Chapter 8 The Worst Kind Of Surprise

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Leah's P.O.V

I was being a human starfish in my bed, which was funny because my hand was literally on Gladion's face. I snickered and withdrew my hand. I tried to get out of bed, but the human next to me grabbed my waist. "One more hour? Please." Gladion whispered to me. I rolled my eyes. "Gladion, I'll be late for Pokémon school." I whispered. I tried to get out of his grip, which I failed miserably. "Gladion, I really need to go to school, Dad will 'kill' me if I'm late." I told him in a very serious tone. Gladion just whined and still held my waist. I got up and got changed. "Oh relax, French Fries, I'll ask Dad if we can have lunch together." I told him. Gladion just kept whining. "I'll see you later, French Fries, I really have to go." I told him, I kissed him and closed the door behind me as I ran outside and off to the Pokémon School, I went.

When I got there, I realized I was late. Dad a.k.a Professor Kukui, cleared his throat which startled me. "Ahem, mind explaining why you are so late?" Dad asked me. "First off, I apologize for being late, Dad, now as for the explanation, well Gladion didn't wanted me to leave." I explained. Lillie chuckled. I took my seat which was next to Lillie. "Not a word!" I growled. Lillie lifted her hands in the air. "Hoes before bros, Leah." Mallow told me. "How many times are you gonna tell me this?" I asked them. "Well there's only Lillie who's chill with you having a boyfriend." Lana told us. "My boyfriend is her brother, of course she's chill with this." I replied. "Lusamine is just as chill with that as Lillie is." Mallow stated. "Mother, is Mother also don't involve her in this." Lillie replied. Mallow chuckled. "What about Kukui and Burnet?" Mallow asked. "Dad wasn't so chill at first, as for Mom, she's cool with it." I replied. "I don't feel so chill, mister stork!" Lillie exclaimed. Krystal laid on my lap and slept until lunch came around. Dad gave me the permission to leave for lunch, but have to come back and not be late. When I got outside, I was greeted by my boyfriend. "Surprise, surprise!" I said. "So I don't wanna be late for the other half of my classes so let's just eat outside here." I told Gladion. He nodded. "I'm lazy, so." Gladion told me. "Lazy day huh?" I told him. We ate our food and right before we had to part ways the Ultra Guardians bell alarm rang. "Oh well looks like you are stuck with me!" I told Gladion as I dragged him inside. "Geez Girl, How much energy do you have!?" Gladion asked me. "Hahaha I have enough energy to annoy the civilization." I replied. Gladion groaned.

Third P.O.V

Leah and Gladion ran inside or more or less Gladion was dragged inside by Leah whom was running. Leah and Gladion were panting. "Seriously, Leah you need to relax!" Gladion told her. "Yeah, Yeah, and you should get out of that bed more often." Leah replied. The other girls were staring at them. Lillie was squealing internally, Mallow was annoyed, and Lana was just staring emotionless. Then Lusamine appeared on the screen, as it was a video chat. "We have reports of a Nihilego on route 8 near Akala's Roadside Motel." Lusamine said, panic taking over her voice. Gladion looked confused. Leah smacked him behind his head. "Symbiont!" Leah told him. "Let me guess, Your friendly reminder that you're not pregnant visited today?" Gladion asked Leah. "Not something to talk about in public, but since we're here, yes, my uninvited monthly visitor came to visit me this week." Leah told him. Everyone looked at Leah and Gladion in annoyance. "You two are really off topic." Mallow said. "Well then, about Symbiont." Lusamine said. "Find it, catch it and then you know what to do. I wish you all Good Luck." Lusamine told us. "ULTROGER LUSAMINE!" Everyone exclaimed as they got into their Ultra Guardians uniforms.

Gladion's P.O.V

We were flying on our Ultra Guardians Ride Pokémon. "Take the lead, Gladion!" I hear Leah say. "Uh why? You're the leader, Leah." Mallow said in annoyance. She dislikes me and I don't understand why, I didn't do anything. "I am very well aware, Mallow, but Gladion is more familiar with Route 8 more than I am, so he leads, thank you very much!" Leah told Mallow, I could sense she was bittersweet, either way, I trust Leah's judgement. "Wait what? There's a person down there with Symbiont!" Lillie exclaimed, panic was evident in her voice. "It's not possible!" Leah panicked. Without I could say a word Leah flew towards the ground. "Leah wait... and she's gone." I said. When the rest of us got to the ground, the person there was... mother? We just talked to her earlier. Before anyone of us approached her, Leah stopped us. "Don't, She's from the other world." Leah told us. "Other world?" Lana asked. "Right, uh I was in what I named the Gameverse of Alola, and this Lusamine is not the one we know!" Leah explained panic was now really evident in her voice. This version of Mother got up and had a insane smirk on her face. Instantly almost by instinct, I backed up, well everyone did. "Leah, what was that about an Alternate Universe?" Lillie asked. "Another Alola, this Lusamine is the one from that Universe, Whatever you do, don't listen to her bouffalant shit, she's insane and completely delusional!" Leah explained in clear panic. This version of Mother looked at Lillie and I with a disgust face. Although I did glared at her, I felt a hint of fear through me. Without realizing it, I backed up into Leah which she caught me. "Haha! You okay there, Romeo!?" Sophocles told me. I glared at him, I know he was teasing, but now isn't the time to do that. I looked over to Lillie, whom was a lot more afraid then I was. Leah was more determined, but there was a hint of fear in her eyes. Almost like on cue, Houndoom, Krystal, and Eclipse escaped their Pokéballs. Each one of them were growling and ready to attack.

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