Chapter 11 Alola, Hoenn!

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Lillie's P.O.V

I spent the rest of the day packing my stuff for tomorrow. I'll just take Leah's advice and go for it without hesitation. Sometimes, you just gotta jump right into something new and that's exactly what I'm doing. I'll probably meet new friends.

When I finished packing my stuff which was in one backpack, it was quite late so I decided to go to bed. I woke up in the morning, I grabbed my bag and left for the airport. When I got there, I was greeted by my classmates, Leah, Gladion, and Mother. I gave them the brightest smile, I could give them as I went towards the plane for Hoenn and thus I was on my way for Hoenn, I was tearing up, I'm gonna miss all of them. "Vul..." Snowy said sadly. "Like most journeys one must end for a new to begin!" I said to no one in particular. Soon, I remembered our journey in the Kalos region and everything revolving around it, I had a great time and I'm going to have a great time in Hoenn and those other regions! "Just you wait Leah, I'm going to surprise you!" I thought. The plane finally arrived in the Hoenn Region, once it landed, I walked outside the plane. "Pokémon Contests, Here I Come!" I exclaimed cheerfully. "Vul, Vulpix!" Snowy exclaimed just as cheerfully as I was.

I went to the Pokémon Center so I could give Snowy and the others some rest, it was a long flight afterall. Once I got there, I gave Nurse Joy my Pokémon and sat down. A honey brown girl wearing some red colored clothes and a young boy wearing glasses, a green t-shirt and some dark colored pants walked towards me. "Hi there!" The girl said. "Hi, I'm Lillie!" I introduced. "I'm May!" The girl, I now know as May introduced. "I'm Max!" The boy introduced. "Nice to meet you!" I told them.

Shortly after, Nurse Joy notified me that my Pokémon were all in mint condition. "Thank You!" I told her. I grabbed my Pokémon which most of them were in their Pokéballs and returned to talking with May and Max. "Wow, I've never seen a white Vulpix before!" May told me. Max looked annoyed. "That's an Alolan Vulpix, it's an Ice type." Max told her. "I have an idea! Let's have a battle!" May told me. "That's a good idea, I was looking to become stronger." I told them.

May and I were now standing on a battlefield. I sent my shiny Sylveon into battle and May sent Glaceon into battle. I beat myself to not get emotional since Glaceon reminded me of Leah. "Sylveon use Moonblast!" I told Sylveon. "Dodge it Glaceon!" May told Glaceon. Glaceon dodged Sylveon's Moonblast. "Glaceon use Ice Beam!" May told Glaceon once again. "Use your feelers to block it and use Dazzling Gleam!" I told Sylveon. I thought I heard Max say "whoa!" or something of the sort. Sylveon used Dazzling Gleam dealing a good amount of damage on Glaceon. "I heard you're planning in partaking in Pokémon Contests with that battling style, you'll be able to win." May told me. "Thanks, I learned from Alola's Champion and my older brother." I told her. "Glaceon use Ice Beam again!" May told the Ice Type. "Sylveon Dodge it and use Moonblast!" I told Sylveon. Sylveon used Moonblast dealing more damage on Glaceon.


At the dance party, Ash and I had to battle Gladion and Leah, two of the strongest trainers in Alola, it was really difficult since Purrloin wasn't really strong and it had a timid nature, but it pulled through and evolved into the Liepard we all know and love. Ash and I won that battle, much to my surprise and shortly after Leah gifted me her Fairium-Z telling me that I need more than she does. I thanked her.

When we got back to the Pokémon Center, Gladion had a boner because he loved Leah's dress so much that he got a little too excited. Leah handled him with understanding and respect even if it that situation was out of her league. I wanted to be like Leah, but now, I know that I must be myself, I'll fail if I try to be like Leah, I'm my own person and so is Leah. Leah and Gladion taught me a lot about battles and gave me lots of confidence throughout that journey and now I began my own journey and I'm happy to be here.

-End of Flashback-

"Sylveon you ready?" I asked my fairy type Eeveelution. Sylveon nodded, I grabbed my Fairium-Z that Leah gifted me and put it on my Z-Ring as I started my little speech. "An angelic force like love is unstoppable and shall not be shattered in pieces like glass, we may have fallen from the heavens above, but our strength and undying love will prevail as sparkles dazzle in the darkest of nights at the full moon where Lycanrocs howl, use Twinkle Tackle!" I exclaimed as Sylveon used Twinkle Tackle and finished off Glaceon, indicating that I won. "That was a great battle, Lillie, you were amazing!" May told me. "Yeah you have to teach me how to do that!" Max exclaimed. "Well I uh.. I'm not the person who you should talk to for this stuff." I told them. "Well then I guess we can travel together, we'll learn lots from each other!" May exclaimed. I nodded in agreement. "Alright! It is late, so we start in the morning!" May stated. "Indeed, I am beat." I said agreeing with May as we all went to bed. Unaware of what the future had in store for us.

Gladion's P.O.V

Leah and I chilled at her place for the rest of the day. I sighed, I'm sure gonna miss Lillie, sure she was a little annoying at times, she's still my sister and now I can't protect her like I used to before, she's taking care of herself now. I glanced over at the beautiful girl sitting next to me as I realized that she was asleep. I picked her up bridal style and brought her in her room, it was a hard day for both of us today so she deserved her rest as much as I did so I too went to bed. Completely unaware of what the future has in store for us and our relationship.

And with that, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to leave a ❤️ and tell me your constructive criticism and your thoughts in the comments section below and I'll see you in the next chapter! Peace!

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