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{ Okay but... TEA!}

Kid buttoned his shirt back up and looked to the side, blushing as the school bell rang out. It signalled that lunch had arrived, and he and Soul would've definitely been found out if they weren't there. Maka would've had a bird if Soul and he were missing, and Kid was almost certain, but still... that brought him to a thought that had been bothering him for weeks.

" Soul..." Kid murmured, and the weapon was just standing up from his knees after everything. His hair was messed up and his headband was crooked, but he fixed it so Kid wouldn't have a freak out about it.

" Hm?" He hummed, wondering what was up.

" Do you think we could talk about the Maka thing?" Kid asked, leaning back on the wall and pulling his pants back up. After what he and Soul had done, he felt like he had to tell him what had been on his mind. It wouldn't have been healthy to just focus on physical things if they were going to have a relationship.

Soul wondered exactly what Kid was talking about, not wanting to just assume.

" What do you mean?"

" I... I feel like she's been really pissed at me. She keeps dirty looking me and then I get so mad that I just act on my emotions." Kid explained. " She's still jealous of me."

Soul didn't know how to take that at first, but he did realize what Kid was talking about. Maka seemed to be fine when it was just she and himself, but when Kid was around, she got quiet and always seemed so upset. He was worried that maybe everything wasn't truly over.

" I'm sorry she's making you feel like that. I don't know what else I can say to her." He replied, and Kid picked his jacket up from the floor. He felt so filthy and for the first time in forever... he didn't mind it. But this wasn't the time for such thoughts! They had to figure this out before it could get any worse.

" Well... I'm just trying to figure out how we can fix it. I don't want to come between you and your best friend, but at the same time... I can't lose you." Kid said, and Soul took a step forward, sighing. His hands ran down Kid's sides and rested on his hips.

" I'm not going anywhere, but you do have a point. She needs to get over me." Soul said.

" Does she doubt that we like each other? We can always prove her wrong..." Kid suggested.

" Don't you think we did enough of that at the dance?" Soul awkwardly chuckled. " I think she's mad cause she has to see us together all the time."

" I can't help that." Kid looked down. " I get jealous easily, too..."

" No. Really?" Soul asked. " You're probably the most jealous guy I've ever seen, even if you don't show it all the time. But it's not like I mind that."

" We should get to lunch... figure out something we can do." Kid said, and Soul nodded while opening the closet door, peering out. They snuck away, and he could still taste Kid on his tongue and in the back of his throat. Was it nasty that he liked it? Probably, but he didn't care.

When Soul and Kid walked into the cafeteria, it seemed to go silent. All eyes were on them, and every move they made was being watched. Kid squeezed Soul's hand tightly as they sat down at the lunch table. The gang all eyed them attentively, as though they were expected to speak. That never happened, though. What was the big deal?

Conversation slowly worked back up to a dull roar among the other students, but their table remained quiet. That was, until BlackStar had to open his enormous mouth. He cleared his throat obnoxiously, nearly coughing up a lung in the process.

Last Dance {Soul x Kid}Where stories live. Discover now