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{ Anyone who doesn't like BlackStar is not to be trusted. Periodt. >~< }

" It's been forever since we've thrown a party!" Patty exclaimed excitedly, pouring snacks into a bowl and spilling some onto the counter. Liz was about to tell her to be more careful, but Patty was like a vacuum when it came to cleaning it up.

" I know... it's just like before the Kishin madness and the dance." Kid chuckled. He was currently mixing up some punch for them by mixing soda, juice, and some fruit. It was basically like a non-alcoholic sangria.

" I'm just excited to kick back. When was the last time we all got together?" Liz asked. She went back to hooking up the bluetooth speaker. No get together would be complete without music.

" A longggg time." Patty giggled.

Kid nodded, finally finishing up. It was a dispenser with a lever on the bottom and a tiny spout. And just in time, because the doorbell rang a few seconds later.

" I'll get it..." He said, heading toward the front of the mansion. He passed through the dining room, the living room, and the grand entrance to get there, opening the door.

" Yo!" BlackStar yelled from the front door. " I forgot how rich you were!"

" That is-" Tsubaki tried to stop him, but BlackStar had never really been one to read the room.

" Where's the food?" He asked, coming in. Kid didn't let it bother him, knowing how inelegant the other meister was. And it was clear in Tsubaki's face that she was sorry for his behavior, but Kid was used to it, so it was fine.

" In the kitchen." The reaper chuckled and shut the door, and the music started up in the back. Tsubaki slipped off her shoes to be polite and dragged BlackStar back to the door so he could do it, too.

After that was all settled, Tsubaki and BlackStar headed to the kitchen to meet Liz and Patty, but Kid hung back. He sat at the front of the mansion and took his spot on the steps. He was waiting for Soul and Maka, excited and hoping they wouldn't be much longer.

Meanwhile, BlackStar was inhaling chips and finger sandwiches, then looked out into the backyard.

" Woah! You guys have a basketball court?" He looked over to Liz and Patty with wide eyes.

" And a pool." Liz replied. " Honestly it would be a great day for some hoops."

" Only if you're in the mood to lose." Patty added.

BlackStar raised a brow and smirked. Tsubaki already knew what was coming after that. A challenge to BlackStar was something that became so much more, and the sisters had to have known that.

" How about we have a game when everyone gets here if you really think you can beat me?" He said, and Liz and Patty looked at each other and laughed. Before Kid had taken them in off of the streets, playing basketball had been a fun thing to do in the city, and they could even hustle people while doing it. BlackStar was going DOWN.

" Fine."

" You're on."

" Oh goodness..." Tsubaki looked to the side.

Kid bounded up from the stairs when he heard the doorbell ring again, and he was definitely excited to see Soul's face again.

" Hey, welcome." Kid said, seeing Maka and Soul together on the front doorstep. He swore that he'd never been so happy in his entire life, seeing them both smile and sensing how content they were.

" Thanks for having us." Maka said.

Soul's heart fluttered when he saw how good Kid looked, laying his eyes on the reaper's blush, his slender figure, and the golden color of his irises. He knew that after everything, he'd definitely made the right choice.

Last Dance {Soul x Kid}Where stories live. Discover now