Breaking Point

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{ Important A/N!

This chapter marks the start of the second book that inspired the adaptation of this fic. It was titled something else and acted as a sequel to the previous chapters. there's a time skip and the story switches gears into tension and sexual frustration, as well as them trying to stay together with conflicting energies. 

Hope you all like it anyways! There are definitely parts that are different than my current writing style, since they were written years ago, too. 



{ Kid's bedroom }

The boys' lips moved knowingly against one another, having become way more than just familiar over time. Soul laid atop of Kid and made sure not to crush him with his weight, being as he was heavy even in his human form. Not that the reaper would've minded if he did, though. Having Soul over top of him was a blessing, even if it meant giving up some oxygen.

Their kiss was steamy and loving at the same time. Kid didn't want to stop there. He pulled Soul in closer with his left hand, snaking his right down towards the weapon's pants, which were tighter than usual. Soul rolled his eyes, grabbing his boyfriend's hand and leading it away from his crotch.

" Soul..." Kid groaned.

" Kid..." The weapon mocked, the yellow eyed boy giving him an annoyed look all the while.

" Please."

" We've gone over this." Soul sighed. " I want your first time to be more... special."

Kid forced a laugh.

" Who ever said this would be my first time? " He wiggled his eyebrows teasingly. Kid could never really lie to his boyfriend and get away with it. Soul always seemed to know.

" I didn't realize Liz and Patty got there before me. " Soul snorted jokingly. The boy beneath him turned a tomato shade of red and looked to the side. He was sexually frustrated to no end and Soul was very aware by then. " Hey." He put his thumb to Kid's chin and pulled him into a one-sided kiss. " Hey." They parted and the two engaged in intense eye contact. Somehow it only made Kid want him more. " I know this is hard."

" Soul... it's been over a month and we haven't really done anything." Kid whimpered, then let a sigh escape his lips. " C-can you at least let me get you off s-somehow?"

" When the time is right." Soul restrained himself, though almost every part of him wanted to rip off Kid's clothes and take him right there. He didn't want to do it before Kid was ready.

{ DWMA cafeteria: lunch time }

Now that they were an official couple, Soul and Kid could be together in the lunchroom. They could sit next to each other and they could hold hands under the table, thinking nobody knew. (Everybody knew.)

It started off as awkward, the relationship. But their friends had come to accept it, accept them. Well, most of them had anyway. Kid still didn't think Maka was over it. Soul had let her down nicely, as nice as he could, and she had been "okay" with it. But he constantly felt her eyes on him. Kid wasn't so stupid to believe she'd be fine with their being together.

That day's lunchtime was rather loud. It was always boisterous with BlackStar on the loose, but it was different. Everyone seemed to have something to say and conversation was rampant.

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