Chapter 9 Raising Hell!

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Gladion's P.O.V

Leah's Pokémon trio formed a half circle in front of Leah and I. They were all ready to attack. The fire types a bit more than Krystal. "Hold your fire, both of you, Buddy and Eclipse." Leah told her fire type duo. Well now I know that Houndoom is actually nicknamed Buddy. Who names their Houndoom Buddy, seriously!? Well I shouldn't be concerned about Leah's poor naming skills, but the situation at hand is far more important. The insane woman in front of us spoke up. "Well well well, this is your world, huh Leah? It's beautiful, but not enough to be worthy of my love." She started. "What are you on about, Psychobitch!?" Leah told her. "Oh no she didn't!" Mallow exclaimed. "That's Leah for you, people!" Lillie cheered. "Lillie, That's not the time to-" Leah was about to say until she was interrupted by that psychopath. "Now, I'll turn this world in my image!" She told us before doing some psychotic evil laugh. "Okay then, I'll put it like this, battle me I won't take no for an answer. If I win, you leave our world, if you win, do what you want. I am the champion of Alola and I will protect my home and its people!" Leah said. I looked at Leah with an 'are you crazy' face. Then the four Island Deities came to help. Psychomine laughed like a psychopath and sent in her first Pokémon, Clefable. We all stood there in shock as Leah sent in her Lycanroc. "Lycanroc use Stealth Rock and then use Iron Tail!" Leah ordered Lycanroc, she was serious. "Stealth Rock strategy and then use a damage inflicting move, Leah is going all out to protect us!" Lillie exclaimed. Psychomine laughed and told Clefable to use Moonblast, Leah however responded with stone edge which hit Clefable dealing critical damage. "You guys go deal with the Ultra Beast, I'll deal with her!" Leah told us, but I stayed. "What are you doing!? Go help the others!" She snapped. "You'll need backup, I'm staying with you!" I told her. She groaned, but gave in. Clefable used Metronome and like assist it summoned a hydro pump. Leah gasped. "Dodge it Lycanroc and use Iron Tail!" Leah exclaimed. Instead of hitting Lycanroc, Hydro Pump hit Leah and I causing us to be completely drenched. She was freezing so I gave her my sweatshirt even though I'm aware of the risk I'm putting myself into.

Leah's P.O.V

"Isn't that your sweatshirt? Keep it you need it better than I do, I can handle myself." I told him. "I'm not letting you freeze, take it, I'm not taking no for an answer." Gladion told me. I smiled and put on his sweatshirt.

Shortly after, I won that battle with only Houndoom and Krystal remaining in almost perfect condition. I withdrew Houndoom since she's a bit too big for my ride Pokémon. We went to meet Lusamine, not psychomine, bit you know where I'm going. I did have to bring her with me. Throughout the way, Gladion was sneezing about, he must've caught a cold or something. We finally got there, but psychomine ran straight through the Ultra Wormhole. "Who was that?" Lusamine asked. "Psychomine." I replied. "Haha real-" Lusamine was about to say before being cut off by Gladion's sneezing. Lillie glared at him, whilst I just looked at him with concern evident in my eyes. I put my hand on his forehead and withdrew it immediately once I was satisfied. I looked at Gladion with a serious yet concerned look on my face. "You're hot." I told him. Lusamine was looking at me with a 'what are you doing' face. "Thank you." Gladion replied. I groaned in annoyance. "First off, Stop Messing with me. Second, I may tell you that I may think that. And sadly, I must stay serious because I dislike the condition you're in. I have interpreted it differently. To sum it up you're ill." I told him. "Leah, Speak English!" Mallow told me. "You may have not understood what Leah meant, Mallow, but I got the message." Lillie told Mallow. "Mind translating, if you got understood what Leah said." Kiawe said. "She just means that Gladion caught a cold or something and when she told him, he started messing with her so she explained what she meant with fancy words." Sophocles explained. "So to sum your huge paragraph about different interpretations of hot, you just meant that Gladion has a cold or something." Mallow stated. "Yes." I replied. "Well now he's your problem, Leah." Lillie told me. "Me!? He's YOUR brother!" I retorted. "I know, Leah, but he trusts you more than anyone else." Lillie told me. I sighed. "Fine, but I'm only doing this for his sake not because you asked me." I told Lillie. I grabbed Gladion's hand and dragged him towards his ride Pokémon. "Unfortunately for you, you're stuck with me, until you're-" I was about say, but I was cut off by another one of his sneezes. "Doing alright..." I finished. "At this rate, we're going straight for my house asap." I told him.

Gladion's P.O.V

Leah and I finally arrived at her house, I was exhausted, but I guess this was a side effect or something of that cold I caught. Leah sat me on the sofa, although I didn't wanted to, I didn't resist. I sat on the sofa as I started a sneezing fit. "Sit here and wait, I'll be back until I find some medicine which should be in the kitchen." Leah told me. "Details, details, you need to relax. And give that cute ass of yours a break." I told her. She turned back and stared at me in annoyance and started walking towards the kitchen. "I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you leave." I told her. Leah stopped in her tracks and looked back at me. "Damn, Lillie should've warned me that you were pervy when you're ill..." Leah told me before continuing her walk into the kitchen. I was so exhausted that I fell asleep instantly on that couch of hers.

Leah's P.O.V

After searching for a few minutes which felt like hours, I returned to the living room, which to my surprise, I found Gladion asleep on the couch. I'm not complaining at all, at least I know that right now he's not gonna be pervy, he's asleep. I'm really pissed at Lillie for not telling me that Gladion is a pervert when he's ill. I pat Gladion's hair for a bit and then went in my room and called Lillie. "Hi Leah!" Lillie exclaimed through the phone. "Why didn't you tell me that Gladion is a pervert when he's ill?" I asked. "Leah, I wanted to keep it a surprise. Either way, I trust more a sick Gladion than a healthy Faba." Lillie told me. "Okay point taken." I told her. "Mother and I would want to know how he's holding up." Lillie told me. "Aside from being pervy, he's fine, he's currently asleep on my couch." I told her. "Okay, We'll visit later, then." Lillie replied. "Alrighty then, See ya later!" I replied and hung up as I went in the living room. I sat on the couch and pat Gladion's hair once again. Gladion eventually woke up and started another sneezing fit. "Well Good evening, Sleepy head!" I told him. My sister ran in the room very suddenly. "I wanna have a battle!" She told us. "Now is not the time, Iryka." I kindly told her. Gladion stood there listening to the conversation and glancing at the medicine I brought. "If anything, sis, you'll have to battle Tim and his Eevee that he named Bolt." I told her. "Okay, Leah!" She said and left. "You know you can take that, it should help, one full spoon though." I told him. I went to give him back his sweatshirt, but he stopped me. "Keep it, You're cute in it." He told me. I kept the slightly large and long sweatshirt on me. I tried to mimic Gladion's pose. Which I earned a chuckle and a smirk for doing so. I stopped messing with him as I noticed he took the medicine and cringed at it. "I know, I hate it too." I told him. "I hope you'll stop staring at my ass now..." I thought. Then all so unsurprisingly, Lillie and Lusamine walked in. Lillie smirked, that smirk that I really dislike. "Lillie, whatever you're thinking stop, nothing happened between us." I told her. She just chuckled mischievously. I groaned. "Aside from Lillie's annoying shenanigans, how have you been holding up?" Lusamine asked. "We've been doing fine!" Gladion and I said in unison. Lillie chuckled once again. "I can't wait to assist to your wedding, Gladion!" Lillie told him which made both of us blush. Lusamine looked at Lillie with an annoyed face. "I don't think we're quite there yet." I told her. "Well we just wanted to check on you, I'll see you tomorrow maybe." Lillie said before she left with Lusamine. "Lillie's on to something and whatever it is, I don't like it." I told Gladion. He just nodded drowsily. "If you're that tired get changed and go to bed, I'll meet you there when you're ready." I told him as I went in my room to grab my pjs and went in the bathroom to change. When I was done I went in my room and found Gladion asleep on top of the covers in his boxers. I sighed and tried my best to put the covers on top of him without waking him up. I finally done that task and finally drifted off to sleep.

And That sums this chapter, I just started chapter 10. Tell me in the comments if you want a Lemon Bonus Chapter. And with that, don't forget to leave a ❤️ and I'll see y'all in the next chapter! Peace!

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