Chapter 1 Anime to Game

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A/N: This fanfic may not be a sequel to Leah's Journey, but it is related to it. And with that I bid you all a good read.

Third P.O.V

Leah was training on Ten Carat Hill, when an Ultra Wormhole appeared and dragged her and her Pokémon in it.

As she arrived to the other side of said wormhole, she realized that she was no longer on Ten Carat Hill, but in Paniola Town. "This gotta be a joke!" Leah thought. She looked around, Paniola Town wasn't the same one from the Alola she knows. This Paniola Town was less detailed and didn't have a lot of people. "Hmm, There's not a lot of People here, Good for me." She thought once again. She realized her entire team were out of their Pokéballs, Leah withdrew almost everyone, leaving Krystal, the Glaceon out of its Luxury Ball. Leah heard the sound of battling, so she walked towards where the battle was taking place, but when she got there, the battle ended much to her disappointment.

The battle was on Route 5, Leah was quite surprised to see her best friend, Gladion and Hau battling each other. Then Hau spoke up, Leah stayed quiet. "Ha ha ha! Man, I lost again!" Hau exclaimed. Leah glanced at Krystal. "Happy Go Lucky much." Leah whispered to Krystal which nodded in response. Then Gladion gave his reply to the Cheerful Green haired boy. "Are you even taking this seriously?" He asked. "Sheesh that's not the Gladion we know Krystal." Leah told Krystal. Krystal did her cry trying to tell Leah that she agreed. Hau responded once more. "I am! So seriously! I'm seriously enjoying it!" He exclaimed. "...Enjoying it?" Gladion asked it seemed like he was annoyed. Gladion spoke up once again. "You can enjoy Pokémon battling when you put everything you have into it... which clearly you haven't." He told Hau. Leah looked at Krystal. "That actually sounds a lot like the Gladion we know." Leah told Krystal as she chuckled a bit, that chuckling got the boys' attention. Knowing this, Leah came out of her hiding spot. "Whoa! Hey, Moon!" Hau exclaimed. "I'm not who you think I am, but I do grant you my greetings." Leah told them. "This guy is plenny scary!" Hau told Leah. Leah raised her eyebrow. "A great trainer, affirmative, scary, not so much." Leah told Hau. Gladion was taken aback to her statement. "So If you're not Moon, who are you?" Hau asked. "I'm Leah and this is my partner Krystal!" Leah exclaimed. "Hmph. Not very cautious. Even some Pokémon have a better sense of self-preservation than you apparently do." Gladion told her. "Excuse you, but I am fully capable of taking care of myself even if I revealed myself to some alternate versions of my friends!" Leah told Gladion. The two boys were shocked until Hau spoke up. "Is it like Avengers Endgame or something!?" Hau asked. Gladion and Leah glared at him. Leah sweat dropped, "That's not how I'd put it." She said. "I'm Gladion. I battle for my partner, Null, to make it strong. Though most of our time gets used up doing small jobs for Team Skull." Gladion told them. "The Gladion I know, wants nothing to do with Team Skull..." Leah said mostly to herself. Hau got excited again. "There's a Gladion in you universe!?" He exclaimed. Leah glared at him once more. "Yes, but he is quite a softie if you get to know him." Leah told him. "Battle me. I won't take no for an answer." Gladion told Leah. "I was about to ask you the same thing!" Leah told him.

The battle began as Leah sent in Eclipse as Gladion sent Zubat. "Huh? I could of sworn that you had an Umbreon or a Lycanroc." Leah told him. Gladion didn't reply. "Alright then, Eclipse use Will-O-Wisp!" Leah told Eclipse. Will-O-Wisp burned Zubat, causing to lower it's HP. Gladion was doing his iconic Edgelord pose, Leah always thought that it was cute. "Zubat use Wing Attack." Gladion told Zubat. With Leah's shout Eclipse avoided the attack. Zubat was hurt by its burn. "Alright, Use Fire Blast!" Leah told Eclipse. Zubat fainted. Leah withdrew Eclipse and sent in Krystal. "You know, you're actually really cute when you do that!" Leah told Gladion. It got him off guard. "C-cute!? I am not cute!" He told her. "Yep, I'm a hundred percent certain that you are!" Leah told him. Gladion blushed lightly, barely anyone was able to see him blush, but Leah noticed. "Ooh, I flustered you!" She said teasingly. "N-no You didn't!" He replied clearly stuttering. Leah smiled. He sent in his last Pokémon, Type: Null. "Krystal, you've battled Type: Null more than once back home, this should be Child's Play for us!" Leah told Krystal. Leah told Krystal to use Hail. Gladion told Type: Null to use Tackle. Which it obeyed. "Krystal use Frost Breath!" Leah told Krystal.

(Game) Gladion's P.O.V

What Level is that Glaceon!? Whatever it is, she is good. Earlier Leah flustered me, I don't get it. We seriously just met and here I am extremely flustered thanks to a girl that is from an alternate universe. "Snap out of it, Gladion!" I mentally scolded myself. That's when I realized that she landed a finishing blow with a powerful Subzero Slammer. I withdrew Type: Null. "How annoying" I said. It seems like it didn't bothered her at all. She hugged her Glaceon tightly and congratulated it. I sighed, but I tried to keep it together. She's doing something to me that I don't understand. I sighed once more, I'll ask Lillie when I get the chance.

Leah's P.O.V

As the conversation went on two team skull grunts came walking towards us. They were taunting Gladion. I got pissed, but I have all the reasons to. Although Gladion acts tough, deep down he's a big softie. Gladion then spoke up to the grunts. "Just give it up already. You know you can't beat me. You'll just get your Pokémon hurt for no reason. They're good Pokémon." He told them. They kept taunting him until they left, I was boiling with anger. Although this isn't the same Gladion that I know, I still feel a connection. "So Leah are you going to the next trial?" Hau asked. "I already have passed those trials a few years ago." I told him kindly. And with that he left, I realized that Gladion left too. So I followed him by instinct. I arrived at Royal Avenue as I see Gladion near the entrance of the Battle Dome.

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