Chapter 10 Love is an Open Door!

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Gladion's P.O.V

This Saturday morning was rather stormy as I woke up to the most angelic sight ever. Leah was asleep so peacefully and quietly. I stroked her hair quietly to not wake her up. If I'm being honest, I'm feeling much better than yesterday, I'll have to give my gratitude to Leah since she took such great care of me even if I was being a little pervy with her, but pervy or not, I've always hated seeing her go, but I loved watching her leave. I loved it so much because when she walks her ass follows some kind of rhythm. I did fell in love with her for her qualities and who she is deep down, but her adorable looks are also a bonus to all of it. It's just unfortunate that people assume her autism makes her stupid and and other details as such, 'cause Leah is really clever and funny and I doubt a diagnosis really defines her, I doubt that a diagnosis really defines a person in general. Leah is really amazing, she cares for those she trusts and every Pokémon. I love her because she stands out and she's not afraid to do so. She's amazing in every way. She eventually woke up, she yawned which made me yawn. "How are you feeling?" She asked. "A lot better." I told her. "That's good. Uh what time is it?" Leah said. "It's nine in the morning." I told her. She nodded and left the bed probably to get herself some toasts. I followed her since there's nothing much to do in that bed. I go in the living room to find her reading on her phone and eating her only toast. I glanced at her phone and to my surprise, she was reading Gladion x Reader Lemons. I felt pain in my crotch area which I realized that I had a boner. "Why now? That's the worst time for this!" I thought. Leah stopped reading and glanced at me as she looked down at my crotch area and raised an eyebrow. "Luckily for you, Dad is off to do some errands and Lillie is not here. Arceus knows what kind of weird stuff she'll say." Leah told me. I blushed in embarrassment. "D-do you want me to help you with that?" She asked as an embarrassed blush appeared on her face. I knew exactly what she was on about. "D-do you really want to, though?" I asked her. She didn't answered, both of us were left in silence for a while. "I don't know, do you?" She asked me. I shook my head saying no. "I don't either, we could have a makeout session, but not uh you know what I mean. That is if you want to." She told me. I knew she was nervous due to her choice of words and her tone of voice. Her voice was quiet and high pitched. I know this from being her best friend for a long time. I decided to give her answer instead of letting her stress a lot more. "I could do with kissing, but not as far as that." I told her. "I agree with those terms and conditions." She told me. I chuckled. "To destroy virginity we need to be at Level 20 and up!" She exclaimed. I laughed as she dragged me in her room.

Leah's P.O.V

I closed my bedroom door shut and locked it, when that was done, I smashed my lips on Gladion's as we both started kissing passionately. After a while, we stopped for air and like on cue, my phone started ringing as the Jeopardy theme started taking over my room. I looked at my phone, only to find out that the person that was calling me was Lillie. When she got on voicemail, she hung up and called Gladion, unlike my phone his was on silent mode so he didn't heard it, thus sending Lillie on voicemail once again. I chuckled. "Now where were we?" I asked before smashing my lips on his once again. Until some point, Gladion bit my lower lip asking for entrance which I granted. At this rate we were french kissing and Arceus this is amazing, but unfortunately we were stopped because my phone rang, once again. "Well I guess that's our dose for today, I think Lillie will be pissed if I don't answer this." I told him which he nodded to. I was panting, he was panting in short I have no idea how long we were frenching. When I answered the phone, I was still panting which got Lillie really concerned. She just called me to warn me that she was coming over at my place. I unlocked the door as Gladion and I went in the living room to play Smash Bros until Lillie walked in. I did my finishing blow on Gladion's character, he was playing as Pikachu and I was playing as Lucario. Gladion groaned. "That's the gift time in a row that you win!" He told me. I shrugged. "Practice makes perfect." I told him. We closed the game and allowed Lillie to start the conversation. "So I wanted to let you guys know, that I'm planning on becoming a traveling performer and I'm starting with Hoenn, I'm leaving tomorrow." Lillie told us. Gladion was shocked and I was smiling. "That's great, Lillie, I'm sure you'll become an even better performer and trainer!" I told her supportedly. She smiled back. "Thanks Leah!" She told me. "I-I'm speechless honestly, sis. But if you think that you'll become even better than what you already are, then I'll support you." Gladion told her. Lillie smiled. "I haven't told Mother and our classmates though." Lillie said. "If Lusamine is too busy, we'll give her the message." I told her. She smiled. "That's all what I came here for, I guess I'll see you again some day or something." Lillie told us, there was hint of nervousness in her voice. "There's nothing wrong in being nervous, Lillie, I've been in your shoes before leaving for Kalos." I told her as I gave her a reasuring smile. "Thank you Leah!" She told me, confidence brimming in her voice. "Glad to help, Lillie!" I told her cheerfully. "Well I gotta go, I still have a few things to pack before my departure." She told us. "Alright you do you, Lillie." I told her. And with that, she left. She's going to Hoenn and going to other regions too so she'll become a great trainer and performer that's for sure. Well I wish her the bestest luck in fulfilling her dream, I'm sure she will succeed.

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