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{ Oof, hey everyone! Hope quarantine is treating you all well! Don't get too depressed like me :,). }

Kid kept his hands in his pockets while he walked through the red arches that preceded the Death Room. He had a lot of things on his mind right then and that was for sure. Was Father angry with him? And if so, what had he done? He cared a lot about Lord Death's opinion and input for obvious reasons, so it would've killed Kid to think he was mad, or even worse, disappointed in him.

Looking up at the doors, Kid took a deep breath. He knew that there was a lot that could've happened after he entered and mentally prepared himself for that. There was a very real possibility that his father would've been disapproving of he and Soul's relationship. Though it would've been a nightmare if that happened, he had to consider everything that could come from this.

Pushing the doors open, Kid slowly walked in and saw that his father was standing on the circular platform which had three steps leading up to it. He came up to him and took his hands out of his pockets, knowing it would've been rude to keep them in while talking to him.

" Heya, Kiddo!" Lord Death said in his goofy voice. " Long time no see. I almost forgot how cute those little stripes in your hair were." He teased.

" Stop it." Kid shook his head and tried to move on from the comment. He was asymmetrical and it disgusted him, but he'd learned to live with it, just as he'd learned to live with Soul, who wasn't symmetrical in the slightest. OCD was fun.

" Oh, alright." The grim reaper chuckled. " So, how are you? Is school going alright? How are your classes?"

I know he didn't call me here to check in... so what is his angle? Father is so confusing...

" I've been really busy." Kid told him honestly. " But I'm sure you already knew that."

Lord Death leaned over a little bit and seemed to be inspecting his son's facial expression, but it was hard to truly tell what he was thinking. However, Kid felt guilty and it was clear as he broke into a nervous sweat. It wasn't so obvious what he felt guilty for, though.

" You see, I pulled you out of resonance practice because I've been meaning to chat with you. I thought maybe you would tell me on your own, but that never happened." The Father explained. " So I figured I should take it upon myself to meet with you and discuss everything. I'm sure you understand why..."

Kid knew that he couldn't play dumb about this, and even if he did, it wouldn't have even helped. He was talking about Soul.

" I know... I should've told you." Kid looked down. " You have every right to be angry with me." His head hung and he felt like he'd done something really bad, shameful. And it wasn't the being gay part that made him feel that way. Keeping secrets from his family was something he'd always hated doing, though he'd had to in the past.

" I'm not mad. I just fear that if you continue your impulsive decisions with Soul Eater that it will affect his relationship with Maka and throw off the balance of your resonance group." Lord Death explained. He wouldn't go into detail about what "impulsive" decisions he was talking about, as he assumed Kid could figure those out on his own.

" I don't want to fight with Maka anymore... I just wish she could move past this." Kid admitted. He thought about how he'd basically been found out by his father, about being gay... and it felt like a weight off his shoulders. But still... they had yet to formally talk about that issue either. Maybe it was best that they didn't. Why delve into detail if they didn't have to? Not right then, anyways. That would be a much better conversation if it was saved for the future.

" Maka is like her mother in the fact that she's stubborn and very set to a certain way of thinking. I agree with the fact that her relationship with Soul is better as a platonic one, but I still feel as though we need to speak about your connection to him." Lord Death began. " Given your OCD I find it hard to believe that you ever found feelings for him in the first place, but if you're happy... I will gladly accept your choice to be with him. However, if this relationship is more than a fling, Soul and I will need to have a conversation. He must know what it takes to date a shinigami and how taxing it can be on a human soul wavelength."

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