Their Happy Ending

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{ Welcome to the last chapter :,). SMUT WARNING! }

" Where were you guys?" BlackStar asked as Soul and Kid came into the main living room. They plopped down on the loveseat, which was open because BlackStar and Tsubaki were sharing the chair, and everyone else was curled on the sectional in front of the TV.

" We just had a talk... stop being so nosy." Soul said, chuckling to himself. He was trying to play off his feelings as nonchalant, but he was anything but that on the inside. He was still thinking about everything that Kid had said, and how it was basically a plea and a confession of how deep his feelings for him were.

" Mhm..." Patty giggled and looked toward Liz, and she was forced to tone it down as not to offend Maka. They had worked so hard to gain forgiveness and acceptance from her and the last thing they wanted to do was rub it in.

Kid coughed to himself.

" Anyways, what are you all watching?" He asked, wanting to change the subject.

" Well, we were about to turn on a movie." Maka replied. She didn't let Soul and Kid bug her. She knew that she had to stay true to her word, and it wasn't as difficult now that they had their resonance link back. This was just one obstacle in her life, and she would find another guy who made her as happy as Soul. It just would take a while.

" Sweet." Soul said.

" Let's watch an action movie." BlackStar insisted, and he was holding Tsubaki in his lap the whole time.

" Uhh- no. I want a chick flick." Liz retorted.

" I won basketball, so I get to choose!" BlackStar triumphantly exclaimed.

" Soul, be the tiebreaker." Patty turned over to him.

" How about we just watch a comedy and everyone's happy?" He asked, smiling in an awkward way. They didn't need another brawl on their hands over something as dumb as a movie.

" Fineeee." BlackStar groaned.

After the group decided on a movie, Soul decided to get more comfortable with Kid. He pulled the perfectly folded couch blanket down and over them, and Kid cringed to himself about the symmetry being ruined. He leaned against Soul to calm himself, and it actually worked as he snuggled by him.

Soul kept his arms wrapped around Kid and let the reaper get situated in his lap. There was heat that had grown between them after a while and it had become impossible to ignore. Those two hours were practically torture as far as Soul's crotch was concerned. It wasn't like he was hard or anything, but just thinking about Kid like that was making him restless.

Kid felt Soul pulling him against his lap more as the movie ended. It had actually gotten later in the night, and BlackStar was yawning in the chair.

" It's probably about time we head home, right?" Tsubaki asked.

" I guess..."

Maka glanced over at Soul as if to silently ask what his opinion on that was, but she knew from the way he'd curled up with Kid... he wanted to stay late. She didn't want to get in the way of them, and at least she wouldn't have been home alone, since Blair was there.

" Hey, Tsubaki, can I catch a ride home with you two?" She asked, and BlackStar was quick to answer for her.

" Ya, no problem." He told her, then winked at Soul when Maka wasn't looking. Soul blushed and shook his head, sighing. But the expression on his face after that was definitely a grateful one toward Maka.

They all snapped a picture for Instagram before people started heading home, and Soul whispered a thank you in Maka's ear before saying goodbye. He told her he'd probably crash at Kid's, and she didn't seem to mind.

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