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{ Let the romance begin...}

The energy in the room didn't have a word to describe it. It was clear that Soul was curious, but Kid was still puzzled on how to summarize things. What did he know? That was where he should've been starting, right?

" So... when my father talked to me earlier, he brought up some things that we have to talk about." Kid began. " It's nothing bad per se, but there was something that took me by surprise, and I don't want to spring it on you."

Soul seemed confused while sitting there. Kid had already told him that it wasn't anything necessarily bad and that they weren't in trouble, but for some reason... he was nervous. When Lord Death was involved and Kid specifically wanted to speak in person over it, it was difficult not to overthink.

" Alright... I'm listening." Soul said, reaching over and letting his hand rest on Kid's shoulder.

" He basically told me that he'll support whatever makes me happy... but that being around me intimately is going to be taxing on your soul long term." Kid explained, his eyes beading as he looked over to Soul, who was shocked upon hearing that.

" Why? How does that make any sense?" Soul asked.

" My reaper soul is strong compared to your human one. To make sure I'm not doing anything to offset your soul wavelength... Father told me that we need to figure out how to resonate together. Not even in your weapon form. Sort of like a link just between the two of us." The reaper looked to the side. He hoped that the progress he'd just made with Maka wouldn't suffer as a result of this.

Soul was sitting there with wide eyes, not having expected that at all. He had never even thought about having another partner besides Maka for that. It would be weird... but if it was what Lord Death said, and if it also meant he could stay with Kid... he would.

" This won't affect Maka and I's resonance rate will it? And my madness? I don't want to spread it to you." Soul thought out loud. His black blood wasn't something that he liked to think of much, but it was still inside of him and he'd come to live with it. Even with the madness wavelength around the world stabilized and the Kishin dead, there was always that worry in the back of his head. Maka was used to it by now, but what about Kid?

" It won't change anything with you and Maka. And you really think I would ask you to do this if I was concerned about black blood? It doesn't scare me." Kid said, and Soul squeezed his shoulder a little more firmly, pulling him closer.

" I-... okay. We'll try it. But if you start feeling weird or it makes your OCD worse, then you better tell me. I'm not about to hurt you." Soul murmured.

Kid thought it was actually kind of cute that Soul was worrying about him like that, but he didn't tell him that. He kept it to himself and leaned on his boyfriend, smiling slightly.

" We just have to get it down and do it every week. It's not about my safety. It's to make sure your soul is okay." He reminded, and Soul gave up on them sitting separately by then. He pulled Kid into his lap, an action which made the meister blush a deep red color.

" Well what if you're more important to me?" Soul asked quietly, holding him from behind and resting his chin on Kid's shoulder.

" Then you're an idiot." Kid snickered. To think Soul would put the safety of his own soul in jeopardy to guarantee his health. Soul's soul was much more valuable to the academy than if Kid happened to get mixed up with some black blood, and Kid knew that full well.

Soul sighed and shook his head, pressing gentle kisses on Kid's neck from behind. He was trying to distract and comfort himself, all the while Kid shivered and chills ran down his back.

Last Dance {Soul x Kid}Where stories live. Discover now