Third Wheeling

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{ I smell a Maka redemption arc :D }

Kid was met with plenty of mixed feelings once he told Liz and Patty where he was going and what for. After the blow up at practice, at least that much could be expected.

" You're telling me that Maka agreed to third wheel with Soul and you, and even cook the food involved with it?" Liz asked, arching one of her perfectly sculpted brows at him. It was hard to believe given the context of the situation. Just earlier that day Maka and Kid had been sending jabs at each other.

" It's not like that." Kid told her, and he looked in the mirror, judging his choice in outfit. He treated everyday like a date when Soul was involved. His appearance was something he paid extra attention to and this was no exception. Reapers were known for formal dress wear and punctuality. Kid definitely was no stranger to style.

" Really? Cause it sort of sounds like she agreed to this so Soul would invite you over." Liz replied.

" She can't do anything to me without a weapon. And I highly doubt that Soul would transform for her if she was planning on something like that. Frankly, I'm hoping she really means to make up and get over this. I want my friend back and I want to be happy with Soul without being scared of her wrath." Kid explained, then decided that the suit he was wearing was too much. He needed to be more casual and less extra, which was definitely hard for him.

" I want that, too, but I just need you to be careful." Liz said, and Kid flicked on the lights inside his walk-in closet. He went in and began to paw through all of the clothes on the hangers.

" I will." He told her, pulling out a sweater.

" Okay, what is that?" Liz grimaced.

" A v-neck?" Kid said. " Why? What's wrong with it?"

" Step aside." Liz nudged him out of the way and took over central command. " Patty!" She called, hoping for some assistance from her sister and a second opinion. It didn't take long at all before Patty came charging from down the hall and came into Kid's room, giggling.

" What's up, sis?" She asked.

" Help. What about this?" Liz pulled out a tank top from Kid's wardrobe.

" Are you nuts?! I'm not BlackStar! I'd freeze in a low cut shirt like that!" Kid exclaimed, then held his face in disappointment. This was why he should've just thought for himself, but Liz seemed to know better.

" But would Soul like it?" Patty winked, and Kid seemed to break down.

" No!" He denied.

" If we were picking something Soul would like we would just send him there naked." Liz teased. Kid was pretty much red hot in the face by then as he shook his head.

" Shut up shut up!" He yelled. " I would never leave the house like that in a million years!"

" Uh huh." Liz said, putting the shirt back. " But you need to show a little skin. This is kind of a date."

" It's really not. I don't want to rub anything in Maka's face..." Kid reminded, and Liz sighed. She pulled out a light pink, short sleeve shirt. It had a collar and four buttons on it and she handed it to him. " Here. Then you can mix this with khakis and some light pink and gray dress socks."

Kid looked down at the shirt and decided that he didn't have a problem with it. It was casual enough and covered him where he needed to be. He just hoped that he wasn't overdoing it- wait. What was he saying? He wore a suit to school everyday. Maybe it would be more refreshing for Soul to see him in something less formal.

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