Thinking Out Loud

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Teenage hormones were abundant everywhere, filling the air and being impossible to ignore. Soul held the door open for Kid as they re-entered the school. He felt tempted to just grab his hand, pull him close, embrace him and give a big fat middle finger to the world. But he couldn't and he wouldn't. Not in that second, anyways. He had a point to prove.

Kid was more than a little curious about where this was leading. Part of him figured there would be conflict and they would tell Maka they were leaving, or that Soul would leave him in the hall, say what he needed to say, then give him a ride home. There were probably a million different outcomes that could've surfaced from what they were doing.

Soul felt his heart pounding in beat with the music as they neared the dance again. The lights flashed around and bounced off the walls, escaping into the halls. He walked close next to Kid, closer than normal friends would've. But then again... they were more than friends, and it was time that the world knew about it.

Soul didn't know what he was. He didn't know which gender he wanted and he didn't care. He wanted Kid, and he wasn't going to hide his feelings any longer. Just hearing Maka bash him like that... it had made him realize some crucial things. Secrets could hurt people, and people not being told what they needed to hear... it only made things worse in the long run.

Kid looked over at Soul and gulped as they stood in front of the doors. His eyes caught on the other's unbuttoned collar, then his striking red orbs. He was about to out himself to everyone dependent on what Soul's choice was. His father, his classmates, everyone. They'd all know the secret he'd kept for years.

" We're going to be fine." Soul whispered to him.

Kid nodded, and with that, they stepped in. The songs had slowed down and they weren't as hip-hoppy as earlier. Not as many people were grinding. More were sitting down and resting, trying to regain some spent energy. And that meant... people could see them, pay more attention.

It didn't take more than a few seconds before Maka turned away from BlackStar and Tsubaki, noticing that Soul and Kid were coming in the door together. She clenched Soul's emerald colored necktie in her hand while walking over to him. Her heels clacked on the floor loudly, her body having much momentum and angry posture.

BlackStar's eyes widened as he realized what was about to go down.

" Maka?" Tsubaki asked, about to follow her to see what was wrong. BlackStar put a hand on her shoulder and stopped her before she could, shaking his head. For once, he was being rational and down to Earth.

" You don't want to get in the middle of this." He told her, and Tsubaki was beyond confused. She still listened to him, though. If BlackStar seemed to know what he was talking about, she would trust him.

Soul stopped in his tracks when Maka made her way in front of him.

" What's the big idea?!" She exclaimed. " We came to this dance together and you left me out there all by myself!"

Soul took a deep breath and Kid scowled and looked to the side, not wanting to speak his mind. This was Soul's time to speak to her, and him getting involved would've only made matters ten times worse.

" Maka. I can't do this anymore." Soul tried to stay calm while telling her. He wasn't about to scream at his partner in front of everyone.

" Do what?! Be a good date?!" She pinched the bridge of her nose. " You know what? I knew this would happen! You are so arrogant sometimes I can't even-"

" That has nothing to do with it!" Soul finally told her. " I shouldn't have even agreed to go with you! I can't keep lying about where I am or what I'm doing!"

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