Bill? Where are you, bud?" The young traveler raised her head from her writings at her triangle companion's absence. She carefully placed her notebook into her bag, rising from her desk and walking further into her small cabin. She lived quite the ways out in the forest of Gravity Falls, but nothing she had seen had fascinated her as much as the yellow floating triangle, known to her as Bill.

She made a point of keeping her footfalls loud enough to let Bill know she was approaching, but not loud enough to disturb the peace of the quiet evening. Y/n eventually found herself on the porch, gazing up into the night sky as Bill appeared from thin air to rest on her shoulder. She smiled affectionately, nodding to let him know she was still aware of his presence.

When they had first met, Y/n had only been a teenager of about 13. She was wandering into the forest, her footsteps muffled by the leaves, damp from the rain the night before. She was attempting to observe a creature called The Hide Behind, something she had heard one of the local boys rambling about to his sister. She'd heard rumors that they saved the town from the literal apocalypse, but ultimately decided it was just a rumor and started her hunt.

She made her way through the undergrowth almost silently, gently calling into the breeze every few steps. "Mr. Hide Behind? I'm not here to hurt you." She turned at every noise, craning her neck to see into the deeper woods, where the light didn't reach as easily. After a few hours of failed trekking, she sat down in the shade of a large pine tree, observing the slight dance of the light echoing through the canopy above her. She sighed heavily through her nose, pinching an energy bar from her bag and chomping down on it, her mouth beginning to water at the flavor, the thought that she hadn't eaten that day finally striking her.

"Is anyone out there?" She mumbled, mostly to herself. A breeze passed over the back of her neck, something subtle speaking to her in way that sounded like a snake, with a hissed, "I'm here." She stopped chewing, hauling herself to her feet. "Where are you?" No answer. She began to push through the forest once more, almost tripping when her boot hit a small stone statue, only as tall as her shin.

She knelt down next to it, pushing dirt and leaves away from it. "Hello." She whispered. The triangle stared back up at her, unblinking. "Shake my hand..." The voice ghosted along her earlobe. She shrugged, what was the worst that could happen? She took the statues hand in her own and marveled as the stone exterior melted away to reveal a small, and very frightened, triangle.

"W-Who are you?" She asked aloud. The triangle's pupil, which, up to this point, had been flailing rapidly, snapped to her, still holding his hand. He stared in silence, tring to figure out her intent. She smiled quietly, offering up a statement for his consideration. "My name is Y/n." He seemed to process this information slowly and, after a few minutes of silence, returned with his own name. "Bill." She small smile split into a grin as she released his hand. "It's very nice to meet you. Are you lost?" "I - no, no. I'm not lost. Just confused." She suggested something that she always found helped with clearing her mind. "Would you like to come with me on my walk, Bill?" He weighed his options and, after a moment, gave her what seemed to be a nod and floated up to her shoulder, perching himself there as delicately as he could.

He was glad he had joined her, she brought peace to his raging thoughts with her soft speech and steady walking. As Y/n continued to quietly talk to him, he began to grown attached to this human. They stopped when they reached an old cabin. It was a bit rundown and rotten, but the structure was fine. Y/n reached up to her shoulder, taking his hand in her own again as she walked into the house, jumping over the rotten bits of floorboard with practiced ease. She lowered herself onto the patch of non-wooden flooring, careful not to disturb anything. As she leant her head back against the peeling wallpaper she spoke, thinking aloud.

"One day, Bill, this will be my place. I'll have a nice big writing desk, over there. Maybe, I'll even have a big bookshelf, from top to bottom! I'll make it look lovely, just you wait." So he did.

He watched as, over years, the house eventually became a home. Their home. Y/n would often whistle when she was painting, laughing when Bill accidentally left a small, blue hand print on the living room door frame. She picked up the nearest paint-covered brush, a tangerine color, and added a matching handprint, grinning at him. She never outgrew that grin.

Now, here they were, five years later after their meeting, standing on the porch of their home. The home with the big writing desk and the floor to ceiling bookshelves, but, more importantly, their memories. So as Y/n stood on the porch, smiling up at the stars and he sat, nestled in her h/c hair, Bill felt himself grin. His heart felt like it was about to burst as she reached up to take his small hand in her own. He couldn't be happier as he whispered a simple, "Thank you." into her ear.

I am taking requests! DM me or comment here if you'd like one done.

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