Chapter 2 Getting to Know each other

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Here's chapter 2 I hope you're enjoying this so far as much as I have been enjoying this. Don't forget to leave a ❤️ and tell me your thoughts in the comments and with that I bid you a good read.

Leah's P.O.V

I went to the Pokémon center to restore my Partners. As I got out with them fully restored I walked near the battle dome. Only for I to hear Gladion say something. "Hmph. Why do I do this... Every time something brings me down, I end up coming right back here again... Come on, Null. Let's go bury our sorrow in the crowd." He said as he went inside.

I followed him inside unaware of what awaited me there. I was greeted by this world's version of my father. He explained to me the Battle Royale and the battle dome with some yeahs and some whoos which annoyed me very much. He then motioned to Hau to join the battle and kinda forced Gladion to join us. I feel bad for him. I defeated him in a Pokémon battle and he is just hanging around here. I walked up to him. He looked annoyed with my presence. "Hey um, I'm sorry for defeating you in that battle earlier, I should've known..." I told him. He didn't answered instead he just glared at me, his silence was killing me. I'm trying to help him, but I feel like I'm making things worst for him. I know barely anything about this version of Gladion. It would be nice to befriend him.

Then all so suddenly, "Dad" pushed us inside as we eventually got separated. As I came out of the Blue corner, I sent out Eclipse, "Dad" sent in Rockruff, Gladion sent in Type: Null as expected, and Hau sent out Brionne. Sheesh that won't be easy for me. Gladion spammed Tackle on me, until I had an idea. "Hey Gladion!" I exclaimed. He just glared at me. "How about we both attack Hau!" I told him. He smiled, but it faded. "Eclipse use Flamethrower!" I told my Kantonian Ninetales. Gladion was spamming Tackle on Hau as I was Spamming some Fire Type attacks until Brionne fainted. Since Eclipse lost a lot of HP due to the tackles that Gladion spammed, Gladion won. Honestly I'm happy for him.

We got out of the battle stage as I tried to have a conversation with Gladion once again. He glared at me. Seriously he just glares at me for no apparent reason. Though his gaze soften a bit when he saw me. "You didn't have to apologize for winning that battle earlier." He told me. I looked at the ground. "Oh." Was all I said. "Can you tell me more about your world?" He asked me. I was shocked. He just got me off guard. "Uh I guess I could." I told him a glint of nervessness taking over my voice. "You don't have to if you don't want." He told me. "Honestly I'll tell you about it, only if you tell me more about yours." I told him. He nodded in agreement. "This place is too noisy for my own good, how about we talk about this outside in an Isolated area." I told him. He nodded and we got out of the battle dome and all through Route 8 to the Road Side Motel. I looked at him with a confused look on my face, but I didn't say anything. "Well the walking was fast, it takes practically hours in walk to get here in my world." I told him. He glanced at me. "Why would you want to go here in your world?" He asked. "Well, uh In my Universe you're my best friend and we are traveling companions." I told him. He looked at me in disbelief and sighed.

We walked inside the small shabby motel. He sat on the bed as I sat later after he did. I noticed that he flinched when I sat next to him. I tried to relax him a bit by massaging his hand, but he only flinched once more. He glared at me as I took my hand away. "Oh uh sorry, I was trying to help..." I told him shyly. I noticed that he looked away, I assumed that he was blushing. "Okay then, uh I guess I'll start, my world is really different in every way." I started.

(Game) Gladion's P.O.V

There's something about Leah that I don't understand, she just met me and she's showing kindness towards me. It's been so long that someone had shown me kindness. She then started explaining the Universe she's from and such details. Turns out I'm an entirely different person in her world. If Mother found out, I have no idea what she'll do, but I know that I have to protect Leah from her. If she's telling the truth about her world, then I must help her return home. It just so happens that Professor Kukui is her father.

She reminded me of someone else. My best friend and my first crush. Basically, This Alola's version of Leah. She died two years ago, Mother murdered her the most cruel way possible and she told me that her death was my fault. She made me watch her die. It still haunts me to this day. I still haven't got over it. Although I know that the Leah sitting next to me is a different one, I wonder who she is to her Universe's version of Mother. "Also, uh I don't know if you want to know, but Lusamine in my world is actually really kind and The Aether Foundation are actually Loyal to what they say they are." Leah told me. Well that explains it. The Gladion from her world is lucky to still have her. "Now that's enough about my world, tell me about yours." She told me. "Uh how do I explain this?" I asked. I was so embarrassed, I really don't know how to explain this. "Okay then, can you tell me if there's an alternate version of me here?" Leah asked. I was shocked that she asked. I didn't wanted to tell her the truth, reality is often disappointing. "Uh no there's no Alternate version of you." I lied. She lifted one eyebrow, she's not buying it. "Really? In my world you're my best friend and my boyfriend, I know you like the back of my hand, I know you're lying." She told me. How do I break this down to her. "Uh I don't know how to explain this, but I'll say it like this, There was a Leah, but uh..." I said. I really couldn't finish the sentence, she looked at me and seemed to have understood what I was going on about. "Now the pieces fit together. I understand, if you don't want to talk about it, I won't force you." Leah told me. She really is an understanding person. I stopped being a wuss and spoke up. "Unlike your world, uh the Aether Foundation aren't loyal to what they say they are, they experiment on Pokémon and they are just really cruel in general. The president is the absolute worst amongst all the other employees. I ran away with Type: Null two years ago." I told her. "She's totally insane, I ran off in hopes of rescuing Lillie, but I'm not strong enough..." I told her. Leah looked at me with empathy. Her Glaceon jumped on the bed and layed down next to me. I noticed that it was getting late and that Leah wasn't going stay awake any longer and I was getting really tired. Leah went for the door, I assumed that she was going to the Pokémon Center for the night. Honestly, I didn't wanted her to leave. I didn't wanted to be left alone with my thoughts and my pain, but I didn't told her to stay and she just left. I sighed and went to bed or tried to sleep, but my thoughts are preventing me from a normal good night sleep. I groaned loudly as I tossed and turned on my bed.

Leah's P.O.V

I left the Motel, I did looked back, but at this rate, I'm too far from it to even walk back so I went in the Pokémon Center for the night, but a few questions are taking over my mind. Is Gladion doing fine right now? What about the people back home? Are they worried? Do they think I'm dead? What's going on back home? How is Gladion back home doing without me? I mentally groaned, So many questions so few answers. I decided to call someone back home, but no one answered. I decided to call it a night and went to bed.

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