Chapter 4 The Dumb to the Ass

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I'm switching worlds in this chapter and maybe in the next one too.

(Anime) Gladion's P.O.V

The Ultra Guardians (minus Ash) and I as I'm also one of them, arrived at Ten Carat Hill because Mother and Burnet discovered Ultra Aura around that area. If I remembered correctly Leah did said that she was training here, but when we got here she wasn't there. She might have just left who knows. That's when Lillie mentioned the last thing I wanted to hear. "Leah didn't come to Pokémon School this morning." Lillie stated. "You're right!" Mallow said agreeing with her. "You don't think?" Kiawe asked. Then Lana decided to be creepy. "She probably got possessed by the Ultra Beast!" She said in a really creepy tone and screeching like in horror movies. "If she was possessed would she be standing there and try to run off?" Sophocles asked. I didn't say anything. As much as I tried to speak the words just won't come out. That's when I noticed one of Leah's precious objects, a picture of our childhood, if I remember correctly we were being idiots that day. I sighed as I sat down miserably on the cold hard rock that was just there. "Isn't that Leah's favorite Picture?" Lillie asked me. "No shit Sherlock!" I told her although, I didn't wanted to talk. Lana disappeared out of my sight, as she said something again being creepy as she always is. "She was sucked in the wormhole, never to be seen again!" She said creepiness dripping from her voice. It startled me at first, I didn't see it coming and then I didn't realized it, but tears were streaming down my face like a waterfall. That was it, my girlfriend, my best friend, my entire world, the girl I wanted to be my wife, just vanished never to be seen again. Lillie and Kiawe sent out Ponyta and Rapidash (The same ones from Leah's Journey), and told them to look further. Kiawe followed the two Fire Types as Lana left to look a little further, so did Mallow. It was just me and Lillie now, well until Mother called Lillie. "Did you find anything?" She asked. "No, Nothing, Nada, Zero, Zilch." Lillie replied. Geez that's a lot of ways of saying "we didn't find anything." Then Burnet spoke up. "Any signs of Leah?" She asked. She then looked over to the communicator as they were Video Chatting. "I'll take that as a no." She said. Which I realized that she looked at my very miserable face. I sighed as I knew I may never see her again.

Leah's P.O.V

We were at Route 13 now, doing who knows what. I'm just following Gladion. Until Gladion got annoyed with Hau being loud. "Moon!" Hau exclaimed. "I heard the news from Sophocles! You helped him out with testing da kine, yeah? That totem-calling machine or whatever? I guess I was test subject number two! But I managed to get through the trial. Maybe even managed to get a bit stronger, eh? Here, Moon! I want you to take this!" Hau told Moon. "You only have one volume, don't you? Haven't you ever heard the expression that silence is golden?" He told Hau. "Gah! He's back!" Hau exclaimed. I just rolled my eyes at the Green haired boy. "Listen, Team Skull is looking for a Pokémon called Cosmog... Do you two know anything?" He continued. "What?! N-not that we'd tell you!" Hau exclaimed. "So you're the Leah that Lillie and Hau have been talking about. I didn't thought that you'll ended up on the wrong side." Moon told me. "Whatever Moon, the real bad guys are slipping right under your noses and you have absolutely no idea." I told her. "Right like that's what it is. Unless you're looking for Cosmog so you can return home." She told me. "I won't hurt a Pokémon in my entire life! In case you didn't know, I rescued Krystal, Houndoom and Meowstic so uh buzz off!" I told her. She growled at me. "Your growling doesn't scare me." I told her. "So you do know something. Look... Cosmog isn't even a strong Pokémon. But it has the potential to summon Pokémon so terrifyingly strong that you don't even know. If something like that happened, it would be a disaster for Alola..." Gladion told the duo. "A disaster? Like...a real disaster? Then what're we supposed to do about it?" Hau said. "No dodo he means the Ultra Beasts!" I told him, but of course no one listens to me. "Protect it! If you do know where Cosmog is or if you do find anything out...just keep it safe! I know I might be working for Team Skull right now, so you may not trust me or care but... I'm going to tell you this just once. You have to protect Cosmog... no matter what! I still don't even understand how Team Skull found out about Cosmog in the first place..." Gladion told them. "What do you mean? No matter what? You just gonna leave us hanging?!" Hau exclaimed. And with that we left.

(Anime) Gladion's P.O.V

The Ultra Guardians found nothing, so we all agreed to go back at the school. Well I wasn't really helping them, as I was sulking the entire time they were looking. Honestly, at this rate I didn't felt like doing anything. My girlfriend is gone to who knows where and it will be less likely for her to come back. I sit on one of the desks and rest my head on my hand as I was still very miserable. Lillie tried to make me feel better, but I couldn't bring myself to be in a pleasant mood right now. The only thing on my mind was to get Leah back. That was it. In the Morning I'm going to Ten Carat Hill and investigate. I'm desperate. I want my girlfriend back, safe and sound and I'll go to every length possible to do so even if I'm putting myself in danger.

Class ended and everyone returned home. Since our journey in the Kalos region, Leah's house has practically been my second home. So I decided to go there. When I got inside, I noticed that Leah's Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo Switch games were scattered all over the place. So I have decided to grab said games and bring them in her room, where I find said Switch and said 3DS. I look over to her messy desk and find her tablet and laptop scattered throughout said mess. I rummage through her messy desk for her tablet. Her desk was full of papers either crayon tested or had a really nice drawing on it or even some paragraphs written on them. I see that she wrote the paragraphs as this is her handwriting. Seriously, the most organized girl has the most messy desk in existence. As I was looking for that tablet, a drawing in particular caught my attention. I look at it trying to understand what is was. The way it was drawn looked like it was telling a story. I realize that the drawing was taking place in front of the house. Three kids and their Pokémon were chasing each other while a slightly older Lillie was coming out of the house with what looked like milkshakes with Snowy by her side. A slightly older Leah and I stood there watching those children play while, Mother was freaking out over some spilled lemonade. I noticed that the children in the drawing weren't Leah's younger siblings, but what seemed to be our children. I smiled, but it faded as I realized that this is the future Leah wanted and with her gone, she might never have this future. After looking through her over abundance of Wedding drawings I finally got the guts to turn on that flipping tablet. If only I could do something to grant her the future she always wanted... If only I could somehow bring her back alive...

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