Chapter 5 When you least expect it!

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(Anime) Lillie's P.O.V

I decided to go to Aether Paradise to figure out about Leah's whereabouts. Gladion has been moping in her room for the last few days so I decided to help him out. That's when I got an idea. I grabbed my cell phone and dialed Leah's number. Hoping that she'll answer. Then I got an answer. "Hello?" Leah said. "Oh my Arceus, you're alive!" I exclaimed. "Look I don't have much time to chat. Lillie, I'm really sorry. Tell your brother, I'm sorry and I love him so much. I must go, but I can't promise you I'll come back, what I'm going to do is really dangerous, if I do survive, I'll try to find a way back home, but for now it's goodbye." Leah told me. I was tearing up. I was struggling with telling Gladion that Leah is alive and keeping things the way they are. Soon I count down the pros and cons about telling him and went with my gut and left the Artificial Island.

Some time later, I arrived on Mele Mele Island. Gladion decided to stay at Leah's house for the time being. So I walked there. When I got inside Leah's house, her younger siblings greeted me cheerfully, but their usual cheerfulness was down a notch. I assumed that they just missed their sister. I told them to occupy themselves as I walked in Leah's room, the only room that I know Gladion might be. I walked in there and to my surprise he was still asleep. I know he sleeps in a lot, but that is too much. I slightly shake him trying to wake him up. When that attempt failed, I grabbed my phone and went to activate my air horn app, but first I must take pictures! So I took pictures and sent them to Mother and Leah. Leah responded to my text. "Haha Cute!" She texted. Mother was probably busy so she didn't reply. With that done, I turn my phone to maximum volume, put the phone close to Gladion, and activated the Air Horn. Gladion jolted awake as I was laughing. He glared at me. "Why would you do that!?" He exclaimed. "Well because I have good news and bad news." I told him. "Okay." He told me. "Well uh how do I put this. Um Leah may not come back for a while, but she is still alive and planning on returning. She haven't told me why though." I told him. He looked at me as if grasping this new information. "She wanted to tell you that she's sorry and that she loves you." I told him. That's when it hit him. He started whimpering quietly as his tears started falling like a waterfall. I felt bad, telling him this was a bad idea. I hugged him trying to comfort him as I pat his hair even though he hates it.

Leah's P.O.V

We arrived at Aether Paradise because we need to save Lillie. "Aether Paradise's harbor... We made it this far without running into trouble. But I don't like how quiet it is. You two...stay alert." Gladion told Hau and Moon. "But... Why would Lillie be here at Aether Paradise?" Hau asked. "She just will be." Gladion told us. "Hmph, I have an Idea, but I'll need one of my Pokémon to do so." I told Gladion. "What could that be?" He asked me. "I have a Meowstic with me. She knows Hypnosis, if she can use it on a few employees it could buy us some time." I told him. He nodded. I sent out Meowstic and told her to use Hypnosis on a few employees and to come and find me once she's done. Once Meowstic left, Gladion pinned me to the wall. I got a closer glimpse at his face Gladion was... Blushing? "Uh what are you doing? Y-you know I have a boyfriend!" I told him. "Shh, I'm aware, I just want to tell you to be careful, Lusamine is the one that killed Leah, I feel like she won't hesitate to give you the same fate." He told me. His voice was breaking, probably from heartbreak. Then I got spotted. "L-leah? Aren't you supposed to be dead?" The employee asked me. "I get that a lot here, thank you and unfortunately for you if you don't let me be, I'll kindly ask my Houndoom to shove your eyeballs down your throat so you can see her rip your carcass open!" I told the employee as I showed her my Ultra Ball as if telling her I wasn't joking. Said employee backed away fearfully and let me pass as I put said Ultra Ball in my pocket just incase I have to scare more employees. Gladion looked at me with shock. "What!?" I told him. "Remind me to not piss you off." He told me. "Haha real funny, Edgy!" I told him.

After what felt like hours, we were at the front of a mansion. I looked over to see Team Skull grunts all over the place. I grabbed my Ultra Ball containing Houndoom and told them off. They all let me pass. I went up to Guzma, I see Gladion on his knees looking very miserable. "Ngh! So I'm still not strong enough. All the days that I struggled alone and lonely... it was all for nothing? Is that it?" Gladion said. "The hated boss who beats you down and beats you down and never lets up... Yeah. Big bad Guzma is here!" Guzma told him. I walked up to him. "What did you do to him, I swear if you hurt him-" I was about to say until Guzma rudely interrupted me. "I did that spoiled little brat a favor and crushed him. Yeah, that was me. Y'know, I kinda liked you, kid. Leaving home like that and wanting to get stronger and stronger. You had some real guts. Going so far as coming over to Team Skull. And rejecting your own mother?! That was impressive." He told me. I grabbed my Ultra Ball and sent out Houndoom. "Battle Me, I won't take no for an answer!" I told Guzma, taking Gladion's words. Guzma smiled. "I see you have some guts, girl, taking me on like take." He told me as he sent out Golisopod. I was worried, Houndoom's fire typing can put it in danger. I grasp all my courage and grab hold of my Key stone. "Key stone respond to my heart, with the raging depths of Hell, burn, burn as bright as you never have before, MEGA EVOLVE!" I told Houndoom as it changed forms. The Mega Evolution symbol appeared in front of Houndoom as I commended my attack. "Houndoom use Foul Play!" I told my fire type partner. Houndoom did what I told it. I looked over to see Gladion was in awe at Houndoom. Perhaps he doesn't know what Mega Evolution is.

(Game) Gladion's P.O.V

Leah challenged Guzma to a battle and sent out her Houndoom, she was right she does have one and it changed forms! How? All I know is that she's a force not to be messed with. Houndoom knocked out all of Guzma's Pokémon with ease as the Dark and Fire type reverted to its original form. Houndoom cheerfully put its front paws on Leah's shoulders and cheerfully licked her face. Leah was laughing and pat Houndoom's head. "O-okay Houndoom we have more issues to deal with." She laughed. Houndoom got off of her as Leah gestured it to follow her. This Houndoom respects and loves its trainer, I wonder why. Houndooms are normally very aggressive Pokémon. Enough of Houndoom, I focus to the task at hand and run inside the mansion with Leah, Moon, and Hau in tow. I looked over to Leah, only to find her shocked and Glaceon and Houndoom growling at mother. Both the Ice type and Dark/Fire type were ready to attack in order to protect their beloved trainer.

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